package views.html.lobby import controllers.routes import lila.api.Context import import object bits { val lobbyApp = div(cls := "lobby__app")( div(cls := "tabs-horiz")(span(nbsp)), div(cls := "lobby__app__content") ) def underboards( tours: List[lila.tournament.Tournament], simuls: List[lila.simul.Simul], leaderboard: List[lila.user.User.LightPerf], tournamentWinners: List[lila.tournament.Winner] )(implicit ctx: Context) = frag( div(cls := "lobby__leaderboard lobby__box")( div(cls := "lobby__box__top")( h2(cls := "title text", dataIcon := "C")(trans.leaderboard()), a(cls := "more", href := routes.User.list())(trans.more(), " »") ), div(cls := "lobby__box__content")( table( tbody( leaderboard map { l => tr( td(lightUserLink(l.user)), lila.rating.PerfType(l.perfKey) map { pt => td(cls := "text", dataIcon := pt.iconChar)(l.rating) }, td(ratingProgress(l.progress)) ) } ) ) ) ), div(cls := "lobby__winners lobby__box")( div(cls := "lobby__box__top")( h2(cls := "title text", dataIcon := "g")(trans.tournamentWinners()), a(cls := "more", href := routes.Tournament.leaderboard())(trans.more(), " »") ), div(cls := "lobby__box__content")( table( tbody( tournamentWinners take 10 map { w => tr( td(userIdLink(w.userId.some)), td( a(title := w.tourName, href := scheduledTournamentNameShortHtml(w.tourName) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ), div(cls := "lobby__tournaments lobby__box")( a(cls := "lobby__box__top", href := routes.Tournament.home())( h2(cls := "title text", dataIcon := "g")(trans.openTournaments()), span(cls := "more")(trans.more(), " »") ), div(cls := "enterable_list lobby__box__content")( views.html.tournament.bits.enterable(tours) ) ), simuls.nonEmpty option div(cls := "lobby__simuls lobby__box")( a(cls := "lobby__box__top", href := routes.Simul.home())( h2(cls := "title text", dataIcon := "f")(trans.simultaneousExhibitions()), span(cls := "more")(trans.more(), " »") ), div(cls := "enterable_list lobby__box__content")( views.html.simul.bits.allCreated(simuls) ) ) ) def lastPosts(posts: List[])(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Frag] = posts.nonEmpty option div(cls := "lobby__blog lobby__box")( a(cls := "lobby__box__top", href := routes.Blog.index())( h2(cls := "title text", dataIcon := "6")(trans.latestUpdates()), span(cls := "more")(trans.more(), " »") ), div(cls := "lobby__box__content")( posts map { post => a(cls := "post", href :=, post.slug))( img(src := post.image), span(cls := "text")( strong(post.title), span(post.shortlede) ), semanticDate( ) } ) ) def playbanInfo(ban: lila.playban.TempBan)(implicit ctx: Context) = nopeInfo( h1(trans.sorry()), p(trans.weHadToTimeYouOutForAWhile()), p(trans.timeoutExpires(strong(secondsFromNow(ban.remainingSeconds)))), h2(trans.why()), p( trans.pleasantChessExperience(), br, trans.goodPractice(), br, trans.potentialProblem() ), h2(trans.howToAvoidThis()), ul( li(trans.playEveryGame()), li(trans.tryToWin()), li(trans.resignLostGames()) ), p( trans.temporaryInconvenience(), br, trans.wishYouGreatGames(), br, trans.thankYouForReading() ) ) def currentGameInfo(current: = nopeInfo( h1("Hang on!"), p("You have a game in progress with ", strong(current.opponent), "."), br, br, a(cls := "text button button-fat", dataIcon := "G", href := routes.Round.player(current.pov.fullId))( "Join the game" ), br, br, "or", br, br, postForm(action := routes.Round.resign(current.pov.fullId))( button(cls := "text button button-red", dataIcon := "L")( if ( "Abort" else "Resign", " the game" ) ), br, p("You can't start a new game until this one is finished.") ) def nopeInfo(content: Modifier*) = frag( div(cls := "lobby__app"), div(cls := "lobby__nope")( st.section(cls := "lobby__app__content")(content) ) ) def spotlight(e: lila.event.Event)(implicit ctx: Context) = a( href := (if (e.isNow || !e.countdown) e.url else, cls := List( s"tour-spotlight event-spotlight id_${}" -> true, "invert" -> e.isNowOrSoon ) )( views.html.event.iconOf(e), span(cls := "content")( span(cls := "name")(e.title), span(cls := "headline")(e.headline), span(cls := "more")( if (e.isNow) trans.eventInProgress() else momentFromNow(e.startsAt) ) ) ) }