=========== Backend of - Scala 2.9 with Play2, Akka 2, Scalaz and Salat - [Scalachess]( - MongoDB 2 - ArchLinux Installation ============ This is full-stack application, not a library, and it may not be straightforward to get it fully running. I assume you run a Unix with mongodb. > Some steps of the installation will trigger a download of the galaxy. > This will take, naturally, ages. Play 2.1 -------- Interestingly enough, Play 2.1 lives in a repository named Play20. ```sh git clone git:// Play21 cd Play21/framework ./build build-repository ./build publish-local ``` Scalachess ---------- The pure chess logic, with few dependencies. Follow instructions from [Scalachess repository]( Lila ---- The database layer, website, cron tasks, websockets and whatnot. ```sh git clone git:// cd lila play compile ``` Config is in `conf/application.conf`. If all the above worked, which would be quite surprising, you can now setup a webserver and run the application. Nginx ----- This is just my local nginx configuration, as an example. ``` server { listen 80; server_name ~^\w\w\.l\.org$; location /assets { alias /home/thib/lila/public; } location /serve { alias /home/thib/lila/serve; } location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; } error_page 500 501 502 503 504 /error.html; location = /error.html { root /home/thib/lila/public/; } } ``` Run it ------ Open lila play console and give it a ride. >To open a play console using development configuration, use: > > bin/dev > >This will use the `conf/application_dev.conf` configuration file. ``` bin/dev [lila] $ run ```