
113 lines
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package lila.common
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem }
object Bus {
case class Event(payload: Any, channel: String)
type Channel = String
type Subscriber = Tellable
def publish(payload: Any, channel: Channel): Unit = bus.publish(payload, channel)
def subscribe = bus.subscribe _
def subscribe(ref: ActorRef, to: Channel) = bus.subscribe(Tellable.Actor(ref), to)
def subscribe(subscriber: Tellable, to: Channel*) = to foreach { bus.subscribe(subscriber, _) }
def subscribe(ref: ActorRef, to: Channel*) = to foreach { bus.subscribe(Tellable.Actor(ref), _) }
def subscribe(ref: ActorRef, to: Iterable[Channel]) = to foreach { bus.subscribe(Tellable.Actor(ref), _) }
def subscribeFun(to: Channel*)(f: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]): Tellable = {
val t = lila.common.Tellable(f)
subscribe(t, to: _*)
def subscribeFuns(subscriptions: (Channel, PartialFunction[Any, Unit])*): Unit =
subscriptions foreach { case (channel, subscriber) =>
def unsubscribe = bus.unsubscribe _
def unsubscribe(ref: ActorRef, from: Channel) = bus.unsubscribe(Tellable.Actor(ref), from)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Tellable, from: Iterable[Channel]) =
from foreach {
bus.unsubscribe(subscriber, _)
def unsubscribe(ref: ActorRef, from: Iterable[Channel]) =
from foreach {
bus.unsubscribe(Tellable.Actor(ref), _)
def ask[A](channel: Channel, timeout: FiniteDuration = 2.second)(makeMsg: Promise[A] => Any)(implicit
ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext,
system: ActorSystem
): Fu[A] = {
val promise = Promise[A]()
val msg = makeMsg(promise)
publish(msg, channel)
Bus.AskTimeout(s"Bus.ask timeout: $channel $msg")
private val bus = new EventBus[Any, Channel, Tellable](
initialCapacity = 4096,
publish = (tellable, event) => tellable ! event
def size = bus.size
case class AskTimeout(message: String) extends lila.base.LilaException
final private class EventBus[Event, Channel, Subscriber](
initialCapacity: Int,
publish: (Subscriber, Event) => Unit
) {
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
private val entries = new ConcurrentHashMap[Channel, Set[Subscriber]](initialCapacity)
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, channel: Channel): Unit =
(_: Channel, subs: Set[Subscriber]) => {
Option(subs).fold(Set(subscriber))(_ + subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, channel: Channel): Unit =
(_: Channel, subs: Set[Subscriber]) => {
val newSubs = subs - subscriber
if (newSubs.isEmpty) null
else newSubs
def publish(event: Event, channel: Channel): Unit =
Option(entries get channel) foreach {
_ foreach {
publish(_, event)
def size = entries.size