package controllers import import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{ Result, Results, Call, RequestHeader, Accepting } import play.api.Play.current import lila.api.{ Context, BodyContext } import import lila.common.{ HTTPRequest, LilaCookie } import{ GameRepo, Pov, AnonCookie } import lila.setup.{ HookConfig, ValidFen } import lila.user.UserRepo import views._ object Setup extends LilaController with TheftPrevention { private def env = Env.setup def aiForm = Open { implicit ctx => if (HTTPRequest isXhr ctx.req) { env.forms aiFilled get("fen") map { form => form,, form("fen").value flatMap ValidFen(getBool("strict"))) } } else fuccess { Redirect(routes.Lobby.home + "#ai") } } def ai = process( { config => implicit ctx => env.processor ai config map { pov => pov -> routes.Round.player(pov.fullId) } } def friendForm(userId: Option[String]) = Open { implicit ctx => if (HTTPRequest isXhr ctx.req) { env.forms friendFilled get("fen") flatMap { form => val validFen = form("fen").value flatMap ValidFen(false) userId ?? UserRepo.named flatMap { case None => fuccess(html.setup.friend(form, none, none, validFen)) case Some(user) => challenge(user) map { error => html.setup.friend(form, user.some, error, validFen) } } } } else fuccess { Redirect(routes.Lobby.home + "#friend") } } private def challenge(user: lila.user.User)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Option[String]] = match { case None => fuccess("Only registered players can send challenges.".some) case Some(me) => Env.relation.api.blocks(, flatMap { case true => fuccess(s"{{user}} doesn't accept challenges from you.".some) case false => Env.pref.api getPref user zip Env.relation.api.follows(, map { case (pref, follow) => lila.pref.Pref.Challenge.block(me, user, pref.challenge, follow) } } } def friend(userId: Option[String]) = process(env.forms.friend) { config => implicit ctx => (ctx.userId ?? GameRepo.removeChallengesOf) >> { env.processor friend config map { pov => pov -> routes.Setup.await(pov.fullId, userId) } } } def decline(gameId: String) = Auth { implicit ctx => me => OptionResult(GameRepo game gameId) { game => if (game.started) BadRequest("Cannot decline started challenge") else { GameRepo remove ! lila.hub.actorApi.setup.DeclineChallenge(gameId) Ok("ok") } } } def hookForm = Open { implicit ctx => if (HTTPRequest isXhr ctx.req) NoPlayban { env.forms.hookFilled(timeModeString = get("time")) map { html.setup.hook(_) } } else fuccess { Redirect(routes.Lobby.home + "#hook") } } // if request comes from mobile // and the hook is casual, // reuse the saved "membersOnly" value // from the site preferred hook setup private def mobileHookAllowAnon(config: HookConfig)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[HookConfig] = if (lila.api.Mobile.Api requested ctx.req) env.forms.hookConfig map { saved => config.copy(allowAnon = saved.allowAnon) } else fuccess(config) private def hookResponse(hookId: String) = Ok(Json.obj( "ok" -> true, "hook" -> Json.obj("id" -> hookId))) as JSON def hook(uid: String) = OpenBody { implicit ctx => implicit val req = ctx.body NoPlayban { env.forms.hook(ctx).bindFromRequest.fold( err => negotiate( html = BadRequest(err.errorsAsJson.toString).fuccess, api = _ => BadRequest(err.errorsAsJson).fuccess), preConfig => (ctx.userId ?? Env.relation.api.blocking) zip mobileHookAllowAnon(preConfig) flatMap { case (blocking, config) => env.processor.hook(config, uid, HTTPRequest sid req, blocking) map hookResponse recover { case e: IllegalArgumentException => BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> e.getMessage)) as JSON } } ) } } def like(uid: String, gameId: String) = Open { implicit ctx => NoPlayban { env.forms.hookConfig flatMap { config => GameRepo game gameId map { _.fold(config)(config.updateFrom) } flatMap { config => (ctx.userId ?? Env.relation.api.blocking) flatMap { blocking => env.processor.hook(config, uid, HTTPRequest sid ctx.req, blocking) map hookResponse recover { case e: IllegalArgumentException => BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> e.getMessage)) as JSON } } } } } } def filterForm = Open { implicit ctx => env.forms.filterFilled map { case (form, filter) => html.setup.filter(form, filter) } } def filter = OpenBody { implicit ctx => implicit val req = ctx.body env.forms.filter(ctx).bindFromRequest.fold[Fu[Result]]( f => fulogwarn(f.errors.toString) inject BadRequest(()), config => JsonOk(env.processor filter config inject config.render) ) } def join(id: String) = Open { implicit ctx => OptionFuResult(GameRepo game id) { game => env.friendJoiner(game, err => negotiate( html = fuccess { Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(id, "white")) }, api = _ => fuccess { BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> err.toString)) as JSON } ), _ flatMap { case (p, events) => { Env.hub.socket.round !, lila.round.actorApi.EventList(events)) negotiate( html = fuccess { implicit val req = ctx.req redirectPov(p, routes.Round.player(p.fullId)) }, api = apiVersion => Env.api.roundApi.player(p, apiVersion) map { data => Created(data) as JSON }) } }) } } def await(fullId: String, userId: Option[String]) = Open { implicit ctx => OptionFuResult(GameRepo pov fullId) { pov => Redirect(routes.Round.player(pov.fullId)).fuccess, Env.api.roundApi.player(pov, lila.api.Mobile.Api.currentVersion) zip (userId ?? UserRepo.named) flatMap { case (data, user) => PreventTheft(pov) { Ok(html.setup.await( pov, data, env.friendConfigMemo get, user)).fuccess } } ) } } def cancel(fullId: String) = Open { implicit ctx => OptionResult(GameRepo pov fullId) { pov => if ( Redirect(routes.Round.player(pov.fullId)) else { GameRepo remove Redirect(routes.Lobby.home) } } } def validateFen = Open { implicit ctx => get("fen") flatMap ValidFen(getBool("strict")) match { case None => BadRequest.fuccess case Some(v) => Ok(, } } private def process[A](form: Context => Form[A])(op: A => BodyContext => Fu[(Pov, Call)]) = OpenBody { implicit ctx => implicit val req = ctx.body form(ctx).bindFromRequest.fold( f => negotiate( html = Lobby.renderHome(Results.BadRequest), api = _ => fuccess(BadRequest(f.errorsAsJson)) ), config => op(config)(ctx) flatMap { case (pov, call) => negotiate( html = fuccess(redirectPov(pov, call)), api = apiVersion => Env.api.roundApi.player(pov, apiVersion) map { data => Created(data) as JSON } ) } ) } private def redirectPov(pov: Pov, call: Call)(implicit ctx: Context, req: RequestHeader) = if (ctx.isAuth) Redirect(call) else Redirect(call) withCookies LilaCookie.cookie(, pov.playerId, maxAge = AnonCookie.maxAge.some, httpOnly = false.some) }