
337 lines
10 KiB

import chess._
import chess.format.Uci
import chess.variant.Variant
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.lichess.compression.clock.{ Encoder => ClockEncoder }
import scala.util.Try
import lila.db.ByteArray
object BinaryFormat {
object pgn {
def write(moves: PgnMoves): ByteArray =
ByteArray {
def read(ba: ByteArray): PgnMoves =
def read(ba: ByteArray, nb: Int): PgnMoves =
format.pgn.Binary.readMoves(ba.value.toList, nb).get.toVector
object clockHistory {
private val logger = lila.log("clockHistory")
def writeSide(start: Centis, times: Vector[Centis], flagged: Boolean) = {
val timesToWrite = if (flagged) times.dropRight(1) else times
ByteArray(ClockEncoder.encode(, start.centis))
def readSide(start: Centis, ba: ByteArray, flagged: Boolean) = {
val decoded: Vector[Centis] =
ClockEncoder.decode(ba.value, start.centis)
if (flagged) decoded :+ Centis(0) else decoded
def read(start: Centis, bw: ByteArray, bb: ByteArray, flagged: Option[Color]) =
Try {
readSide(start, bw, flagged has White),
readSide(start, bb, flagged has Black)
e => { logger.warn(s"Exception decoding history", e); none },
object moveTime {
private type MT = Int // centiseconds
private val size = 16
private val buckets =
List(10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000)
private val encodeCutoffs = buckets zip buckets.tail map { case (i1, i2) =>
(i1 + i2) / 2
} toVector
private val decodeMap: Map[Int, MT] = => x._2 -> x._1).toMap
def write(mts: Vector[Centis]): ByteArray = {
def enc(mt: Centis) =
.map {
case Vector(a, b) => (enc(a) << 4) + enc(b)
case Vector(a) => enc(a) << 4
case v => sys error s"moveTime.write unexpected $v"
def read(ba: ByteArray, turns: Int): Vector[Centis] = {
def dec(x: Int) = decodeMap.getOrElse(x, decodeMap(size - 1))
ba.value map toInt flatMap { k =>
Array(dec(k >> 4), dec(k & 15))
case class clock(start: Timestamp) {
def legacyElapsed(clock: Clock, color: Color) =
clock.limit - clock.players(color).remaining
def computeRemaining(config: Clock.Config, legacyElapsed: Centis) =
config.limit - legacyElapsed
def write(clock: Clock): ByteArray = {
Array(writeClockLimit(clock.limitSeconds), clock.incrementSeconds.toByte) ++
writeSignedInt24(legacyElapsed(clock, White).centis) ++
writeSignedInt24(legacyElapsed(clock, Black).centis) ++
def read(ba: ByteArray, whiteBerserk: Boolean, blackBerserk: Boolean): Color => Clock =
color => {
val ia = ba.value map toInt
// ba.size might be greater than 12 with 5 bytes timers
// ba.size might be 8 if there was no timer.
// #TODO remove 5 byte timer case! But fix the DB first!
val timer = {
if (ia.lengthIs == 12) readTimer(readInt(ia(8), ia(9), ia(10), ia(11)))
else None
ia match {
case Array(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, _*) =>
val config = Clock.Config(readClockLimit(b1), b2)
val legacyWhite = Centis(readSignedInt24(b3, b4, b5))
val legacyBlack = Centis(readSignedInt24(b6, b7, b8))
config = config,
color = color,
players = Color.Map(
.copy(berserk = whiteBerserk)
.setRemaining(computeRemaining(config, legacyWhite)),
.copy(berserk = blackBerserk)
.setRemaining(computeRemaining(config, legacyBlack))
timer = timer
case _ => sys error s" invalid bytes: ${ba.showBytes}"
private def writeTimer(timer: Timestamp) = {
val centis = (timer - start).centis
* A zero timer is resolved by `readTimer` as the absence of a timer.
* As a result, a clock that is started with a timer = 0
* resolves as a clock that is not started.
* This can happen when the clock was started at the same time as the game
* For instance in simuls
val nonZero = centis atLeast 1
private def readTimer(l: Int) =
if (l != 0) Some(start + Centis(l)) else None
private def writeClockLimit(limit: Int): Byte = {
// The database expects a byte for a limit, and this is limit / 60.
// For 0.5+0, this does not give a round number, so there needs to be
// an alternative way to describe 0.5.
// The max limit where limit % 60 == 0, returns 180 for limit / 60
// So, for the limits where limit % 30 == 0, we can use the space
// from 181-255, where 181 represents 0.25 and 182 represents 0.50...
(if (limit % 60 == 0) limit / 60 else limit / 15 + 180).toByte
private def readClockLimit(i: Int) = {
if (i < 181) i * 60 else (i - 180) * 15
object clock {
def apply(start: DateTime) = new clock(Timestamp(start.getMillis))
object castleLastMove {
def write(clmt: CastleLastMove): ByteArray = {
val castleInt = clmt.castles.toSeq.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(0) {
case (acc, (false, _)) => acc
case (acc, (true, p)) => acc + (1 << (3 - p))
def posInt(pos: Pos): Int = (pos.file.index << 3) + pos.rank.index
val lastMoveInt = { case (o, d) =>
(posInt(o) << 6) + posInt(d)
Array((castleInt << 4) + (lastMoveInt >> 8) toByte, lastMoveInt.toByte)
def read(ba: ByteArray): CastleLastMove = {
val ints = ba.value map toInt
doRead(ints(0), ints(1))
private def doRead(b1: Int, b2: Int) =
castles = Castles(b1 > 127, (b1 & 64) != 0, (b1 & 32) != 0, (b1 & 16) != 0),
lastMove = for {
orig <- & 15) >> 1, ((b1 & 1) << 2) + (b2 >> 6))
dest <- & 63) >> 3, b2 & 7)
if orig != Pos.A1 || dest != Pos.A1
} yield Uci.Move(orig, dest)
object piece {
private val groupedPos = Pos.all grouped 2 collect { case List(p1, p2) =>
(p1, p2)
} toArray
def write(pieces: PieceMap): ByteArray = {
def posInt(pos: Pos): Int =
(pieces get pos).fold(0) { piece =>
piece.color.fold(0, 8) + roleToInt(piece.role)
ByteArray(groupedPos map { case (p1, p2) =>
((posInt(p1) << 4) + posInt(p2)).toByte
def read(ba: ByteArray, variant: Variant): PieceMap = {
def splitInts(b: Byte) = {
val int = b.toInt
Array(int >> 4, int & 0x0f)
def intPiece(int: Int): Option[Piece] =
intToRole(int & 7, variant) map { role =>
Piece(Color.fromWhite((int & 8) == 0), role)
val pieceInts = ba.value flatMap splitInts
(Pos.all zip pieceInts).view
.flatMap { case (pos, int) =>
intPiece(int) map (pos -> _)
// cache standard start position
val standard = write(Board.init(chess.variant.Standard).pieces)
private def intToRole(int: Int, variant: Variant): Option[Role] =
int match {
case 6 => Some(Pawn)
case 1 => Some(King)
case 2 => Some(Queen)
case 3 => Some(Rook)
case 4 => Some(Knight)
case 5 => Some(Bishop)
// Legacy from when we used to have an 'Antiking' piece
case 7 if variant.antichess => Some(King)
case _ => None
private def roleToInt(role: Role): Int =
role match {
case Pawn => 6
case King => 1
case Queen => 2
case Rook => 3
case Knight => 4
case Bishop => 5
object unmovedRooks {
val emptyByteArray = ByteArray(Array(0, 0))
def write(o: UnmovedRooks): ByteArray = {
if (o.pos.isEmpty) emptyByteArray
else {
var white = 0
var black = 0
o.pos.foreach { pos =>
if (pos.rank == Rank.First) white = white | (1 << (7 - pos.file.index))
else black = black | (1 << (7 - pos.file.index))
Array(white.toByte, black.toByte)
private def bitAt(n: Int, k: Int) = (n >> k) & 1
private val arrIndexes = 0 to 1
private val bitIndexes = 0 to 7
private val whiteStd = Set(Pos.A1, Pos.H1)
private val blackStd = Set(Pos.A8, Pos.H8)
def read(ba: ByteArray) =
UnmovedRooks {
var set = Set.empty[Pos]
arrIndexes.foreach { i =>
val int = ba.value(i).toInt
if (int != 0) {
if (int == -127) set = if (i == 0) whiteStd else set ++ blackStd
bitIndexes.foreach { j =>
if (bitAt(int, j) == 1) set = set + - j, 7 * i).get
@inline private def toInt(b: Byte): Int = b & 0xff
def writeInt24(int: Int) = {
val i = if (int < (1 << 24)) int else 0
Array((i >>> 16).toByte, (i >>> 8).toByte, i.toByte)
private val int23Max = 1 << 23
def writeSignedInt24(int: Int) = {
val i = if (int < 0) int23Max - int else math.min(int, int23Max)
def readInt24(b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int) = (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3
def readSignedInt24(b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int) = {
val i = readInt24(b1, b2, b3)
if (i > int23Max) int23Max - i else i
def writeInt(i: Int) =
(i >>> 24).toByte,
(i >>> 16).toByte,
(i >>> 8).toByte,
def readInt(b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int) = {
(b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4