import { CevalCtrl, CevalOpts, Work, Step, Hovering, Started } from './types'; import { Pool, makeWatchdog } from './pool'; import { median } from './math'; import { prop } from 'common'; import { storedProp } from 'common/storage'; import throttle from 'common/throttle'; import { povChances } from './winningChances'; const li = window.lichess; function sanIrreversible(variant: VariantKey, san: string): boolean { if (san.startsWith('O-O')) return true; if (variant === 'crazyhouse') return false; if (san.includes('x')) return true; // capture if (san.toLowerCase() === san) return true; // pawn move return variant === 'threeCheck' && san.includes('+'); } function officialStockfish(variant: VariantKey): boolean { return variant === 'standard' || variant === 'chess960'; } function is64Bit(): boolean { const x64 = ['x86_64', 'x86-64', 'Win64','x64', 'amd64', 'AMD64']; for (const substr of x64) if (navigator.userAgent.includes(substr)) return true; return navigator.platform === 'Linux x86_64' || navigator.platform === 'MacIntel'; } function wasmThreadsSupported() { // In theory 32 bit should be supported just the same, but some 32 bit // browser builds seem to crash when running WASMX. So for now detect and // require a 64 bit platform. if (!is64Bit()) return false; // WebAssembly 1.0 const source = Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object' || !WebAssembly.validate(source)) return false; // SharedArrayBuffer if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'function') return false; // Atomics if (typeof Atomics !== 'object') return false; // Shared memory if (!(new WebAssembly.Memory({shared: true, initial: 8, maximum: 8} as WebAssembly.MemoryDescriptor).buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)) return false; // Structured cloning try { window.postMessage(new WebAssembly.Module(source), '*'); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } export default function(opts: CevalOpts): CevalCtrl { const storageKey = function(k: string): string { return opts.storageKeyPrefix ? opts.storageKeyPrefix + '.' + k : k; }; const pnaclSupported = makeWatchdog('pnacl').good() && 'application/x-pnacl' in navigator.mimeTypes; const wasmSupported = typeof WebAssembly === 'object' && WebAssembly.validate(Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); const wasmxSupported = wasmSupported && officialStockfish(opts.variant.key) && wasmThreadsSupported(); const minDepth = 6; const maxDepth = storedProp(storageKey('ceval.max-depth'), 18); const multiPv = storedProp(storageKey('ceval.multipv'), opts.multiPvDefault || 1); const threads = storedProp(storageKey('ceval.threads'), Math.min(Math.ceil((navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 1) / 2), 8)); const hashSize = storedProp(storageKey('ceval.hash-size'), 128); const infinite = storedProp('ceval.infinite', false); let curEval: Tree.ClientEval | null = null; const enableStorage ='client-eval-enabled')); const allowed = prop(true); const enabled = prop(opts.possible && allowed() && enableStorage.get() && !document.hidden); let started: Started | false = false; let lastStarted: Started | false = false; // last started object (for going deeper even if stopped) const hovering = prop(null); const isDeeper = prop(false); const pool = new Pool({ asmjs: 'vendor/stockfish.js/stockfish.js', pnacl: pnaclSupported && 'vendor/stockfish.pexe/stockfish.nmf', wasm: wasmSupported && 'vendor/stockfish.js/stockfish.wasm.js', wasmx: wasmxSupported && (officialStockfish(opts.variant.key) ? 'vendor/stockfish.wasm/stockfish.js' : 'vendor/stockfish-mv.wasm/stockfish.js'), }, { minDepth, variant: opts.variant.key, threads: (pnaclSupported || wasmxSupported) && threads, hashSize: (pnaclSupported && !wasmxSupported) && hashSize }); // adjusts maxDepth based on nodes per second const npsRecorder = (function() { const values: number[] = []; const applies = function(ev: Tree.ClientEval) { return ev.knps && ev.depth >= 16 && typeof ev.cp !== 'undefined' && Math.abs(ev.cp) < 500 && (ev.fen.split(/\s/)[0].split(/[nbrqkp]/i).length - 1) >= 10; } return function(ev: Tree.ClientEval) { if (!applies(ev)) return; values.push(ev.knps); if (values.length > 9) { let depth = 18, knps = median(values) || 0; if (knps > 100) depth = 19; if (knps > 150) depth = 20; if (knps > 250) depth = 21; if (knps > 500) depth = 22; if (knps > 1000) depth = 23; if (knps > 2000) depth = 24; if (knps > 3500) depth = 25; if (knps > 5000) depth = 26; if (knps > 7000) depth = 27; maxDepth(depth); if (values.length > 40) values.shift(); } }; })(); let lastEmitFen: string | null = null; const onEmit = throttle(200, (ev: Tree.ClientEval, work: Work) => { sortPvsInPlace(ev.pvs, (work.ply % 2 === (work.threatMode ? 1 : 0)) ? 'white' : 'black'); npsRecorder(ev); curEval = ev; opts.emit(ev, work); if (ev.fen !== lastEmitFen) { lastEmitFen = ev.fen;'ceval.fen', ev.fen); } }); const effectiveMaxDepth = function(): number { return (isDeeper() || infinite()) ? 99 : parseInt(maxDepth()); }; const sortPvsInPlace = function(pvs: Tree.PvData[], color: Color) { pvs.sort(function(a, b) { return povChances(color, b) - povChances(color, a); }); }; const start = function(path: Tree.Path, steps: Step[], threatMode: boolean, deeper: boolean) { if (!enabled() || !opts.possible) return; isDeeper(deeper); const maxD = effectiveMaxDepth(); const step = steps[steps.length - 1]; const existing = threatMode ? step.threat : step.ceval; if (existing && existing.depth >= maxD) return; const work: Work = { initialFen: steps[0].fen, moves: [], currentFen: step.fen, path, ply: step.ply, maxDepth: maxD, multiPv: parseInt(multiPv()), threatMode, emit(ev: Tree.ClientEval) { if (enabled()) onEmit(ev, work); } }; if (threatMode) { const c = step.ply % 2 === 1 ? 'w' : 'b'; const fen = step.fen.replace(/ (w|b) /, ' ' + c + ' '); work.currentFen = fen; work.initialFen = fen; } else { // send fen after latest castling move and the following moves for (let i = 1; i < steps.length; i++) { let s = steps[i]; if (sanIrreversible(opts.variant.key, s.san!)) { work.moves = []; work.initialFen = s.fen; } else work.moves.push(s.uci!); } } pool.start(work); started = { path, steps, threatMode }; }; function goDeeper() { const s = started || lastStarted; if (s) { stop(); start(s.path, s.steps, s.threatMode, true); } }; function stop() { if (!enabled() || !started) return; pool.stop(); lastStarted = started; started = false; }; // ask other tabs if a game is in progress if (enabled()) {'ceval.fen', 'start:' + Math.random());'round.ongoing').listen(_ => { enabled(false); opts.redraw(); }); } return { pnaclSupported, wasmSupported, wasmxSupported, start, stop, allowed, possible: opts.possible, enabled, multiPv, threads, hashSize, infinite, hovering, setHovering(fen: Fen, uci?: Uci) { hovering(uci ? { fen, uci } : null); opts.setAutoShapes(); }, toggle() { if (!opts.possible || !allowed()) return; stop(); enabled(!enabled()); if (document.visibilityState !== 'hidden') enableStorage.set(enabled()); }, curDepth(): number { return curEval ? curEval.depth : 0; }, effectiveMaxDepth, variant: opts.variant, isDeeper, goDeeper, canGoDeeper() { return !isDeeper() && !infinite() && !pool.isComputing(); }, isComputing() { return !!started && pool.isComputing(); }, engineName() { return pool.engineName(); }, destroy() { pool.destroy(); }, redraw: opts.redraw }; };