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Play Chess now in a clean interface. No registration, no ads, no plugin required. Play Chess with the computer, friends or random opponents. Teams %s member %s members All teams New team My teams No team found Join team Leave team Free for all A confirmation is required to join Joining policy Team leader Best players Recent members %1$s joined team %2$s %1$s created team %2$s Average rating Location Settings Filter games Reset Submit Leaderboard Paste the FEN text here Paste the PGN text here From position Continue from here Import game When pasting a game PGN you get a browsable replay, a computer analysis, a game chat and a shareable URL. %s imported game %s imported games This is a chess CAPTCHA. Click on the board to make your move, and prove you are human. Please solve the chess captcha. 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Theming Donate Blog Questions & Answers Notes Type private notes here Game display Piece animation Material difference Close account I changed my mind, don't close my account Are you sure you want to close your account? Closing your account is a permanent decision. You will NEVER be able to log in EVER AGAIN. This account is closed. Invalid username or password Incorrect password Invalid authentication code Email me a link Current password New password New password (again) Board highlights (last move and check) Piece destinations (valid moves and premoves) Board coordinates (A-H, 1-8) Move list while playing Move notation Chess piece symbol Letter (K, Q, R, B, N) Chess clock Tenths of seconds Never When time remaining < 10 seconds Horizontal green progress bars Sound when time gets critical Game behavior How do you move pieces? Click two squares Drag a piece Either Premoves (playing during opponent turn) Takebacks (with opponent approval) Promote to Queen automatically Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically Privacy Let other players follow you Let other players challenge you Let other players invite you to study Sound Your preferences have been saved. None Fast Normal Slow Inside the board Outside the board On slow games Always In casual games only When premoving When time remaining < 30 seconds Easy Normal Hard %1$s left a note on %2$s %1$s competes in %2$s %1$s asked %2$s %1$s answered %2$s %1$s commented %2$s Victory Defeat %1$s vs %2$s in %3$s Timeline Starting: All information is public and optional. Your city, region, or province. Tell about you, what you like in chess, your favourite openings, games, players… Maximum: %s character. Maximum: %s characters. %s block %s blocks List players that you have blocked Human Computer Side Clock Access is unauthorized. No internet connection. 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Return to simul homepage Simuls involve a single player facing several players at once. Out of 50 opponents, Fischer won 47 games, drew 2 and lost 1. The concept is taken from real world events. In real life, this involves the simul host moving from table to table to play a single move. When the simul starts, every player starts a game with the host, who gets to play the white pieces. The simul ends when all games are complete. Simuls are always casual. Rematches, takebacks and "moretime" are disabled. Create When you create a Simul, you get to play several players at once. If you select several variants, each player gets to choose which one to play. Fischer Clock setup. The more players you take on, the more time you may need. You may add extra time to your clock to help cope with the simul. Host extra clock time Lichess tournaments Arena tournament FAQ Official Time before tournament starts Average centipawn loss Keyboard shortcuts move backward/forward go to start/end show/hide comments enter/exit variation New tournament Chess tournament featuring various time controls and variants Play fast-paced chess tournaments! Join an official scheduled tournament, or create your own. Bullet, Blitz, Classical, Chess960, King of the Hill, Threecheck, and more options available for endless chess fun. Tournament not found This tournament does not exist. It may have been cancelled, if all players left it before the tournament starts. Return to tournaments homepage Weekly %s rating distribution %1$s %2$s player this week. %1$s %2$s players this week. Your %1$s rating is %2$s. You are better than %1$s of %2$s players. You do not have an established %s rating. Check your Email We've sent you an email. Click the link in the email to activate your account. If you don't see the email, check other places it might be, like your junk, spam, social, or other folders. We've sent an email to %s. Click the link in the email to reset your password. By registering, you agree to be bound by our %s. Network lag between you and lichess Time to process a move on lichess server Download annotated Download raw Download imported Print-friendly PDF Crosstable You can also scroll over the board to move in the game. Press shift+click or right-click to draw circles and arrows on the board. Confirm resignation and draw offers Input moves with the keyboard Let other players message you Castling method Move king two squares Move king onto rook Share your chess insights data With nobody With friends With everybody You have already registered the email: %s Kid mode This is about safety. In kid mode, all site communications are disabled. Enable this for your children and school students, to protect them from other internet users. 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White wins Black wins Learn from your mistakes Learn from this mistake Skip this move Next %s was played Find a better move for white Find a better move for black Resume learning You can do better Try another move for white Try another move for black Solution Waiting for analysis No mistakes found for white No mistakes found for black Done reviewing white mistakes Done reviewing black mistakes Do it again Review white mistakes Review black mistakes Advantage %s second %s seconds Opening Middlegame Endgame Please register to send challenges. You cannot challenge %s. %s does not accept challenges. Your %1$s rating is too far from %2$s. Cannot challenge due to provisional %s rating. %s only accepts challenges from friends. Conditional premoves Add current variation Play a variation to create conditional premoves No conditional premoves Play %s and save %s premove line and save %s premove lines