
26 lines
879 B

package lila.api
import io.lemonlabs.uri.{ AbsoluteUrl, Url }
import scala.util.Try
import lila.common.config.BaseUrl
final class ReferrerRedirect(baseUrl: BaseUrl) {
val sillyLoginReferrers = Set("/login", "/signup", "/mobile")
private lazy val lilaHost = AbsoluteUrl.parse(baseUrl.value).host.value
private val validCharsRegex = """^[\w-\.:/\?&=@#%\[\]\+]+$""".r
// allow relative and absolute redirects only to the same domain or
// subdomains, excluding /mobile (which is shown after logout)
def valid(referrer: String): Boolean =
validCharsRegex.matches(referrer) &&
!sillyLoginReferrers(referrer) && Try {
val url = Url.parse(referrer)
url.schemeOption.fold(true)(scheme => scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") &&
url.hostOption.fold(true)(host => s".${host.value}".endsWith(s".$lilaHost"))