chat should autoscroll only when at bottom finish flagged game It's possible to join your own game and win it, which will then be displayed as a win and I saw players who abuse this to manipulate their stats. player timeout depending on game duration do not count games vs engine as win/loss prevent cheaters from joining the game translate "view rematch" translate clock name start chess960 after both player move prevent round watcher/player response client caching user info is expensive - cache it chess960 confirmation use play-navigator router case class MyRegexStr(value: String); implicit val MyRegexStrPathParam: PathParam[MyRegexStr] = new PathParam[MyRegexStr] { def apply(s: MyRegexStr) = s.value}; def unapply(s: String) = val Rx = "(\w+)".r; s match { case Rx(x) => Some(x); case _ => None } } use POST instead of GET where it makes sense translation contributions check sf2 commands to port make the wiki static html pages managed by git? compensate lag nb-playing is wrong (mongo date?) spectator chat! guess friend list star people and games (and forum threads?) autoclose top menus tournaments long name display issue new translations: -rematchOfferCanceled=Rematch offer canceled -rematchOfferDeclined=Rematch offer declined