Thibault Duplessis 0ead257827 update todo list
2013-06-02 13:04:26 +02:00

77 lines
5.5 KiB

start chess960 after both player move
takeback play 2 times ?? move 45
also translate websockets error message
@someone = link to someone's profile
analysis not the fastest checkmate, but no best move?
finish games per day chart
untranslated =
analyse: show main line for every move
try to show last analysis cp on graph (move 26)
elo range must contain player elo
localize elo chart dates (oh, and all dates. ask for user timezone or guess it)
index game positions
elo stats (branch elostats)
add elo titles (like 2300+ = FM)
tournament berserker = half time, double points
chat icons (k) (K)
blind accessible
tournament ties
not possible to copy the link URL invite when using a touch device. Can this be easily fixed by adding an automatic "copy" button next to the link?
search bug
takeback substract time for person granting
add fullscreen mode for spectators and load new games in a loop (based on certain filter options) - thus creating a chess tv channel
only team forum posts on the homepage?
team list sort by date, name, popularity, avg elo, team elo, ...?
download 10.000 best elo games
sound config (like sound on game join, not moves)
block user creation from an IP
start clock after black move
national flags
restrict hook creation by IP
opponent history
show tournament trophies on user profile
games with me
team chat
let players block other players
detect lack of support for date formatting (gl) and use 2013-02-15 13:48:00 instead
recognize pgn in forum and show a pgn4web
localize in chrome web store
analyse wrong blunder count
board creator from
correspondance chess
add source to chess search
add pgn names to chess search
kid mode (on subdomain?) or start-from-scratch mode (connect to DB depending on subdomain)
explain point of importing games
captcha highlight opponent king
lightning/blitz/standard/untimed ratings
optional email
chess variants
stream game export
from MoralIntentions email:
- The possibility to use a practice board to play against yourself or to demonstrate something when you're giving chess lessons with your laptop or an interactive whiteboard (with the same features as and with a button beneath "Play with the machine" in Play).
- The possibility to give other players a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down" on their profile (which is only visible to the player who has given the thumbs up or thumbs down) so you can filter games (in Play) based on thumbs up (some players lack sportsmanship, this is a way to avoid them). It would be great if we could also filter "Who is online" (in People) that way, so we can see if it's likely that we'll find a fun opponent to play against.
- More tie-breaking options and stats (in Tournament):, especially Sonneborn-Berger and Tournament Performance Rating.
- Several options of how points should be given to players (for example: Score * Sonneborn-Berger * Tournament Performance Rating * Percentage Score [for example: 0.64] / 1000) and therefore also several Leaderboards.
- The possibility of team matches (with solutions for players who are in several teams), where the team leader has to choose the board order, where the team results are shown and where the team player (who has played all of the games of the match) with the highest Percentage Score gets crowned Player of the Match of team "A".
safari has high bounce rate
correspondance chess
takeback/enpassant glitch
show teams in user mini
badges for top players in ELO and number of games
the forum search user:mephostophilis returns no result
check team average elo
if game ends during move -> bug
LilaError['[analysis] fred65 already analyses ueogn4fr, won't process ueogn4fr']
unload event
-> only rated games
link to best opponents
friend box hide on click
can't delete messages
preview board should never touch undertables
test that count.* increment works
hope for