
46 lines
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import chess.Color
import lila.common.{ SecureRandom, ThreadLocalRandom }
import lila.db.dsl._
final class IdGenerator(gameRepo: GameRepo)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import IdGenerator._
def game: Fu[Game.ID] = {
val id = uncheckedGame
gameRepo.exists(id).flatMap {
case true => game
case false => fuccess(id)
def games(nb: Int): Fu[Set[Game.ID]] =
if (nb < 1) fuccess(Set.empty)
else if (nb == 1) game.dmap(Set(_))
else if (nb < 5) Set.fill(nb)(game).sequenceFu
else {
val ids = Set.fill(nb)(uncheckedGame)
gameRepo.coll.distinctEasy[Game.ID, Set]("_id", $inIds(ids)) flatMap { collisions =>
games(collisions.size) dmap { _ ++ (ids diff collisions) }
object IdGenerator {
private[this] val whiteSuffixChars = ('0' to '4') ++ ('A' to 'Z') mkString
private[this] val blackSuffixChars = ('5' to '9') ++ ('a' to 'z') mkString
def uncheckedGame: Game.ID = ThreadLocalRandom nextString Game.gameIdSize
def player(color: Color): Player.ID = {
// Trick to avoid collisions between player ids in the same game.
val suffixChars = color.fold(whiteSuffixChars, blackSuffixChars)
val suffix = suffixChars(SecureRandom nextInt suffixChars.length)
SecureRandom.nextString(Game.playerIdSize - 1) + suffix