var tournamentId = 'qkdW41M2'; var text = 'With a prize pool of $3200!'; var userIds = db.user4.distinct('_id', { enabled: true, title: { $exists: true, $nin: ['LM', 'BOT'] } }); 'thibault arex'.split(' ').forEach(u => userIds.push(u)); print('Inviting ' + userIds.join(', ')); var invited = 0; userIds.forEach(userId => { if (db.notify.count({ notifies: userId, 'content.type': 'titledTourney', '': tournamentId })) return; db.notify.insert({ _id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10), notifies: userId, content: { type: 'titledTourney', id: tournamentId, text: text }, read: false, createdAt: new Date() }); invited++; }); print('Invited ' + invited + ' out of ' + userIds.length + ' titled players');