
229 lines
6.9 KiB

package lila.tournament
import akka.pattern.ask
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import lila.hub.{ Duct, DuctMap }
import lila.socket.History
import lila.socket.Socket.{ GetVersion, SocketVersion }
import lila.user.User
import makeTimeout.short
final class Env(
config: Config,
system: ActorSystem,
db: lila.db.Env,
mongoCache: lila.memo.MongoCache.Builder,
asyncCache: lila.memo.AsyncCache.Builder,
hub: lila.hub.Env,
roundMap: DuctMap[_],
lightUserApi: lila.user.LightUserApi,
isOnline: String => Boolean,
onStart: String => Unit,
historyApi: lila.history.HistoryApi,
trophyApi: lila.user.TrophyApi,
notifyApi: lila.notify.NotifyApi,
scheduler: lila.common.Scheduler,
startedSinceSeconds: Int => Boolean
) {
private val startsAtMillis = nowMillis
private val settings = new {
val CollectionTournament = config getString "collection.tournament"
val CollectionPlayer = config getString "collection.player"
val CollectionPairing = config getString "collection.pairing"
val CollectionLeaderboard = config getString "collection.leaderboard"
val HistoryMessageTtl = config duration "history.message.ttl"
val CreatedCacheTtl = config duration "created.cache.ttl"
val LeaderboardCacheTtl = config duration "leaderboard.cache.ttl"
val RankingCacheTtl = config duration "ranking.cache.ttl"
val UidTimeout = config duration "uid.timeout"
val SocketTimeout = config duration "socket.timeout"
val ApiActorName = config getString ""
val SequencerTimeout = config duration "sequencer.timeout"
val ChannelStanding = config getString " "
val NetDomain = config getString "net.domain"
import settings._
lazy val forms = new DataForm
lazy val cached = new Cached(
asyncCache = asyncCache,
createdTtl = CreatedCacheTtl,
rankingTtl = RankingCacheTtl
lazy val verify = new Condition.Verify(historyApi)
lazy val winners = new WinnersApi(
coll = tournamentColl,
mongoCache = mongoCache,
ttl = LeaderboardCacheTtl,
scheduler = scheduler
lazy val statsApi = new TournamentStatsApi(
mongoCache = mongoCache
lazy val shieldApi = new TournamentShieldApi(
coll = tournamentColl,
asyncCache = asyncCache
lazy val revolutionApi = new RevolutionApi(
coll = tournamentColl,
asyncCache = asyncCache
private val duelStore = new DuelStore
private val pause = new Pause
lazy val api = new TournamentApi(
cached = cached,
scheduleJsonView = scheduleJsonView,
system = system,
sequencers = sequencerMap,
autoPairing = autoPairing,
clearJsonViewCache = jsonView.clearCache,
clearWinnersCache = winners.clearCache,
clearTrophyCache = tour => {
if (tour.isShield) scheduler.once(10 seconds)(shieldApi.clear)
else if (Revolution is tour) scheduler.once(10 seconds)(revolutionApi.clear)
renderer =,
timeline =,
socketHub = socketHub,
site =,
lobby = hub.socket.lobby,
trophyApi = trophyApi,
verify = verify,
indexLeaderboard = leaderboardIndexer.indexOne _,
roundMap = roundMap,
asyncCache = asyncCache,
duelStore = duelStore,
pause = pause,
lightUserApi = lightUserApi
lazy val crudApi = new crud.CrudApi
val tourAndRanks = api tourAndRanks _
lazy val socketHandler = new SocketHandler(
hub = hub,
socketHub = socketHub,
chat =,
flood = flood
lazy val jsonView = new JsonView(lightUserApi, cached, statsApi, shieldApi, asyncCache, verify, duelStore, pause, startedSinceSeconds)
lazy val scheduleJsonView = new ScheduleJsonView(lightUserApi.async)
lazy val leaderboardApi = new LeaderboardApi(
coll = leaderboardColl,
maxPerPage = lila.common.MaxPerPage(15)
def playerRepo = PlayerRepo
private lazy val leaderboardIndexer = new LeaderboardIndexer(
tournamentColl = tournamentColl,
leaderboardColl = leaderboardColl
private val socketHub = new lila.hub.ActorMapNew(
mkActor = id => new Socket(
tournamentId = id,
history = new History(ttl = HistoryMessageTtl),
jsonView = jsonView,
uidTimeout = UidTimeout,
lightUser = lightUserApi.async
accessTimeout = SocketTimeout,
name = "tournament.socket",
system = system
private val sequencerMap = new DuctMap(
mkDuct = _ => Duct.extra.lazyFu(5.seconds)(system),
accessTimeout = SequencerTimeout
system.actorOf(Props(new ApiActor(api, leaderboardApi)), name = ApiActorName),
'finishGame, 'adjustCheater, 'adjustBooster, 'playban
system.actorOf(Props(new CreatedOrganizer(
api = api,
isOnline = isOnline
private val reminder = system.actorOf(Props[Reminder])
system.actorOf(Props(new StartedOrganizer(
api = api,
reminder = reminder,
isOnline = isOnline,
socketHub = socketHub
TournamentScheduler.start(system, api)
TournamentInviter.start(system, api, notifyApi)
def version(tourId: Tournament.ID): Fu[SocketVersion] =
socketHub.ask[SocketVersion](tourId, GetVersion)
// is that user playing a game of this tournament
// or hanging out in the tournament lobby (joined or not)
def hasUser(tourId: Tournament.ID, userId: User.ID): Fu[Boolean] =
socketHub.ask[Boolean](tourId, lila.hub.actorApi.HasUserId(userId)) >>|
PairingRepo.isPlaying(tourId, userId)
def cli = new lila.common.Cli {
def process = {
case "tournament" :: "leaderboard" :: "generate" :: Nil =>
leaderboardIndexer.generateAll inject "Done!"
private lazy val autoPairing = new AutoPairing(duelStore, onStart)
private[tournament] lazy val tournamentColl = db(CollectionTournament)
private[tournament] lazy val pairingColl = db(CollectionPairing)
private[tournament] lazy val playerColl = db(CollectionPlayer)
private[tournament] lazy val leaderboardColl = db(CollectionLeaderboard)
object Env {
lazy val current = "tournament" boot new Env(
config = lila.common.PlayApp loadConfig "tournament",
system = lila.common.PlayApp.system,
db = lila.db.Env.current,
mongoCache = lila.memo.Env.current.mongoCache,
asyncCache = lila.memo.Env.current.asyncCache,
flood =,
hub = lila.hub.Env.current,
roundMap = lila.round.Env.current.roundMap,
lightUserApi = lila.user.Env.current.lightUserApi,
isOnline = lila.user.Env.current.isOnline,
onStart =,
historyApi = lila.history.Env.current.api,
trophyApi = lila.user.Env.current.trophyApi,
notifyApi = lila.notify.Env.current.api,
scheduler = lila.common.PlayApp.scheduler,
startedSinceSeconds = lila.common.PlayApp.startedSinceSeconds