package package ui import ornicar.scalalib.Zero import scalatags.Text.all._ import scalatags.text.Builder import scalatags.Text.{ Aggregate, Cap } import lila.api.Context import lila.user.Title // collection of lila attrs trait ScalatagsAttrs { val dataTag = attr("data-tag") val dataIcon = attr("data-icon") val dataHref = attr("data-href") val dataCount = attr("data-count") val dataColor = attr("data-color") val dataFen = attr("data-fen") val dataRel = attr("data-rel") val novalidate = attr("novalidate").empty val datetimeAttr = attr("datetime") val dataBotAttr = attr("data-bot").empty val deferAttr = attr("defer").empty val downloadAttr = attr("download").empty val viewBoxAttr = attr("viewBox") object frame { val scrolling = attr("scrolling") val allowfullscreen = attr("allowfullscreen").empty } val dataSortNumberTh = th(attr("data-sort-method") := "number") val dataSort = attr("data-sort") val dataSortDefault = attr("data-sort-default").empty } // collection of lila snippets trait ScalatagsSnippets extends Cap { this: ScalatagsExtensions with ScalatagsAttrs => import scalatags.Text.all._ val nbsp = raw(" ") val amp = raw("&") def iconTag(icon: Char): Tag = iconTag(icon.toString) def iconTag(icon: String): Tag = i(dataIcon := icon) def iconTag(icon: Char, text: Frag): Tag = iconTag(icon.toString, text) def iconTag(icon: String, text: Frag): Tag = i(dataIcon := icon, cls := "text")(text) val styleTag = tag("style") val ratingTag = tag("rating") val countTag = tag("count") val goodTag = tag("good") val badTag = tag("bad") val timeTag = tag("time") val dialog = tag("dialog") val svgTag = tag("svg") val svgGroupTag = tag("g") val svgTextTag = tag("text") def userTitleTag(t: Title) = span( cls := "utitle", t == lila.user.Title.BOT option dataBotAttr, title := Title titleName t )(t.value) val utcLink = a( href := "", targetBlank, title := "Coordinated Universal Time" )("UTC") } // basic imports from scalatags trait ScalatagsBundle extends Cap with Attrs with scalatags.text.Tags // with DataConverters with Aggregate // short prefix trait ScalatagsPrefix { object st extends Cap with Attrs with scalatags.text.Tags { val group = tag("group") val headTitle = tag("title") val nav = tag("nav") val section = tag("section") val article = tag("article") val aside = tag("aside") val rating = tag("rating") val frameborder = attr("frameborder") } } // what to import in a pure scalatags template trait ScalatagsTemplate extends ScalatagsBundle with ScalatagsAttrs with ScalatagsExtensions with ScalatagsSnippets with ScalatagsPrefix { val trans = lila.i18n.I18nKeys def main = scalatags.Text.tags2.main def cssWidth = scalatags.Text.styles.width def cssHeight = scalatags.Text.styles.height /* Convert play URLs to scalatags attributes with toString */ implicit val playCallAttr = genericAttr[play.api.mvc.Call] } object ScalatagsTemplate extends ScalatagsTemplate // generic extensions trait ScalatagsExtensions { implicit def stringValueFrag(sv: StringValue): Frag = new StringFrag(sv.value) implicit val stringValueAttr = new AttrValue[StringValue] { def apply(t: scalatags.text.Builder, a: Attr, v: StringValue): Unit = t.setAttr(, scalatags.text.Builder.GenericAttrValueSource(v.value)) } implicit val charAttr = genericAttr[Char] implicit val bigDecimalAttr = genericAttr[BigDecimal] implicit val optionStringAttr = new AttrValue[Option[String]] { def apply(t: scalatags.text.Builder, a: Attr, v: Option[String]): Unit = { v foreach { s => t.setAttr(, scalatags.text.Builder.GenericAttrValueSource(s)) } } } /* for class maps such as List("foo" -> true, "active" -> isActive) */ implicit val classesAttr = new AttrValue[List[(String, Boolean)]] { def apply(t: scalatags.text.Builder, a: Attr, m: List[(String, Boolean)]): Unit = { val cls = m collect { case (s, true) => s } mkString " " if (cls.nonEmpty) t.setAttr(, scalatags.text.Builder.GenericAttrValueSource(cls)) } } val emptyFrag: Frag = new RawFrag("") implicit val LilaFragZero: Zero[Frag] = Zero.instance(emptyFrag) val targetBlank: Modifier = (t: Builder) => { // Prevent tab nabbing when opening untrusted links. Apply also to trusted // links, because there can be a small performance advantage and lila does // not use window.opener anywhere. Will not be overwritten by additional // rels. t.setAttr("rel", Builder.GenericAttrValueSource("noopener")) t.setAttr("target", Builder.GenericAttrValueSource("_blank")) } val noFollow = rel := "nofollow" def ariaTitle(v: String): Modifier = (t: Builder) => { val value = Builder.GenericAttrValueSource(v) t.setAttr("title", value) t.setAttr("aria-label", value) } def titleOrText(blind: Boolean, v: String): Modifier = (t: Builder) => if (blind) t.addChild(v) else t.setAttr("title", Builder.GenericAttrValueSource(v)) def titleOrText(v: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Modifier = titleOrText(ctx.blind, v) } object ScalatagsExtensions extends ScalatagsExtensions