
117 lines
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package lila.notify
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import lila.common.Bus
import lila.common.config.MaxPerPage
import lila.common.paginator.Paginator
import lila.db.dsl._
import lila.db.paginator.Adapter
import lila.hub.actorApi.socket.SendTo
import lila.memo.CacheApi._
import lila.user.UserRepo
import lila.i18n.I18nLangPicker
final class NotifyApi(
jsonHandlers: JSONHandlers,
repo: NotificationRepo,
userRepo: UserRepo,
cacheApi: lila.memo.CacheApi,
maxPerPage: MaxPerPage
)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import BSONHandlers.{ NotificationBSONHandler, NotifiesHandler }
import jsonHandlers._
def getNotifications(userId: Notification.Notifies, page: Int): Fu[Paginator[Notification]] =
adapter = new Adapter(
collection = repo.coll,
selector = repo.userNotificationsQuery(userId),
projection = none,
sort = repo.recentSort
currentPage = page,
maxPerPage = maxPerPage
def getNotificationsAndCount(userId: Notification.Notifies, page: Int): Fu[Notification.AndUnread] =
getNotifications(userId, page) zip unreadCount(userId) dmap (Notification.AndUnread.apply _).tupled
def markAllRead(userId: Notification.Notifies) =
repo.markAllRead(userId) >>- unreadCountCache.put(userId, fuccess(0))
def markAllRead(userIds: Iterable[Notification.Notifies]) =
repo.markAllRead(userIds) >>- userIds.foreach {
unreadCountCache.put(_, fuccess(0))
private val unreadCountCache = cacheApi[Notification.Notifies, Int](32768, "notify.unreadCountCache") {
_.expireAfterAccess(20 minutes)
def unreadCount(userId: Notification.Notifies): Fu[Notification.UnreadCount] =
unreadCountCache get userId dmap Notification.UnreadCount.apply
def addNotification(notification: Notification): Funit =
// Add to database and then notify any connected clients of the new notification
insertOrDiscardNotification(notification) map {
_ foreach { notif =>
def addNotificationWithoutSkipOrEvent(notification: Notification): Funit =
repo.insert(notification) >>- unreadCountCache.update(notification.notifies, _ + 1)
def addNotifications(notifications: List[Notification]): Funit =
def remove(notifies: Notification.Notifies, selector: Bdoc = $empty): Funit =
repo.remove(notifies, selector) >>- unreadCountCache.invalidate(notifies)
def markRead(notifies: Notification.Notifies, selector: Bdoc): Funit =
repo.markManyRead(selector ++ $doc("notifies" -> notifies, "read" -> false)) >>-
def exists = repo.exists _
private def shouldSkip(notification: Notification) =
(!notification.isMsg ?? userRepo.isKid(notification.notifies.value)) >>| {
notification.content match {
case MentionedInThread(_, _, topicId, _, _) =>
repo.hasRecentNotificationsInThread(notification.notifies, topicId)
case InvitedToStudy(_, _, studyId) => repo.hasRecentStudyInvitation(notification.notifies, studyId)
case PrivateMessage(sender, _) => repo.hasRecentPrivateMessageFrom(notification.notifies, sender)
case _ => fuFalse
/** Inserts notification into the repository.
* If the user already has an unread notification on the topic, discard it.
* If the user does not already have an unread notification on the topic, returns it unmodified.
private def insertOrDiscardNotification(notification: Notification): Fu[Option[Notification]] =
shouldSkip(notification) flatMap {
case true => fuccess(none)
case false => addNotificationWithoutSkipOrEvent(notification) inject notification.some
private def notifyUser(notifies: Notification.Notifies): Funit =
getNotificationsAndCount(notifies, 1) map { msg =>
() => {
userRepo langOf notifies.value map I18nLangPicker.byStrOrDefault map { implicit lang =>