#!/usr/bin/python3 """Deploy lila server and assets from GitHub workflow runs""" import argparse import sys import os import os.path import pickle import shlex import subprocess import time import textwrap import contextlib try: import requests except ImportError: print("Need requests:") print("* Arch: pacman -S python-requests") print("* Debian: apt install python3-requests") print("* Pip: pip install requests") print() raise try: import git except ImportError: print("Need GitPython:") print("* Arch: pacman -S python-gitpython") print("* Debian: apt install python3-git") print("* Pip: pip install GitPython") print() raise ASSETS_FILES = [ ".github/workflows/assets.yml", "public", "ui", "package.json", "yarn.lock", ] SERVER_FILES = [ ".github/workflows/server.yml", "app", "conf", "modules", "project", "translation", "build.sbt", "lila", "conf/application.conf.default", ".sbtopts.default", ] ASSETS_BUILD_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/ornicar/lila/actions/workflows/assets.yml/runs" SERVER_BUILD_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/ornicar/lila/actions/workflows/server.yml/runs" ARTIFACT_DIR = "/home/lichess-artifacts" def curl_cli(command, *, url="https://lichess.org/cli"): return f"curl -X POST --data {shlex.quote(command)} {shlex.quote(url)} -H @.lila-cli" def asset_profile(ssh, *, deploy_dir="/home/lichess-deploy", post=curl_cli("change asset version"), stage=False): return { "ssh": ssh, "deploy_dir": deploy_dir, "files": ASSETS_FILES, "workflow_url": ASSETS_BUILD_URL, "artifact_name": "lila-assets", "symlinks": ["public"], "post": post, "stage": stage, } def server_profile(ssh, *, deploy_dir="/home/lichess-deploy", post="systemctl restart lichess", stage=False): return { "ssh": ssh, "deploy_dir": deploy_dir, "files": SERVER_FILES, "workflow_url": SERVER_BUILD_URL, "artifact_name": "lila-server", "symlinks": ["lib", "bin"], "post": post, "stage": stage, } PROFILES = { "khiaw-assets": asset_profile("root@khiaw.lichess.ovh", post=curl_cli("change asset version", url="https://lichess.dev/cli"), stage=True), "khiaw-server": server_profile("root@khiaw.lichess.ovh", post="systemctl restart lichess-stage", stage=True), "ocean-server": server_profile("root@ocean.lichess.ovh", deploy_dir="/home/lichess"), "ocean-assets": asset_profile("root@ocean.lichess.ovh", deploy_dir="/home/lichess"), } class DeployError(Exception): pass class ConfigError(Exception): pass def hash_files(tree, files): return tuple(tree[path].hexsha for path in files) def find_commits(commit, files, wanted_hash): try: if hash_files(commit.tree, files) != wanted_hash: return except KeyError: return yield commit.hexsha for parent in commit.parents: yield from find_commits(parent, files, wanted_hash) @contextlib.contextmanager def workflow_run_db(repo): with open(os.path.join(repo.common_dir, "workflow_runs.pickle"), "ab+") as f: try: f.seek(0) db = pickle.load(f) except EOFError: print("Created workflow run database.") db = {} yield db f.seek(0) f.truncate() pickle.dump(db, f) print("Saved workflow run database.") def update_workflow_run_db(db, session, workflow_url, *, silent=False): if not silent: print("Updating workflow runs ...") url = workflow_url new = 0 synced = False while not synced: if not silent: print(f"- {url}") res = session.get(url) if res.status_code != 200: print(f"Unexpected response: {res.status_code} {res.text}") break for run in res.json()["workflow_runs"]: if run["id"] in db and db[run["id"]]["status"] == "completed": synced = True else: new += 1 run["_workflow_url"] = workflow_url db[run["id"]] = run if "next" not in res.links: break url = res.links["next"]["url"] if not silent: print(f"Added/updated {new} workflow run(s).") return new def find_workflow_run(repo, session, workflow_url, wanted_commits, *, stage): with workflow_run_db(repo) as db: print("Searching workflow runs ...") backoff = 1 fresh = False while True: found = None pending = False for run in db.values(): if run["head_commit"]["id"] not in wanted_commits or run["_workflow_url"] != workflow_url: continue if run["event"] == "pull_request" and not stage: # Not accepted in production, because pull request builds # do not have access to the secret store. Hence no ab. print(f"- {run['html_url']} PULL REQUEST (no ab)") elif run["status"] != "completed": print(f"- {run['html_url']} PENDING (waiting {backoff}s)") pending = True elif run["conclusion"] != "success": print(f"- {run['html_url']} FAILED.") else: print(f"- {run['html_url']} succeeded.") if found is None: found = run if found: print(f"Selected {found['html_url']}.") return found if not fresh: fresh = True if update_workflow_run_db(db, session, workflow_url): continue if pending: time.sleep(backoff) backoff = min(backoff * 2, 30) update_workflow_run_db(db, session, workflow_url, silent=True) continue raise DeployError("Did not find successful matching workflow run.") def artifact_url(session, run, name): for artifact in session.get(run["artifacts_url"]).json()["artifacts"]: if artifact["name"] == name: if artifact["expired"]: print("Artifact expired.") return artifact["archive_download_url"] raise DeployError(f"Did not find artifact {name}.") def tmux(ssh, script, *, dry_run=False): command = f"/bin/sh -e -c {shlex.quote(';'.join(script))};/bin/bash" outer_command = f"/bin/sh -c {shlex.quote(command)}" shell_command = ["mosh", ssh, "--", "tmux", "new-session", "-A", "-s", "ci-deploy", outer_command] if dry_run: print(shlex.join(shell_command)) return 0 else: return subprocess.call(shell_command, stdout=sys.stdout, stdin=sys.stdin) def deploy_script(profile, session, run, url): auth_header = f"Authorization: {session.headers['Authorization']}" ua_header = f"User-Agent: {session.headers['User-Agent']}" deploy_dir = profile["deploy_dir"] artifact_unzipped = f"{ARTIFACT_DIR}/{profile['artifact_name']}-{run['id']:d}" artifact_zip = f"{artifact_unzipped}.zip" deploy_prompt = f"read -n 1 -p {shlex.quote('PRESS ENTER TO RUN: ' + profile['post'])}" return [ "echo \\# Downloading ...", f"mkdir -p {ARTIFACT_DIR}", f"mkdir -p {deploy_dir}/application.home_IS_UNDEFINED/logs", f"[ -f {artifact_zip} ] || wget --header={shlex.quote(auth_header)} --header={shlex.quote(ua_header)} --no-clobber -O {artifact_zip} {shlex.quote(url)}", "echo", "echo \\# Unpacking ...", f"unzip -q -o {artifact_zip} -d {artifact_unzipped}", f"mkdir -p {artifact_unzipped}/d", f"tar -xf {artifact_unzipped}/*.tar.xz -C {artifact_unzipped}/d", f"cat {artifact_unzipped}/d/commit.txt", f"chown -R lichess:lichess {ARTIFACT_DIR}", "echo", "echo \\# Installing ...", ] + [ f"echo \"{artifact_unzipped}/d/{symlink} -> {deploy_dir}/{symlink}\";ln -f --no-target-directory -s {artifact_unzipped}/d/{symlink} {deploy_dir}/{symlink}" for symlink in profile["symlinks"] ] + [ f"chown -R lichess:lichess {deploy_dir}", f"chmod -f +x {deploy_dir}/bin/lila || true", f"echo \"SSH: {profile['ssh']}\"", f"echo {shlex.quote('Running: ' + profile['post'])}" if profile["stage"] else f"/bin/bash -c {shlex.quote(deploy_prompt)}", profile["post"], "echo", f"echo \\# Done.", ] def deploy(profile, repo, commit, github_api_token, dry_run): print("# Preparing deploy ...") session = requests.Session() session.headers["Authorization"] = f"token {github_api_token}" session.headers["User-Agent"] = "ornicar/lila" try: wanted_hash = hash_files(commit.tree, profile["files"]) except KeyError: raise DeployError("Commit is missing a required file.") wanted_commits = set(find_commits(commit, profile["files"], wanted_hash)) print(f"Found {len(wanted_commits)} matching commits.") run = find_workflow_run(repo, session, profile["workflow_url"], wanted_commits, stage=profile["stage"]) url = artifact_url(session, run, profile["artifact_name"]) print(f"Deploying {url} to {profile['ssh']}...") return tmux(profile["ssh"], deploy_script(profile, session, run, url), dry_run=dry_run) def main(): # Parse command line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("profile", choices=PROFILES.keys()) parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("--commit", "-c") # With optional tab completion. try: import argcomplete except ImportError: pass else: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) args = parser.parse_args() # Read GITHUB_API_TOKEN. try: github_api_token = os.environ["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"] except KeyError: raise ConfigError(textwrap.dedent("""\ Need environment variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN. * Create token on https://github.com/settings/tokens/new * Required scope: public_repo""")) # Repository and wanted commit. repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) if args.commit is None: if repo.is_dirty(): raise ConfigError("Repo is dirty. Run with --commit HEAD to ignore.") commit = repo.head.commit else: try: commit = repo.commit(args.commit) except git.exc.BadName as err: raise ConfigError(err) return deploy(PROFILES[args.profile], repo, commit, github_api_token, args.dry_run) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except ConfigError as err: print(err) sys.exit(128) except DeployError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1)