
89 lines
3.1 KiB

package lila.common
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.autolink.AutolinkExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.gfm.strikethrough.StrikethroughExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.tables.TablesExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer
import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import lila.base.RawHtml
final class Markdown(
autoLink: Boolean = true,
table: Boolean = false,
strikeThrough: Boolean = false,
header: Boolean = false,
blockQuote: Boolean = false,
list: Boolean = false,
code: Boolean = false
) {
private type Key = String
private type Text = String
private type Html = String
private val extensions = new java.util.ArrayList[com.vladsch.flexmark.util.misc.Extension]()
if (table) extensions.add(TablesExtension.create())
if (strikeThrough) extensions.add(StrikethroughExtension.create())
if (autoLink) extensions.add(AutolinkExtension.create())
private val options = new MutableDataSet()
.set(Parser.EXTENSIONS, extensions)
.set(HtmlRenderer.ESCAPE_HTML, Boolean box true)
.set(HtmlRenderer.SOFT_BREAK, "<br>")
// always disabled
.set(Parser.HTML_BLOCK_PARSER, Boolean box false)
.set(Parser.INDENTED_CODE_BLOCK_PARSER, Boolean box false)
.set(Parser.FENCED_CODE_BLOCK_PARSER, Boolean box code)
// configurable
if (table) options.set(TablesExtension.CLASS_NAME, "slist")
if (!header) options.set(Parser.HEADING_PARSER, Boolean box false)
if (!blockQuote) options.set(Parser.BLOCK_QUOTE_PARSER, Boolean box false)
if (!list) options.set(Parser.LIST_BLOCK_PARSER, Boolean box false)
private val immutableOptions = options.toImmutable
private val parser = Parser.builder(immutableOptions).build()
private val renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder(immutableOptions).build()
private val logger = lila.log("markdown")
// quick and dirty.
// there should be a clean way to do it:
private def addLinkAttributes(markup: Html) =
markup.replace("<a href=", """<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href=""")
private def mentionsToLinks(markdown: Text): Text =
RawHtml.atUsernameRegex.replaceAllIn(markdown, "[$1](/@/$1)")
private val tooManyUnderscoreRegex = """(_{4,})""".r
private def preventStackOverflow(text: String) = tooManyUnderscoreRegex.replaceAllIn(text, "_" * 3)
def apply(key: Key)(text: Text): Html =
.sync {
try {
} catch {
case e: StackOverflowError =>
logger.branch(key).error("StackOverflowError", e)
.logIfSlow(50, logger.branch(key))(_ => s"slow markdown size:${text.size}")
object Markdown {
private val imageRegex = """!\[[^\]]*\]\((.*?)\s*("(?:.*[^"])")?\s*\)""".r
def imageUrls(markdown: String): List[String] =
imageRegex.findAllIn(markdown) group 1).toList