[lichess.org](http://lichess.org) --------------------------------- It's a free online chess game focused on [realtime](http://lichess.org/games) and simplicity. It haz a [search engine](http://lichess.org/games/search), [computer analysis](http://lichess.org/analyse/ief49lif), [tournaments](http://lichess.org/tournament), [forums](http://lichess.org/forum), [teams](http://lichess.org/team), and a weird [monitoring console](http://lichess.org/monitor). The UI is available in [72 languages](http://lichess.org/translation/contribute) thanks to the community. Lichess is written in [Scala 2.10](http://www.scala-lang.org/), and relies on [Play 2.1](http://www.playframework.com/) for the routing, templating, and JSON. The codebase is fully asynchronous, making heavy use of Scala Futures and [Akka 2 actors](http://akka.io). Lichess talks to [Stockfish](http://stockfishchess.org/) using a [FSM Actor](https://github.com/ornicar/lila/blob/master/modules/ai/src/main/stockfish/ActorFSM.scala) to handle AI moves and analysis. It uses [MongoDB 2.4](http://mongodb.org) to store about 10 million games, which are indexed by [elasticsearch 0.90](http://elasticsearch.org). HTTP requests and websocket connections are proxied by [nginx 1.4](http://nginx.org). Join us on [#lichess IRC channel](http://lichess.org/irc) for more info. Installation ------------ This is full-stack application, not a library, and it may not be straightforward to get it fully running. I assume you run a Unix with mongodb. > Some steps of the installation will trigger a download of the galaxy. It will take ages. ```sh git clone git://github.com/ornicar/lila cd lila git submodule update --init bin/play compile ``` ### Configuration ```sh cp conf/application.conf.dist conf/application.conf ``` `application.conf` extends `base.conf` and can override any value. Note that `application.conf` is excluded from git index. ### Websocket proxying and language subdomains When accessed from the root domaing (e.g. lichess.org), the application will redirect to a language specific subdomaing (e.g. en.lichess.org). Additionally, lichess will open websockets on the `socket.` subdomain (e.g. socket.en.lichess.org). Here is my local nginx configuration for `l.org`, assuming lila is installed in `/home/thib/lila` and runs on [/etc/nginx/l.org.conf](https://github.com/ornicar/lila/blob/master/doc/nginx/l.org.conf) And here is my local [/etc/hosts file](https://github.com/ornicar/lila/blob/master/doc/hosts) ### Run it Launch the play console: ```sh bin/play ``` From here you can now run the application (`run`). Credits ------- Big thanks go to lichess community for the support, inspiration, bug reports, and [amazing translation efforts](http://lichess.org/translation/contribute). Special thanks go to: - [Mephostophilis](http://lichess.org/@/Mephostophilis) for writing [Lichess Wiki](http://lichess.org/wiki), leading the cheater hunt, moderating the site, reporting countless bugs, and contributing to the codebase - [Smiling Bishop](http://lichess.org/@/smiling_bishop), [legend](http://lichess.org/@/legend), [mb](http://lichess.org/@/mb) and all the moderators who spent time keeping the site enjoyable - [Evropi](https://github.com/evropi) for contributing to the wiki and animating #lichess IRC channel - [Steibock](https://github.com/Steibock) for board theming - [Yusuke Kamiyamane](http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/) for the fugue icons - [pgn4web](http://pgn4web.casaschi.net/home.html) for the analysis board Thanks to all players for feeding the database.