
461 lines
18 KiB

package lila.round
import actorApi._
import actorApi.round._
import{ ActorSystem, Cancellable, CoordinatedShutdown, Scheduler }
import chess.format.Uci
import chess.{ Black, Centis, Color, MoveMetrics, Speed, White }
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Promise }
import{ BusChan, Chat }
import lila.common.{ Bus, IpAddress, Lilakka }
import{ FullId, PlayerId }
import{ Event, Game, Pov }
import{ Exists, Tell, TellAll, TellIfExists, TellMany }
import lila.hub.actorApi.round.{ Abort, Berserk, RematchNo, RematchYes, Resign, TourStanding }
import lila.hub.actorApi.socket.remote.TellSriIn
import lila.hub.AsyncActorConcMap
import{ Protocol => RP, _ }
import lila.socket.RemoteSocket.{ Protocol => P, _ }
import lila.socket.Socket.{ makeMessage, SocketVersion }
import lila.user.User
import reactivemongo.api.Cursor
final class RoundSocket(
remoteSocketApi: lila.socket.RemoteSocket,
roundDependencies: RoundAsyncActor.Dependencies,
proxyDependencies: GameProxy.Dependencies,
scheduleExpiration: ScheduleExpiration,
tournamentActor: lila.hub.actors.TournamentApi,
messenger: Messenger,
goneWeightsFor: Game => Fu[(Float, Float)],
shutdown: CoordinatedShutdown
ec: ExecutionContext,
system: ActorSystem
) {
import RoundSocket._
private var stopping = false
Lilakka.shutdown(shutdown, _.PhaseServiceUnbind, "Stop round socket") { () =>
stopping = true
rounds.tellAllWithAck(RoundAsyncActor.LilaStop.apply) map { nb =>"$nb round asyncActors have stopped")
def getGame(gameId: Game.ID): Fu[Option[Game]] =
rounds.getOrMake(gameId).getGame addEffect { g =>
if (g.isEmpty) finishRound(Game.Id(gameId))
def getGames(gameIds: List[Game.ID]): Fu[List[(Game.ID, Option[Game])]] = { id =>
rounds.getOrMake(id).getGame dmap { id -> _ }
def gameIfPresent(gameId: Game.ID): Fu[Option[Game]] = rounds.getIfPresent(gameId).??(_.getGame)
// get the proxied version of the game
def upgradeIfPresent(game: Game): Fu[Game] =
rounds.getIfPresent( | game))
// update the proxied game
def updateIfPresent(gameId: Game.ID)(f: Game => Game): Funit =
rounds.getIfPresent(gameId) ?? {
_ updateGame f
val rounds = new AsyncActorConcMap[RoundAsyncActor](
mkAsyncActor = id =>
makeRoundActor(id, SocketVersion(0), roundDependencies.gameRepo game id recoverDefault none),
initialCapacity = 65536
private def makeRoundActor(id: Game.ID, version: SocketVersion, gameFu: Fu[Option[Game]]) = {
val proxy = new GameProxy(id, proxyDependencies, gameFu)
val roundActor = new RoundAsyncActor(
dependencies = roundDependencies,
gameId = id,
socketSend = sendForGameId(id),
version = version
)(ec, proxy)
terminationDelay schedule Game.Id(id)
gameFu dforeach {
_ foreach { game =>
goneWeightsFor(game) dforeach { w =>
roundActor ! RoundAsyncActor.SetGameInfo(game, w)
private def tellRound(gameId: Game.Id, msg: Any): Unit = rounds.tell(gameId.value, msg)
private lazy val roundHandler: Handler = {
case Protocol.In.PlayerMove(fullId, uci, blur, lag) if !stopping =>
tellRound(fullId.gameId, HumanPlay(fullId.playerId, uci, blur, lag, none))
case Protocol.In.PlayerDo(id, tpe) if !stopping =>
tpe match {
case "moretime" => tellRound(id.gameId, Moretime(id.playerId))
case "rematch-yes" => tellRound(id.gameId, RematchYes(id.playerId.value))
case "rematch-no" => tellRound(id.gameId, RematchNo(id.playerId.value))
case "takeback-yes" => tellRound(id.gameId, TakebackYes(id.playerId))
case "takeback-no" => tellRound(id.gameId, TakebackNo(id.playerId))
case "draw-yes" => tellRound(id.gameId, DrawYes(id.playerId))
case "draw-no" => tellRound(id.gameId, DrawNo(id.playerId))
case "draw-claim" => tellRound(id.gameId, DrawClaim(id.playerId))
case "resign" => tellRound(id.gameId, Resign(id.playerId.value))
case "resign-force" => tellRound(id.gameId, ResignForce(id.playerId))
case "draw-force" => tellRound(id.gameId, DrawForce(id.playerId))
case "abort" => tellRound(id.gameId, Abort(id.playerId.value))
case "outoftime" => tellRound(id.gameId, QuietFlag) // mobile app BC
case t => logger.warn(s"Unhandled round socket message: $t")
case Protocol.In.Flag(gameId, color, fromPlayerId) => tellRound(gameId, ClientFlag(color, fromPlayerId))
case Protocol.In.PlayerChatSay(id, Right(color), msg) =>
gameIfPresent(id.value) foreach {
_ foreach {
messenger.owner(_, color, msg).unit
case Protocol.In.PlayerChatSay(id, Left(userId), msg) =>
messenger.owner(id, userId, msg).unit
case Protocol.In.WatcherChatSay(id, userId, msg) =>
messenger.watcher(id, userId, msg).unit
case RP.In.ChatTimeout(roomId, modId, suspect, reason, text) =>
messenger.timeout(Chat.Id(s"$roomId/w"), modId, suspect, reason, text).unit
case Protocol.In.Berserk(gameId, userId) => tournamentActor ! Berserk(gameId.value, userId)
case Protocol.In.PlayerOnlines(onlines) =>
onlines foreach {
case (gameId, Some(on)) =>
tellRound(gameId, on)
terminationDelay cancel gameId
case (gameId, _) =>
if (rounds exists gameId.value) terminationDelay schedule gameId
case Protocol.In.Bye(fullId) => tellRound(fullId.gameId, ByePlayer(fullId.playerId))
case RP.In.TellRoomSri(_, P.In.TellSri(_, _, tpe, _)) =>
logger.warn(s"Unhandled round socket message: $tpe")
case hold: Protocol.In.HoldAlert => tellRound(hold.fullId.gameId, hold)
case r: Protocol.In.SelfReport => Bus.publish(r, "selfReport")
case P.In.TellSri(sri, userId, tpe, msg) => // eval cache
Bus.publish(TellSriIn(sri.value, userId, msg), s"remoteSocketIn:$tpe")
case RP.In.SetVersions(versions) =>
case P.In.Ping(id) => send(P.Out.pong(id))
case Protocol.In.WsLatency(millis) => MoveLatMonitor.wsLatency.set(millis)
case P.In.WsBoot =>
logger.warn("Remote socket boot")
// schedule termination for all game asyncActors
// until players actually reconnect
rounds foreachKey { id =>
terminationDelay schedule Game.Id(id)
private def finishRound(gameId: Game.Id): Unit =
rounds.terminate(gameId.value, _ ! RoundAsyncActor.Stop)
private lazy val send: Sender = remoteSocketApi.makeSender("r-out", parallelism = 8)
private lazy val sendForGameId: Game.ID => String => Unit = gameId => msg => send.sticky(gameId, msg)
remoteSocketApi.subscribeRoundRobin("r-in", Protocol.In.reader, parallelism = 8)(
roundHandler orElse remoteSocketApi.baseHandler
) >>- send(P.Out.boot)
Bus.subscribeFun("tvSelect", "roundSocket", "tourStanding", "startGame", "finishGame") {
case TvSelect(gameId, speed, json) => sendForGameId(gameId)(Protocol.Out.tvSelect(gameId, speed, json))
case Tell(gameId, e @ BotConnected(color, v)) =>
rounds.tell(gameId, e)
sendForGameId(gameId)(Protocol.Out.botConnected(gameId, color, v))
case Tell(gameId, msg) => rounds.tell(gameId, msg)
case TellIfExists(gameId, msg) => rounds.tellIfPresent(gameId, msg)
case TellMany(gameIds, msg) => rounds.tellIds(gameIds, msg)
case TellAll(msg) => rounds.tellAll(msg)
case Exists(gameId, promise) => promise success rounds.exists(gameId)
case TourStanding(tourId, json) => send(Protocol.Out.tourStanding(tourId, json))
case if game.hasClock =>
game.userIds.some.filter(_.nonEmpty) foreach { usersPlaying =>
case, _, _) if game.hasClock =>
game.userIds.some.filter(_.nonEmpty) foreach { usersPlaying =>
sendForGameId(, game.winnerColor, usersPlaying))
Bus.subscribeFun(BusChan.Round.chan, BusChan.Global.chan) {
case ChatLine(Chat.Id(id), l) =>
val line = RoundLine(l, id endsWith "/w")
rounds.tellIfPresent(if (line.watcher) id take Game.gameIdSize else id, line)
case OnTimeout(Chat.Id(id), userId) =>
send(RP.Out.tellRoom(RoomId(id take Game.gameIdSize), makeMessage("chat_timeout", userId)))
case OnReinstate(Chat.Id(id), userId) =>
send(RP.Out.tellRoom(RoomId(id take Game.gameIdSize), makeMessage("chat_reinstate", userId)))
system.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(25 seconds, tickInterval) { () =>
system.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(60 seconds, 60 seconds) { () =>
private val terminationDelay = new TerminationDelay(system.scheduler, 1 minute, finishRound)
// on startup we get all ongoing game IDs and versions from lila-ws
// load them into round actors with batched DB queries
private def preloadRoundsWithVersions(rooms: Iterable[(Game.ID, SocketVersion)]) = {
val bootLog = lila log "boot"
// load all actors synchronously, giving them game futures from promises we'll fulfill later
val gamePromises: Map[Game.ID, Promise[Option[Game]]] = { case (id, version) =>
val promise = Promise[Option[Game]]()
load = () => makeRoundActor(id, version, promise.future),
tell = _ ! SetVersion(version)
id -> promise
// fullfill the promises with batched DB requests
.map { ids =>
(ids, game) =>
Cursor.Cont[Set[Game.ID]] {
gamePromises.get( success game.some)
ids +
Cursor.ContOnError { (_, err) => bootLog.error("Can't load round game", err) }
.recover { case e: Exception =>
bootLog.error(s"RoundSocket Can't load ${ids.size} round games", e)
.log(bootLog)(loadedIds => s"RoundSocket Loaded ${loadedIds.size}/${ids.size} round games")
.andThen {
case scala.util.Success(loadedIds) =>
val missingIds = gamePromises.keySet -- loadedIds
if (missingIds.nonEmpty) {
s"RoundSocket ${missingIds.size} round games could not be loaded: ${missingIds.take(20) mkString " "}"
missingIds.foreach { id =>
gamePromises.get(id).foreach(_ success none)
case scala.util.Failure(err) =>
bootLog.error(s"RoundSocket Can't load ${gamePromises.size} round games", err)
.log(bootLog)(ids => s"RoundSocket Done loading ${ids.size}/${gamePromises.size} round games")
object RoundSocket {
val tickSeconds = 5
val tickInterval = tickSeconds.seconds
val ragequitTimeout = 10.seconds
val disconnectTimeout = 40.seconds
def povDisconnectTimeout(pov: Pov): FiniteDuration =
disconnectTimeout * { match {
case Speed.Classical => 3
case Speed.Rapid => 2
case _ => 1
} / {
import chess.variant._
(, match {
case (_, Antichess | Crazyhouse | Horde) => 1
case (i, _) if (pov.color.white && i <= -4) || ( && i >= 4) => 3
case _ => 1
} / {
if (pov.player.hasUser) 1 else 2
object Protocol {
object In {
case class PlayerOnlines(onlines: Iterable[(Game.Id, Option[RoomCrowd])]) extends P.In
case class PlayerDo(fullId: FullId, tpe: String) extends P.In
case class PlayerMove(fullId: FullId, uci: Uci, blur: Boolean, lag: MoveMetrics) extends P.In
case class PlayerChatSay(gameId: Game.Id, userIdOrColor: Either[User.ID, Color], msg: String)
extends P.In
case class WatcherChatSay(gameId: Game.Id, userId: User.ID, msg: String) extends P.In
case class Bye(fullId: FullId) extends P.In
case class HoldAlert(fullId: FullId, ip: IpAddress, mean: Int, sd: Int) extends P.In
case class Flag(gameId: Game.Id, color: Color, fromPlayerId: Option[PlayerId]) extends P.In
case class Berserk(gameId: Game.Id, userId: User.ID) extends P.In
case class SelfReport(fullId: FullId, ip: IpAddress, userId: Option[User.ID], name: String) extends P.In
case class WsLatency(millis: Int) extends P.In
val reader: P.In.Reader = raw =>
raw.path match {
case "r/ons" =>
PlayerOnlines {
P.In.commas(raw.args) map {
_ splitAt Game.gameIdSize match {
case (gameId, cs) =>
if (cs.isEmpty) None else Some(RoomCrowd(cs(0) == '+', cs(1) == '+'))
case "r/do" =>
raw.get(2) { case Array(fullId, payload) =>
for {
obj <- Json.parse(payload).asOpt[JsObject]
tpe <- obj str "t"
} yield PlayerDo(FullId(fullId), tpe)
case "r/move" =>
raw.get(5) { case Array(fullId, uciS, blurS, lagS, mtS) =>
Uci(uciS) map { uci =>
PlayerMove(FullId(fullId), uci, P.In.boolean(blurS), MoveMetrics(centis(lagS), centis(mtS)))
case "chat/say" =>
raw.get(3) { case Array(roomId, author, msg) =>
PlayerChatSay(Game.Id(roomId), readColor(author).toRight(author), msg).some
case "chat/say/w" =>
raw.get(3) { case Array(roomId, userId, msg) =>
WatcherChatSay(Game.Id(roomId), userId, msg).some
case "r/berserk" =>
raw.get(2) { case Array(gameId, userId) =>
Berserk(Game.Id(gameId), userId).some
case "r/bye" => Bye(Game.FullId(raw.args)).some
case "r/hold" =>
raw.get(4) { case Array(fullId, ip, meanS, sdS) =>
for {
mean <- meanS.toIntOption
sd <- sdS.toIntOption
ip <- IpAddress.from(ip)
} yield HoldAlert(FullId(fullId), ip, mean, sd)
case "r/report" =>
raw.get(4) { case Array(fullId, ip, user, name) =>
IpAddress.from(ip) map { ip =>
SelfReport(FullId(fullId), ip, P.In.optional(user), name)
case "r/flag" =>
raw.get(3) { case Array(gameId, color, playerId) =>
readColor(color) map {
Flag(Game.Id(gameId), _, P.In.optional(playerId) map PlayerId.apply)
case "r/latency" => raw.args.toIntOption map WsLatency
case _ => RP.In.reader(raw)
private def centis(s: String): Option[Centis] =
if (s == "-") none
else s.toIntOption map Centis.apply
private def readColor(s: String) =
if (s == "w") Some(White)
else if (s == "b") Some(Black)
else None
object Out {
def resyncPlayer(fullId: FullId) = s"r/resync/player $fullId"
def gone(fullId: FullId, gone: Boolean) = s"r/gone $fullId ${P.Out.boolean(gone)}"
def goneIn(fullId: FullId, millis: Long) = {
val seconds = Math.ceil(millis / 1000d / tickSeconds).toInt * tickSeconds
s"r/goneIn $fullId $seconds"
def tellVersion(roomId: RoomId, version: SocketVersion, e: Event) = {
val flags = new StringBuilder(2)
if (e.watcher) flags += 's'
else if (e.owner) flags += 'p'
else'w', 'b')).orElse {'W', 'B'))
} foreach flags.+=
if (e.troll) flags += 't'
if (flags.isEmpty) flags += '-'
s"r/ver $roomId $version $flags ${e.typ} ${}"
def tvSelect(gameId: Game.ID, speed: chess.Speed, data: JsObject) =
s"tv/select $gameId ${} ${Json stringify data}"
def botConnected(gameId: Game.ID, color: Color, v: Boolean) =
s"r/bot/online $gameId ${P.Out.color(color)} ${P.Out.boolean(v)}"
def tourStanding(tourId: String, data: JsValue) =
s"r/tour/standing $tourId ${Json stringify data}"
def startGame(users: List[User.ID]) = s"r/start ${P.Out.commas(users)}"
def finishGame(gameId: Game.ID, winner: Option[Color], users: List[User.ID]) =
s"r/finish $gameId ${P.Out.color(winner)} ${P.Out.commas(users)}"
def versioningReady = "r/versioning-ready"
final private class TerminationDelay(
scheduler: Scheduler,
duration: FiniteDuration,
terminate: Game.Id => Unit
)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
private[this] val terminations = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Cancellable](65536)
def schedule(gameId: Game.Id): Unit =
(id, canc) => {
scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration) {
terminations remove id
def cancel(gameId: Game.Id): Unit =
Option(terminations remove gameId.value).foreach(_.cancel())