import * as cg from 'chessground/types'; import * as chessUtil from 'chess'; import * as game from 'game'; import * as keyboard from './keyboard'; import * as speech from './speech'; import * as util from './util'; import * as xhr from 'common/xhr'; import debounce from 'common/debounce'; import GamebookPlayCtrl from './study/gamebook/gamebookPlayCtrl'; import makeStudy from './study/studyCtrl'; import throttle from 'common/throttle'; import { AnalyseOpts, AnalyseData, ServerEvalData, Key, JustCaptured, NvuiPlugin, Redraw } from './interfaces'; import { Api as ChessgroundApi } from 'chessground/api'; import { Autoplay, AutoplayDelay } from './autoplay'; import { build as makeTree, path as treePath, ops as treeOps, TreeWrapper } from 'tree'; import { compute as computeAutoShapes } from './autoShape'; import { Config as ChessgroundConfig } from 'chessground/config'; import { ActionMenuCtrl } from './actionMenu'; import { ctrl as cevalCtrl, isEvalBetter, sanIrreversible, CevalCtrl, EvalMeta } from 'ceval'; import { ctrl as treeViewCtrl, TreeView } from './treeView/treeView'; import { defined, prop, Prop } from 'common'; import { DrawShape } from 'chessground/draw'; import { ForecastCtrl } from './forecast/interfaces'; import { lichessRules } from 'chessops/compat'; import { make as makeEvalCache, EvalCache } from './evalCache'; import { make as makeForecast } from './forecast/forecastCtrl'; import { make as makeFork, ForkCtrl } from './fork'; import { make as makePractice, PracticeCtrl } from './practice/practiceCtrl'; import { make as makeRetro, RetroCtrl } from './retrospect/retroCtrl'; import { make as makeSocket, Socket } from './socket'; import { nextGlyphSymbol } from './nodeFinder'; import { opposite, parseUci, makeSquare, roleToChar } from 'chessops/util'; import { Outcome, isNormal } from 'chessops/types'; import { parseFen } from 'chessops/fen'; import { Position, PositionError } from 'chessops/chess'; import { Result } from '@badrap/result'; import { setupPosition } from 'chessops/variant'; import { storedProp, StoredBooleanProp } from 'common/storage'; import { AnaMove, StudyCtrl } from './study/interfaces'; import { StudyPracticeCtrl } from './study/practice/interfaces'; import { valid as crazyValid } from './crazy/crazyCtrl'; import { PromotionCtrl } from 'chess/promotion'; import wikiTheory, { WikiTheory } from './wiki'; import ExplorerCtrl from './explorer/explorerCtrl'; export default class AnalyseCtrl { data: AnalyseData; element: HTMLElement; tree: TreeWrapper; socket: Socket; chessground: ChessgroundApi; trans: Trans; ceval: CevalCtrl; evalCache: EvalCache; // current tree state, cursor, and denormalized node lists path: Tree.Path; node: Tree.Node; nodeList: Tree.Node[]; mainline: Tree.Node[]; // sub controllers actionMenu: ActionMenuCtrl; autoplay: Autoplay; explorer: ExplorerCtrl; forecast?: ForecastCtrl; retro?: RetroCtrl; fork: ForkCtrl; practice?: PracticeCtrl; study?: StudyCtrl; studyPractice?: StudyPracticeCtrl; promotion: PromotionCtrl; wiki?: WikiTheory; // state flags justPlayed?: string; // pos justDropped?: string; // role justCaptured?: JustCaptured; autoScrollRequested = false; redirecting = false; onMainline = true; synthetic: boolean; // false if coming from a real game ongoing: boolean; // true if real game is ongoing // display flags flipped = false; embed: boolean; showComments = true; // whether to display comments in the move tree showAutoShapes: StoredBooleanProp = storedProp('show-auto-shapes', true); showGauge: StoredBooleanProp = storedProp('show-gauge', true); showComputer: StoredBooleanProp = storedProp('show-computer', true); showMoveAnnotation: StoredBooleanProp = storedProp('show-move-annotation', true); keyboardHelp: boolean = location.hash === '#keyboard'; threatMode: Prop = prop(false); treeView: TreeView; cgVersion = { js: 1, // increment to recreate chessground dom: 1, }; // underboard inputs fenInput?: string; pgnInput?: string; // other paths initialPath: Tree.Path; contextMenuPath?: Tree.Path; gamePath?: Tree.Path; // misc cgConfig: any; // latest chessground config (useful for revert) music?: any; nvui?: NvuiPlugin; pvUciQueue: Uci[] = []; constructor(readonly opts: AnalyseOpts, readonly redraw: Redraw) { =; this.element = opts.element; this.embed = opts.embed; this.trans = opts.trans; this.treeView = treeViewCtrl(opts.embed ? 'inline' : 'column'); this.promotion = new PromotionCtrl(this.withCg, () => this.withCg(g => g.set(this.cgConfig)), this.redraw); if ( this.forecast = makeForecast(,, redraw); if ( = wikiTheory(); if (lichess.AnalyseNVUI) this.nvui = lichess.AnalyseNVUI(redraw) as NvuiPlugin; this.instanciateEvalCache(); this.initialize(, false); this.instanciateCeval(); this.initialPath = treePath.root; { const loc = window.location, hashPly = loc.hash === '#last' ? this.tree.lastPly() : parseInt(loc.hash.substr(1)); if (hashPly) { // remove location hash - window.history.replaceState(null, '', loc.pathname +; const mainline = treeOps.mainlineNodeList(this.tree.root); this.initialPath = treeOps.takePathWhile(mainline, n => n.ply <= hashPly); } } this.setPath(this.initialPath); this.showGround(); this.onToggleComputer(); this.startCeval(); this.explorer.setNode(); = ? makeStudy(, this, (opts.tagTypes || '').split(','), opts.practice, opts.relay) : undefined; this.studyPractice = ? : undefined; if (location.hash === '#practice' || ( && this.togglePractice(); else if (location.hash === '#menu') lichess.requestIdleCallback(this.actionMenu.toggle, 500); keyboard.bind(this); lichess.pubsub.on('jump', (ply: string) => { this.jumpToMain(parseInt(ply)); this.redraw(); }); lichess.pubsub.on('sound_set', (set: string) => { if (! && set === 'music') lichess.loadScript('javascripts/music/replay.js').then(() => { = window.lichessReplayMusic(); }); if ( && set !== 'music') = null; }); lichess.pubsub.on('analysis.change.trigger', this.onChange); lichess.pubsub.on('', index => { this.jumpToIndex(index); this.redraw(); }); speech.setup(); } initialize(data: AnalyseData, merge: boolean): void { = data; this.synthetic = === 'synthetic'; this.ongoing = !this.synthetic && game.playable(data); const prevTree = merge && this.tree.root; this.tree = makeTree(util.treeReconstruct(; if (prevTree) this.tree.merge(prevTree); this.actionMenu = new ActionMenuCtrl(); this.autoplay = new Autoplay(this); if (this.socket) this.socket.clearCache(); else this.socket = makeSocket(this.opts.socketSend, this); if (this.explorer) this.explorer.destroy(); this.explorer = new ExplorerCtrl(this, this.opts.explorer, this.explorer ? this.explorer.allowed() : !this.embed); this.gamePath = this.synthetic || this.ongoing ? undefined : treePath.fromNodeList(treeOps.mainlineNodeList(this.tree.root)); this.fork = makeFork(this); lichess.sound.preloadBoardSounds(); } enableWiki = (v: boolean) => { = v ? wikiTheory() : undefined; if (; }; private setPath = (path: Tree.Path): void => { this.path = path; this.nodeList = this.tree.getNodeList(path); this.node = treeOps.last(this.nodeList) as Tree.Node; this.mainline = treeOps.mainlineNodeList(this.tree.root); this.onMainline = this.tree.pathIsMainline(path); this.fenInput = undefined; this.pgnInput = undefined; if (; }; flip = () => { this.flipped = !this.flipped; this.chessground.set({ orientation: this.bottomColor(), }); if (this.retro && !== 'racingKings') { this.retro = makeRetro(this, this.bottomColor()); } if (this.practice) this.restartPractice(); this.explorer.onFlip(); this.redraw(); }; topColor(): Color { return opposite(this.bottomColor()); } bottomColor(): Color { if ( === 'racingKings') return this.flipped ? 'black' : 'white'; return this.flipped ? opposite( :; } bottomIsWhite = () => this.bottomColor() === 'white'; getOrientation(): Color { // required by ui/ceval return this.bottomColor(); } getNode(): Tree.Node { // required by ui/ceval return this.node; } turnColor(): Color { return util.plyColor(this.node.ply); } togglePlay(delay: AutoplayDelay): void { this.autoplay.toggle(delay); = false; } private uciToLastMove(uci?: Uci): Key[] | undefined { if (!uci) return; if (uci[1] === '@') return [uci.substr(2, 2), uci.substr(2, 2)] as Key[]; return [uci.substr(0, 2), uci.substr(2, 2)] as Key[]; } private showGround(): void { this.onChange(); if (!defined(this.node.dests)) this.getDests(); this.withCg(cg => { cg.set(this.makeCgOpts()); this.setAutoShapes(); if (this.node.shapes) cg.setShapes(this.node.shapes as DrawShape[]); }); } getDests: () => void = throttle(800, () => { if (!this.embed && !defined(this.node.dests)) this.socket.sendAnaDests({ variant:, fen: this.node.fen, path: this.path, }); }); makeCgOpts(): ChessgroundConfig { const node = this.node, color = this.turnColor(), dests = chessUtil.readDests(this.node.dests), drops = chessUtil.readDrops(this.node.drops), gamebookPlay = this.gamebookPlay(), movableColor = gamebookPlay ? gamebookPlay.movableColor() : this.practice ? this.bottomColor() : !this.embed && ((dests && dests.size > 0) || drops === null || drops.length) ? color : undefined, config: ChessgroundConfig = { fen: node.fen, turnColor: color, movable: this.embed ? { color: undefined, dests: new Map(), } : { color: movableColor, dests: (movableColor === color && dests) || new Map(), }, check: !!node.check, lastMove: this.uciToLastMove(node.uci), }; if (!dests && !node.check) { // premove while dests are loading from server // can't use when in check because it highlights the wrong king config.turnColor = opposite(color); config.movable!.color = color; } config.premovable = { enabled: config.movable!.color && config.turnColor !== config.movable!.color, }; this.cgConfig = config; return config; } private throttleSound = (name: string) => throttle(100, () =>; private sound = { move: this.throttleSound('move'), capture: this.throttleSound('capture'), check: this.throttleSound('check'), }; private onChange: () => void = throttle(300, () => { lichess.pubsub.emit('analysis.change', this.node.fen, this.path, this.onMainline ? this.node.ply : false); }); private updateHref: () => void = debounce(() => { if (! window.history.replaceState(null, '', '#' + this.node.ply); }, 750); autoScroll(): void { this.autoScrollRequested = true; } playedLastMoveMyself = () => !!this.justPlayed && !!this.node.uci && this.node.uci.startsWith(this.justPlayed); jump(path: Tree.Path): void { const pathChanged = path !== this.path, isForwardStep = pathChanged && path.length == this.path.length + 2; this.setPath(path); if (pathChanged) { if (, this.node); if (isForwardStep) { if (!this.node.uci) this.sound.move(); // initial position else if (!this.playedLastMoveMyself()) { if (this.node.san!.includes('x')) this.sound.capture(); else this.sound.move(); } if (/\+|#/.test(this.node.san!)) this.sound.check(); } this.threatMode(false); this.ceval.stop(); this.startCeval(); speech.node(this.node); } this.justPlayed = this.justDropped = this.justCaptured = undefined; this.explorer.setNode(); this.updateHref(); this.autoScroll(); this.promotion.cancel(); if (pathChanged) { if (this.retro) this.retro.onJump(); if (this.practice) this.practice.onJump(); if (; } if (; lichess.pubsub.emit('ply', this.node.ply); this.showGround(); } userJump = (path: Tree.Path): void => { this.autoplay.stop(); if (!this.gamebookPlay()) this.withCg(cg => cg.selectSquare(null)); if (this.practice) { const prev = this.path; this.practice.preUserJump(prev, path); this.jump(path); this.practice.postUserJump(prev, this.path); } else this.jump(path); }; private canJumpTo(path: Tree.Path): boolean { return ! ||; } userJumpIfCan(path: Tree.Path): void { if (this.canJumpTo(path)) this.userJump(path); } mainlinePathToPly(ply: Ply): Tree.Path { return treeOps.takePathWhile(this.mainline, n => n.ply <= ply); } jumpToMain = (ply: Ply): void => { this.userJump(this.mainlinePathToPly(ply)); }; jumpToIndex = (index: number): void => { this.jumpToMain(index + 1 + this.tree.root.ply); }; jumpToGlyphSymbol(color: Color, symbol: string): void { const node = nextGlyphSymbol(color, symbol, this.mainline, this.node.ply); if (node) this.jumpToMain(node.ply); this.redraw(); } reloadData(data: AnalyseData, merge: boolean): void { this.initialize(data, merge); this.redirecting = false; this.setPath(treePath.root); this.instanciateCeval(); this.instanciateEvalCache(); this.cgVersion.js++; } changePgn(pgn: string): void { this.redirecting = true; xhr .json('/analysis/pgn', { method: 'post', body: xhr.form({ pgn }), }) .then( (data: AnalyseData) => { this.reloadData(data, false); this.userJump(this.mainlinePathToPly(this.tree.lastPly())); this.redraw(); }, error => { console.log(error); this.redirecting = false; this.redraw(); } ); } changeFen(fen: Fen): void { this.redirecting = true; window.location.href = '/analysis/' + + '/' + encodeURIComponent(fen).replace(/%20/g, '_').replace(/%2F/g, '/'); } userNewPiece = (piece: cg.Piece, pos: Key): void => { if (crazyValid(this.chessground, this.node.drops, piece, pos)) { this.justPlayed = roleToChar(piece.role).toUpperCase() + '@' + pos; this.justDropped = piece.role; this.justCaptured = undefined; this.sound.move(); const drop = { role: piece.role, pos, variant:, fen: this.node.fen, path: this.path, }; this.socket.sendAnaDrop(drop); this.preparePremoving(); this.redraw(); } else this.jump(this.path); }; userMove = (orig: Key, dest: Key, capture?: JustCaptured): void => { this.justPlayed = orig; this.justDropped = undefined; const piece = this.chessground.state.pieces.get(dest); const isCapture = capture || (piece && piece.role == 'pawn' && orig[0] != dest[0]); this.sound[isCapture ? 'capture' : 'move'](); if (!this.promotion.start(orig, dest, (orig, dest, prom) => this.sendMove(orig, dest, capture, prom))) { this.sendMove(orig, dest, capture); } }; sendMove = (orig: Key, dest: Key, capture?: JustCaptured, prom?: cg.Role): void => { const move: AnaMove = { orig, dest, variant:, fen: this.node.fen, path: this.path, }; if (capture) this.justCaptured = capture; if (prom) move.promotion = prom; if (this.practice) this.practice.onUserMove(); this.socket.sendAnaMove(move); this.preparePremoving(); this.redraw(); }; private preparePremoving(): void { this.chessground.set({ turnColor: this.chessground.state.movable.color as cg.Color, movable: { color: opposite(this.chessground.state.movable.color as cg.Color), }, premovable: { enabled: true, }, }); } onPremoveSet = () => { if (; }; addNode(node: Tree.Node, path: Tree.Path) { const newPath = this.tree.addNode(node, path); if (!newPath) { console.log("Can't addNode", node, path); return this.redraw(); } this.jump(newPath); this.redraw(); const queuedUci = this.pvUciQueue.shift(); if (queuedUci) this.playUci(queuedUci, this.pvUciQueue); else this.chessground.playPremove(); } addDests(dests: string, path: Tree.Path): void { this.tree.addDests(dests, path); if (path === this.path) { this.showGround(); if (this.outcome()) this.ceval.stop(); } this.withCg(cg => cg.playPremove()); } deleteNode(path: Tree.Path): void { const node = this.tree.nodeAtPath(path); if (!node) return; const count = treeOps.countChildrenAndComments(node); if ( (count.nodes >= 10 || count.comments > 0) && !confirm( 'Delete ' + util.plural('move', count.nodes) + (count.comments ? ' and ' + util.plural('comment', count.comments) : '') + '?' ) ) return; this.tree.deleteNodeAt(path); if (treePath.contains(this.path, path)) this.userJump(treePath.init(path)); else this.jump(this.path); if (; } promote(path: Tree.Path, toMainline: boolean): void { this.tree.promoteAt(path, toMainline); this.jump(path); if (, toMainline); } forceVariation(path: Tree.Path, force: boolean): void { this.tree.forceVariationAt(path, force); this.jump(path); if (, force); } reset(): void { this.showGround(); this.redraw(); } encodeNodeFen(): Fen { return this.node.fen.replace(/\s/g, '_'); } currentEvals() { return { server: this.node.eval, client: this.node.ceval, }; } nextNodeBest() { return treeOps.withMainlineChild(this.node, (n: Tree.Node) => n.eval?.best); } setAutoShapes = (): void => { this.withCg(cg => cg.setAutoShapes(computeAutoShapes(this))); }; private onNewCeval = (ev: Tree.ClientEval, path: Tree.Path, isThreat?: boolean): void => { this.tree.updateAt(path, (node: Tree.Node) => { if (node.fen !== ev.fen && !isThreat) return; if (isThreat) { const threat = ev as Tree.LocalEval; if (!node.threat || isEvalBetter(threat, node.threat) || node.threat.maxDepth < threat.maxDepth) node.threat = threat; } else if (!node.ceval || isEvalBetter(ev, node.ceval)) node.ceval = ev; else if (! { if ( && this.ceval.isDeeper()) node.ceval = ev; else if (ev.maxDepth > node.ceval.maxDepth!) node.ceval.maxDepth = ev.maxDepth; } if (path === this.path) { this.setAutoShapes(); if (!isThreat) { if (this.retro) this.retro.onCeval(); if (this.practice) this.practice.onCeval(); if (this.studyPractice) this.studyPractice.onCeval(); this.evalCache.onCeval(); if ( && ev.depth >= this.ceval.effectiveMaxDepth()) this.ceval.stop(); } this.redraw(); } }); }; private instanciateCeval(): void { if (this.ceval) this.ceval.destroy(); this.ceval = cevalCtrl({ variant:, initialFen:, possible: !this.embed && (this.synthetic || !game.playable(, emit: (ev: Tree.ClientEval, work: EvalMeta) => { this.onNewCeval(ev, work.path, work.threatMode); }, setAutoShapes: this.setAutoShapes, redraw: this.redraw, ...( && this.opts.practice ? { storageKeyPrefix: 'practice', multiPvDefault: 1, } : {}), }); } getCeval() { return this.ceval; } outcome(node?: Tree.Node): Outcome | undefined { return this.position(node || this.node).unwrap( pos => pos.outcome(), _ => undefined ); } position(node: Tree.Node): Result { const setup = parseFen(node.fen).unwrap(); return setupPosition(lichessRules(, setup); } canUseCeval(): boolean { return !this.node.threefold && !this.outcome(); } startCeval = throttle(800, () => { if (this.ceval.enabled()) { if (this.canUseCeval()) { this.ceval.start(this.path, this.nodeList, this.threatMode()); this.evalCache.fetch(this.path, parseInt(this.ceval.multiPv())); } else this.ceval.stop(); } }); toggleCeval = () => { if (!this.showComputer()) return; this.ceval.toggle(); this.setAutoShapes(); this.startCeval(); if (!this.ceval.enabled()) { this.threatMode(false); if (this.practice) this.togglePractice(); } this.redraw(); }; toggleThreatMode = () => { if (this.node.check) return; if (!this.ceval.enabled()) this.ceval.toggle(); if (!this.ceval.enabled()) return; this.threatMode(!this.threatMode()); if (this.threatMode() && this.practice) this.togglePractice(); this.setAutoShapes(); this.startCeval(); this.redraw(); }; disableThreatMode = (): boolean => { return !!this.practice; }; mandatoryCeval = (): boolean => { return !!this.studyPractice; }; private cevalReset(): void { this.ceval.stop(); if (!this.ceval.enabled()) this.ceval.toggle(); this.startCeval(); this.redraw(); } cevalSetMultiPv = (v: number): void => { this.ceval.multiPv(v); this.tree.removeCeval(); this.evalCache.clear(); this.cevalReset(); }; cevalSetThreads = (v: number): void => { if (!this.ceval.threads) return; this.ceval.threads(v); this.cevalReset(); }; cevalSetHashSize = (v: number): void => { if (!this.ceval.hashSize) return; this.ceval.hashSize(v); this.cevalReset(); }; cevalSetInfinite = (v: boolean): void => { this.ceval.infinite(v); this.cevalReset(); }; showEvalGauge(): boolean { return this.hasAnyComputerAnalysis() && this.showGauge() && !this.outcome() && this.showComputer(); } hasAnyComputerAnalysis(): boolean { return ? true : this.ceval.enabled(); } hasFullComputerAnalysis = (): boolean => { return Object.keys(this.mainline[0].eval || {}).length > 0; }; private resetAutoShapes() { if (this.showAutoShapes() || this.showMoveAnnotation()) this.setAutoShapes(); else this.chessground && this.chessground.setAutoShapes([]); } toggleAutoShapes = (v: boolean): void => { this.showAutoShapes(v); this.resetAutoShapes(); }; toggleGauge = () => { this.showGauge(!this.showGauge()); }; toggleMoveAnnotation = (v: boolean): void => { this.showMoveAnnotation(v); this.resetAutoShapes(); }; private onToggleComputer() { if (!this.showComputer()) { this.tree.removeComputerVariations(); if (this.ceval.enabled()) this.toggleCeval(); this.chessground && this.chessground.setAutoShapes([]); } else this.resetAutoShapes(); } toggleComputer = () => { if (this.ceval.enabled()) this.toggleCeval(); const value = !this.showComputer(); this.showComputer(value); if (!value && this.practice) this.togglePractice(); this.onToggleComputer(); lichess.pubsub.emit('analysis.comp.toggle', value); }; mergeAnalysisData(data: ServerEvalData): void { if ( && !== return; this.tree.merge(data.tree); if (!this.showComputer()) this.tree.removeComputerVariations(); = data.analysis; if (data.analysis) data.analysis.partial = !!treeOps.findInMainline(data.tree, n => !n.eval && !!n.children.length && n.ply <= 200); if (data.division) = data.division; if (this.retro) this.retro.onMergeAnalysisData(); if (; lichess.pubsub.emit('analysis.server.progress',; this.redraw(); } playUci(uci: Uci, uciQueue?: Uci[]): void { this.pvUciQueue = uciQueue ?? []; const move = parseUci(uci)!; const to = makeSquare(; if (isNormal(move)) { const piece = this.chessground.state.pieces.get(makeSquare(move.from)); const capture = this.chessground.state.pieces.get(to); this.sendMove( makeSquare(move.from), to, capture && piece && capture.color !== piece.color ? capture : undefined, move.promotion ); } else this.chessground.newPiece( { color: this.chessground.state.movable.color as Color, role: move.role, }, to ); } playUciList(uciList: Uci[]): void { this.pvUciQueue = uciList; const firstUci = this.pvUciQueue.shift(); if (firstUci) this.playUci(firstUci, this.pvUciQueue); } explorerMove(uci: Uci) { this.playUci(uci); this.explorer.loading(true); } playBestMove() { const uci = this.node.ceval?.pvs[0].moves[0] || this.nextNodeBest(); if (uci) this.playUci(uci); } canEvalGet(): boolean { if (this.node.ply >= 15 && ! return false; // cloud eval does not support threefold repetition const fens = new Set(); for (let i = this.nodeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const node = this.nodeList[i]; const fen = node.fen.split(' ').slice(0, 4).join(' '); if (fens.has(fen)) return false; if (node.san && sanIrreversible(, node.san)) return true; fens.add(fen); } return true; } instanciateEvalCache() { this.evalCache = makeEvalCache({ variant:, canGet: () => this.canEvalGet(), canPut: () => !!( && this.canEvalGet() && // if not in study, only put decent opening moves ( || (!this.node.ceval!.mate && Math.abs(this.node.ceval!.cp!) < 99)) ), getNode: () => this.node, send: this.opts.socketSend, receive: this.onNewCeval, }); } toggleRetro = (): void => { if (this.retro) this.retro = undefined; else { this.retro = makeRetro(this, this.bottomColor()); if (this.practice) this.togglePractice(); if (this.explorer.enabled()) this.toggleExplorer(); } this.setAutoShapes(); }; toggleExplorer = (): void => { if (this.practice) this.togglePractice(); if (this.explorer.enabled() || this.explorer.allowed()) this.explorer.toggle(); }; togglePractice = () => { if (this.practice || !this.ceval.possible) { this.practice = undefined; this.showGround(); } else { if (this.retro) this.toggleRetro(); if (this.explorer.enabled()) this.toggleExplorer(); this.practice = makePractice(this, () => { // push to 20 to store AI moves in the cloud // lower to 18 after task completion (or failure) return this.studyPractice && this.studyPractice.success() === null ? 20 : 18; }); this.setAutoShapes(); } }; restartPractice() { this.practice = undefined; this.togglePractice(); } gamebookPlay = (): GamebookPlayCtrl | undefined => { return &&; }; isGamebook = (): boolean => !!( &&; withCg = (f: (cg: ChessgroundApi) => A): A | undefined => { if (this.chessground && this.cgVersion.js === this.cgVersion.dom) return f(this.chessground); return undefined; }; }