
49 lines
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import lila.hub.LightTeam.TeamID
import lila.user.User
case class Categ(
_id: String, // slug
name: String,
desc: String,
team: Option[TeamID] = None,
nbTopics: Int,
nbPosts: Int,
lastPostId: String,
nbTopicsTroll: Int,
nbPostsTroll: Int,
lastPostIdTroll: String,
quiet: Boolean = false
) {
def id = _id
def nbTopics(forUser: Option[User]): Int = if (forUser.exists(_.marks.troll)) nbTopicsTroll else nbTopics
def nbPosts(forUser: Option[User]): Int = if (forUser.exists(_.marks.troll)) nbPostsTroll else nbPosts
def lastPostId(forUser: Option[User]): String =
if (forUser.exists(_.marks.troll)) lastPostIdTroll else lastPostId
def isTeam = team.nonEmpty
def withPost(topic: Topic, post: Post): Categ =
// the `Topic` object is created before adding the post, hence why nbPosts is compared to 0 and not to 1
nbTopics = if (post.troll || topic.nbPosts > 0) nbTopics else nbTopics + 1,
nbPosts = if (post.troll) nbPosts else nbPosts + 1,
lastPostId = if (post.troll || topic.isTooBig) lastPostId else,
nbTopicsTroll = if (topic.nbPostsTroll == 0) nbTopicsTroll + 1 else nbTopicsTroll,
nbPostsTroll = nbPostsTroll + 1,
lastPostIdTroll = if (topic.isTooBig) lastPostIdTroll else
def slug = id
object Categ {
def isTeamSlug(slug: String) = slug.startsWith("team-")
def slugToTeamId(slug: String) = isTeamSlug(slug) option slug.drop(5)