package controllers import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import lila.api.Context import import lila.common.{ EmailAddress, HTTPRequest } import lila.plan.StripeClient.StripeException import lila.plan.{ Cents, Checkout, CreateStripeSession, CustomerId, Freq, MonthlyCustomerInfo, OneTimeCustomerInfo, StripeCustomer } import lila.user.{ User => UserModel } import views._ final class Plan(env: Env)(implicit system: extends LilaController(env) { private val logger = lila.log("plan") def index = Open { implicit ctx => pageHit { me => import lila.plan.PlanApi.SyncResult._ env.plan.api.sync(me) flatMap { case ReloadUser => Redirect(routes.Plan.index()).fuccess case Synced(Some(patron), None) => env.user.repo email flatMap { email => renderIndex(email, patron.some) } case Synced(Some(patron), Some(customer)) => indexPatron(me, patron, customer) case Synced(_, _) => indexFreeUser(me) } } } def list = Open { implicit ctx => { me => import lila.plan.PlanApi.SyncResult._ env.plan.api.sync(me) flatMap { case ReloadUser => Redirect(routes.Plan.list()).fuccess case Synced(Some(_), _) => indexFreeUser(me) case _ => Redirect(routes.Plan.index()).fuccess } } } private def indexAnon(implicit ctx: Context) = renderIndex(email = none, patron = none) private def indexFreeUser(me: UserModel)(implicit ctx: Context) = env.user.repo email flatMap { email => renderIndex(email, patron = none) } private def renderIndex(email: Option[EmailAddress], patron: Option[lila.plan.Patron])(implicit ctx: Context ): Fu[Result] = for { recentIds <- env.plan.api.recentChargeUserIds bestIds <- env.plan.api.topPatronUserIds _ <- env.user.lightUserApi preloadMany { recentIds ::: bestIds } } yield Ok( html.plan.index( stripePublicKey = env.plan.stripePublicKey, email = email, patron = patron, recentIds = recentIds, bestIds = bestIds ) ) private def indexPatron(me: UserModel, patron: lila.plan.Patron, customer: StripeCustomer)(implicit ctx: Context ) = env.plan.api.customerInfo(me, customer) flatMap { case Some(info: MonthlyCustomerInfo) => Ok(html.plan.indexStripe(me, patron, info)).fuccess case Some(info: OneTimeCustomerInfo) => renderIndex( map EmailAddress.apply, patron.some) case None => env.user.repo email flatMap { email => renderIndex(email, patron.some) } } def features = Open { implicit ctx => pageHit fuccess { html.plan.features() } } def switch = AuthBody { implicit ctx => me => implicit val req = ctx.body lila.plan.Switch.form .bindFromRequest() .fold( _ => funit, data => env.plan.api.switch(me, data.cents) ) inject Redirect(routes.Plan.index()) } def cancel = AuthBody { _ => me => env.plan.api.cancel(me) inject Redirect(routes.Plan.index()) } def thanks = Open { implicit ctx => // wait for the payment data from stripe or paypal lila.common.Future.delay(2.seconds) { ?? env.plan.api.userPatron flatMap { patron => patron ?? env.plan.api.patronCustomer map { customer => Ok(html.plan.thanks(patron, customer)) } } } } def webhook = Action.async(parse.json) { req => env.plan.webhook(req.body) map { _ => Ok("kthxbye") } } def badStripeSession[A: Writes](err: A) = BadRequest(jsonError(err)) def badStripeApiCall: PartialFunction[Throwable, Result] = { case e: StripeException => logger.error("Plan.stripeCheckout", e) badStripeSession("Stripe API call failed") } private def createStripeSession(checkout: Checkout, customerId: CustomerId) = env.plan.api .createSession( CreateStripeSession( s"${}${routes.Plan.thanks()}", s"${}${routes.Plan.index()}", customerId, checkout ) ) .map(session => Ok(Json.obj("session" -> Json.obj("id" -> as JSON) .recover(badStripeApiCall) def switchStripePlan(user: UserModel, cents: Cents) = { env.plan.api .switch(user, cents) .inject(Ok(Json.obj("switch" -> Json.obj("cents" -> cents.value))) as JSON) .recover(badStripeApiCall) } private val StripeRateLimit = lila.memo.RateLimit.composite[lila.common.IpAddress]( key = "stripe.checkout.ip", enforce = )( ("fast", 6, 10.minute), ("slow", 20, ) // update the stripe integration they said, it will be simple they said // Actually they didn't, I was warned. def stripeCheckout = AuthBody { implicit ctx => me => implicit val req = ctx.body StripeRateLimit(HTTPRequest lastRemoteAddress req) { if (!HTTPRequest.isXhr(req)) BadRequest.fuccess else lila.plan.Checkout.form .bindFromRequest() .fold( err => badStripeSession(err.toString).fuccess, checkout => env.plan.api.userCustomer(me) flatMap { case Some(customer) if checkout.freq == Freq.Onetime => createStripeSession(checkout, case Some(customer) if customer.firstSubscription.isDefined => switchStripePlan(me, checkout.amount) case _ => env.plan.api .makeCustomer(me, checkout) .flatMap(customer => createStripeSession(checkout, } ) }(rateLimitedFu) } def payPalIpn = Action.async { implicit req => import lila.plan.Patron.PayPal lila.plan.PlanForm.ipn .bindFromRequest() .fold( err => { if (err.errors("txn_type").nonEmpty) { logger.debug(s"Plan.payPalIpn ignore txn_type = ${ get "txn_type"}") fuccess(Ok) } else { logger.error(s"Plan.payPalIpn invalid data ${err.toString}") fuccess(BadRequest) } }, ipn => env.plan.api.onPaypalCharge( userId = ipn.userId, email = map PayPal.Email.apply, subId = ipn.subId map PayPal.SubId.apply, cents = lila.plan.Cents(ipn.grossCents), name =, txnId = ipn.txnId, ip = lila.common.HTTPRequest.lastRemoteAddress(req).value, key = get("key", req) | "N/A" ) inject Ok ) } }