
65 lines
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package lila.hub
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import lila.log.Logger
/** Runs the work then waits cooldown
* only runs once at a time per id.
* Guarantees that work is ran as early as possible.
* Also saves work and runs it after cooldown.
final class EarlyMultiThrottler(logger: Logger)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem) {
private val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new EarlyMultiThrottlerActor(logger)))
def apply(id: String, cooldown: FiniteDuration)(run: => Funit) =
actor ! EarlyMultiThrottlerActor.Work(id, run = () => run, cooldown)
// actor based implementation
final private class EarlyMultiThrottlerActor(logger: Logger)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Actor {
import EarlyMultiThrottlerActor._
var running = Set.empty[String]
var planned = Map.empty[String, Work]
def receive: Receive = {
case work: Work if !running( =>
execute(work) addEffectAnyway {
self ! Done(
running = running +
case work: Work => // already executing similar work
planned = planned + ( -> work)
case Done(id) =>
running = running - id
planned get id foreach { work =>
self ! work
planned = planned -
case x => logger.branch("EarlyMultiThrottler").warn(s"Unsupported message $x")
implicit def system = context.system
def execute(work: Work): Funit =
lila.common.Future.makeItLast(work.cooldown) { }
private object EarlyMultiThrottlerActor {
case class Work(
id: String,
run: () => Funit,
cooldown: FiniteDuration // how long to wait after running, before next run
private case class Done(id: String)