package controllers import play.api.mvc._ import lila.api.Context import import views._ final class Clas( env: Env, authC: Auth, prismicC: Prismic ) extends LilaController(env) { def index = Open { implicit ctx => if (getBool("home")) renderHome match { case _ if getBool("home") => renderHome case None => renderHome case Some(me) if isGranted(_.Teacher) => WithTeacher(me) { t => env.clas.api.clas.of(t.teacher) map { classes => Ok(views.html.clas.clas.teacherIndex(classes)) } } case Some(me) => env.clas.api.student.isStudent( flatMap { case false => renderHome case _ => env.clas.api.student.clasIdsOfUser( flatMap env.clas.api.clas.byIds map { case List(single) => Redirect( case many => Ok(views.html.clas.clas.studentIndex(many)) } } } } private def renderHome(implicit ctx: Context) = { pageHit prismicC getBookmark "class" map { _ ?? { case (doc, resolver) => Ok(views.html.clas.clas.home(doc, resolver)) } } } def form = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => _ => Ok(html.clas.clas.create(env.clas.forms.clas.create)).fuccess } def create = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithTeacher(me) { t => env.clas.forms.clas.create .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => BadRequest(html.clas.clas.create(err)).fuccess, data => env.clas.api.clas.create(data, t.teacher) map { clas => Redirect( } ) } } private def preloadStudentUsers(students: List[lila.clas.Student.WithUser]): Unit = env.user.lightUserApi.preloadUsers( def show(id: String) = Auth { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAny(id, me)( forTeacher = WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => preloadStudentUsers(students) views.html.clas.teacherDashboard.overview(clas, students) } }, forStudent = (clas, students) => env.clas.api.teacher.of(clas) map { teachers => preloadStudentUsers(students) val wall = scalatags.Text.all.raw(env.clas.markup(clas.wall)) Ok(views.html.clas.studentDashboard(clas, wall, teachers, students)) } ) } private def WithClassAny(id: String, me: lila.user.User)( forTeacher: => Fu[Result], forStudent: (lila.clas.Clas, List[lila.clas.Student.WithUser]) => Fu[Result] )(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Result] = isGranted(_.Teacher).??(env.clas.api.clas.isTeacherOf(me, lila.clas.Clas.Id(id))) flatMap { case true => forTeacher case _ => env.clas.api.clas.byId(lila.clas.Clas.Id(id)) flatMap { _ ?? { clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) flatMap { students => students.exists(_.student is me) ?? forStudent(clas, students) } } } } def wall(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAny(id, me)( forTeacher = WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.allWithUsers(clas) map { students => val wall = scalatags.Text.all.raw(env.clas.markup(clas.wall)), wall, students) } }, forStudent = (clas, _) => Redirect( ) } def wallEdit(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => Ok(html.clas.wall.edit(clas, students, env.clas.forms.clas.wall fill clas.wall)) } } } def wallUpdate(id: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.forms.clas.wall .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => BadRequest(html.clas.wall.edit(clas, students, err)) }, text => env.clas.api.clas.updateWall(clas, text) inject Redirect(routes.Clas.wall( ) } } def notifyStudents(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => Ok(html.clas.clas.notify(clas, students, env.clas.forms.clas.notifyText)) } } } def notifyPost(id: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.forms.clas.notifyText .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => BadRequest(html.clas.clas.notify(clas, students, err)) }, text => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) flatMap { students => val url = val full = if (text contains url) text else s"$text\n\n${}$url" env.msg.api.multiPost(me,, full) } inject Redirect( ) } } def archived(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.allWithUsers(clas) map { students => views.html.clas.teacherDashboard.archived(clas, students) } } } def progress(id: String, key: String, days: Int) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => lila.rating.PerfType(key) ?? { perfType => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) flatMap { students => env.clas.progressApi(perfType, days, students) map { progress => views.html.clas.teacherDashboard.progress(clas, students, progress) } } } } } def edit(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => Ok(html.clas.clas.edit(clas, students, env.clas.forms.clas.edit(clas))) } } } def update(id: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => env.clas.forms.clas .edit(clas) .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => env.clas.api.student.activeWithUsers(clas) map { students => BadRequest(html.clas.clas.edit(clas, students, err)) }, data => env.clas.api.clas.update(clas, data) map { clas => Redirect( } ) } } def archive(id: String, v: Boolean) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { _ => me => WithClass(me, id) { t => clas => env.clas.api.clas.archive(clas, t.teacher, v) inject Redirect( } } def studentForm(id: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => if (getBool("gen")) env.clas.nameGenerator() map { Ok(_) } else WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => ctx.req.flash.get("created").map(_ split ' ').?? { case Array(userId, password) => env.clas.api.student .get(clas, userId) .map2(lila.clas.Student.WithPassword(_, lila.user.User.ClearPassword(password))) case _ => fuccess(none) } flatMap { created => env.clas.forms.student.generate map { createForm => Ok( html.clas.student.form( clas, students, env.clas.forms.student.invite(clas), createForm, created ) ) } } } } def studentCreate(id: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => NoTor { Firewall { WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { t => (clas, students) => env.clas.forms.student.create .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => BadRequest( html.clas.student.form( clas, students, env.clas.forms.student.invite(clas), err ) ).fuccess, data => env.clas.api.student.create(clas, data, t) map { case (user, password) => Redirect(routes.Clas.studentForm( .flashing("created" -> s"${} ${password.value}") } ) } } } } def studentInvite(id: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { t => (clas, students) => env.clas.forms.student .invite(clas) .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => BadRequest( html.clas.student.form( clas, students, err, env.clas.forms.student.create ) ).fuccess, data => env.user.repo named data.username flatMap { _ ?? { user => env.clas.api.student.invite(clas, user, data.realName, t) map { so => Redirect(routes.Clas.studentForm( { so.fold("warning" -> s"${user.username} is already in the class") { s => "success" -> s"${user.username} (${s.realName}) has been invited" } } } } } ) } } def studentShow(id: String, username: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => WithStudent(clas, username) { s =>, 14) map { activity =>, students, s, activity) } } } } def studentEdit(id: String, username: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => Ok(views.html.clas.student.edit(clas, students, s, env.clas.forms.student edit s.student)).fuccess } } } def studentUpdate(id: String, username: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => env.clas.forms.student .edit(s.student) .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => BadRequest(html.clas.student.edit(clas, students, s, err)).fuccess, data => env.clas.api.student.update(s.student, data) map { _ => Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, s.user.username)).flashSuccess } ) } } } def studentArchive(id: String, username: String, v: Boolean) = Secure(_.Teacher) { _ => me => WithClass(me, id) { t => clas => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => env.clas.api.student.archive(s.student, t.teacher, v) inject Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, username)).flashSuccess } } } def studentSetKid(id: String, username: String, v: Boolean) = Secure(_.Teacher) { _ => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => (s.student.managed ?? env.user.repo.setKid(s.user, v)) inject Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, username)).flashSuccess } } } def studentResetPassword(id: String, username: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { _ => me => WithClass(me, id) { _ => clas => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => env.clas.api.student.resetPassword(s.student) map { password => Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, username)) .flashing("password" -> password.value) } } } } def studentRelease(id: String, username: String) = Secure(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => if (s.student.managed) Ok(views.html.clas.student.release(clas, students, s, env.clas.forms.student.release)).fuccess else Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, s.user.username)).fuccess } } } def studentReleasePost(id: String, username: String) = SecureBody(_.Teacher) { implicit ctx => me => WithClassAndStudents(me, id) { _ => (clas, students) => WithStudent(clas, username) { s => if (s.student.managed) >> env.clas.forms.student.release .bindFromRequest()(ctx.body) .fold( err => BadRequest(html.clas.student.release(clas, students, s, err)).fuccess, data => { val email = .validate(lila.common.EmailAddress(data)) err s"Invalid email $data" val newUserEmail =, email.acceptable) authC.EmailConfirmRateLimit(newUserEmail, ctx.req) {, inject Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, s.user.username)).flashSuccess { s"A confirmation email was sent to ${email.acceptable.value}. ${s.student.realName} must click the link in the email to release the account." } } } ) else Redirect(routes.Clas.studentShow(, s.user.username)).fuccess } } } def verifyTeacher = Action { req => pageHit(req) Redirect("") } private def WithTeacher(me: lila.user.User)( f: lila.clas.Teacher.WithUser => Fu[Result] ): Fu[Result] = env.clas.api.teacher withOrCreate me flatMap f private def WithClass(me: lila.user.User, clasId: String)( f: lila.clas.Teacher.WithUser => lila.clas.Clas => Fu[Result] ): Fu[Result] = WithTeacher(me) { t => env.clas.api.clas.getAndView(lila.clas.Clas.Id(clasId), t.teacher) flatMap { _ ?? f(t) } } private def WithClassAndStudents(me: lila.user.User, clasId: String)( f: lila.clas.Teacher.WithUser => (lila.clas.Clas, List[lila.clas.Student]) => Fu[Result] ): Fu[Result] = WithClass(me, clasId) { t => c => env.clas.api.student.activeOf(c) flatMap { students => f(t)(c, students) } } private def WithStudent(clas: lila.clas.Clas, username: String)( f: lila.clas.Student.WithUser => Fu[Result] ): Fu[Result] = env.user.repo named username flatMap { _ ?? { user => env.clas.api.student.get(clas, user) flatMap { _ ?? f } } } }