
77 lines
2.3 KiB

import { h, thunk } from 'snabbdom';
import axis from './axis';
import filters from './filters';
import presets from './presets';
import chart from './chart';
import { vert } from './table';
import help from './help';
import info from './info';
import boards from './boards';
import Ctrl from './ctrl';
import { bind } from 'common/snabbdom';
const renderMain = (ctrl: Ctrl, _cacheKey: string | boolean) => {
if (ctrl.vm.broken)
return h('div.broken', [
h('i', { attrs: { 'data-icon': '' } }),
'Insights are unavailable.',
'Please try again later.',
if (!ctrl.vm.answer) return h('div'); // returning undefined breaks snabbdom's thunks
return h('div', [chart(ctrl), vert(ctrl), boards(ctrl)]);
// Key that determines whether or not renderMain needs to get rerendered
const cacheKey = (ctrl: Ctrl) => {
const q = ctrl.vm.answer?.question;
return q ? ctrl.makeUrl(q.dimension, q.metric, q.filters) : ctrl.vm.broken;
const tabData = (ctrl: Ctrl, panel: 'filter' | 'preset') => ({
class: { active: ctrl.vm.panel === panel },
attrs: { 'data-panel': panel },
hook: bind('click', () => ctrl.setPanel(panel)),
export default function (ctrl: Ctrl) {
return h(
attrs: {
class: ctrl.vm.loading ? 'loading' : 'ready',
h('div.left-side', [
h('div.panel-tabs', [
h('', tabData(ctrl, 'preset'), 'Presets'),
h('', tabData(ctrl, 'filter'), 'Filters'),
? h(
attrs: {
title: 'Clear all filters',
'data-icon': '',
hook: bind('click', ctrl.clearFilters.bind(ctrl)),
: null,
ctrl.vm.panel === 'filter' ? filters(ctrl) : null,
ctrl.vm.panel === 'preset' ? presets(ctrl) : null,
h('header', [axis(ctrl), h('h2.text', { attrs: { 'data-icon': '' } }, 'Chess Insights')]),
thunk('', renderMain, [ctrl, cacheKey(ctrl)]),