
208 lines
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package lila.mod
import lila.analyse.{ Analysis, AnalysisRepo }
import lila.db.BSON.BSONJodaDateTimeHandler
import lila.db.dsl._
import lila.evaluation.Statistics
import lila.evaluation.{ AccountAction, Analysed, PlayerAssessment, PlayerAggregateAssessment, PlayerFlags, PlayerAssessments, Assessible }
import{ Game, Player, GameRepo, Source, Pov }
import lila.user.{ User, UserRepo }
import{ SuspectId, ModId }
import reactivemongo.api.ReadPreference
import reactivemongo.bson._
import scala.util.Random
import chess.Color
final class AssessApi(
collAssessments: Coll,
logApi: ModlogApi,
modApi: ModApi,
reporter: ActorSelection,
fishnet: ActorSelection,
userIdsSharingIp: String => Fu[List[String]]
) {
import PlayerFlags.playerFlagsBSONHandler
private implicit val playerAssessmentBSONhandler = Macros.handler[PlayerAssessment]
def createPlayerAssessment(assessed: PlayerAssessment) =
collAssessments.update($id(assessed._id), assessed, upsert = true).void
def getPlayerAssessmentById(id: String) =
private def getPlayerAssessmentsByUserId(userId: String, nb: Int = 100) =
collAssessments.find($doc("userId" -> userId))
.sort($doc("date" -> -1))
def getResultsByGameIdAndColor(gameId: String, color: Color) =
getPlayerAssessmentById(gameId + "/" +
def getGameResultsById(gameId: String) =
getResultsByGameIdAndColor(gameId, Color.White) zip
getResultsByGameIdAndColor(gameId, Color.Black) map {
a => PlayerAssessments(a._1, a._2)
private def getPlayerAggregateAssessment(userId: String, nb: Int = 100): Fu[Option[PlayerAggregateAssessment]] = {
val relatedUsers = userIdsSharingIp(userId)
UserRepo.byId(userId) zip
getPlayerAssessmentsByUserId(userId, nb) zip
relatedUsers zip
(relatedUsers flatMap UserRepo.filterByEngine) map {
case Some(user) ~ (assessedGamesHead :: assessedGamesTail) ~ relatedUs ~ relatedCheaters =>
assessedGamesHead :: assessedGamesTail,
case _ => none
def withGames(pag: PlayerAggregateAssessment): Fu[PlayerAggregateAssessment.WithGames] =
GameRepo gamesFromSecondary map {
PlayerAggregateAssessment.WithGames(pag, _)
def getPlayerAggregateAssessmentWithGames(userId: String, nb: Int = 100): Fu[Option[PlayerAggregateAssessment.WithGames]] =
getPlayerAggregateAssessment(userId, nb) flatMap {
case None => fuccess(none)
case Some(pag) => withGames(pag).map(_.some)
def refreshAssessByUsername(username: String): Funit = withUser(username) { user =>
(GameRepo.gamesForAssessment(, 100) flatMap { gs =>
(gs map { g =>
AnalysisRepo.byId( flatMap {
case Some(a) => onAnalysisReady(g, a, false)
case _ => funit
}) >> assessUser(
def onAnalysisReady(game: Game, analysis: Analysis, thenAssessUser: Boolean = true): Funit = {
def consistentMoveTimes(game: Game)(player: Player) = Statistics.consistentMoveTimes(Pov(game, player))
val shouldAssess =
if (!game.source.exists(assessableSources.contains)) false
else if (game.mode.casual) false
else if (game.players.exists(_.hasSuspiciousHoldAlert)) true
else if (game.isCorrespondence) false
else if (game.players exists consistentMoveTimes(game)) true
else if (game.playedTurns < 40) false
else true
shouldAssess.?? {
val assessible = Assessible(Analysed(game, analysis))
createPlayerAssessment(assessible playerAssessment chess.White) >>
createPlayerAssessment(assessible playerAssessment chess.Black)
} >> ((shouldAssess && thenAssessUser) ?? {
game.whitePlayer.userId.??(assessUser) >> game.blackPlayer.userId.??(assessUser)
def assessUser(userId: String): Funit = {
getPlayerAggregateAssessment(userId) flatMap {
case Some(playerAggregateAssessment) => playerAggregateAssessment.action match {
case AccountAction.Engine | AccountAction.EngineAndBan =>
UserRepo.getTitle(userId).flatMap {
case None => modApi.autoMark(SuspectId(userId), ModId.lichess)
case Some(title) => fuccess {
val reason = s"Would mark as engine, but has a $title title"
reporter !, playerAggregateAssessment.reportText(reason, 3))
case AccountAction.Report(reason) => fuccess {
reporter !, playerAggregateAssessment.reportText(reason, 3))
case AccountAction.Nothing =>
// reporter !
case _ => funit
private val assessableSources: Set[Source] = Set(Source.Lobby, Source.Pool, Source.Tournament)
private def randomPercent(percent: Int): Boolean =
Random.nextInt(100) < percent
def onGameReady(game: Game, white: User, black: User): Funit = {
import AutoAnalysis.Reason._
def manyBlurs(player: Player) =
game.playerBlurPercent(player.color) >= 70
def winnerGreatProgress(player: Player): Boolean = {
game.winner ?? (player ==)
} && game.perfType ?? { perfType =>
player.color.fold(white, black).perfs(perfType).progress >= 100
def noFastCoefVariation(player: Player): Option[Float] =
Statistics.noFastMoves(Pov(game, player)) ?? Statistics.moveTimeCoefVariation(Pov(game, player))
def winnerUserOption =, black))
def winnerNbGames = for {
user <- winnerUserOption
perfType <- game.perfType
} yield user.perfs(perfType).nb
def suspCoefVariation(c: Color) = {
val x = noFastCoefVariation(game player c)
x.filter(_ < 0.45f) orElse x.filter(_ < 0.5f).ifTrue(Random.nextBoolean)
val whiteSuspCoefVariation = suspCoefVariation(chess.White)
val blackSuspCoefVariation = suspCoefVariation(chess.Black)
val shouldAnalyse: Option[AutoAnalysis.Reason] =
if (!game.analysable) none
else if (!game.source.exists(assessableSources.contains)) none
// give up on correspondence games
else if (game.isCorrespondence) none
// stop here for short games
else if (game.playedTurns < 36) none
// stop here for long games
else if (game.playedTurns > 90) none
// stop here for casual games
else if (!game.mode.rated) none
// someone is using a bot
else if (game.players.exists(_.hasSuspiciousHoldAlert)) HoldAlert.some
// white has consistent move times
else if (whiteSuspCoefVariation.isDefined && randomPercent(70)) => WhiteMoveTime)
// black has consistent move times
else if (blackSuspCoefVariation.isDefined && randomPercent(70)) => BlackMoveTime)
// don't analyse half of other bullet games
else if (game.speed == chess.Speed.Bullet && randomPercent(50)) none
// someone blurs a lot
else if (game.players exists manyBlurs) Blurs.some
// the winner shows a great rating progress
else if (game.players exists winnerGreatProgress) WinnerRatingProgress.some
// analyse some tourney games
// else if (game.isTournament) randomPercent(20) option "Tourney random"
/// analyse new player games
else if (winnerNbGames.??(30 >) && randomPercent(75)) NewPlayerWin.some
else none
shouldAnalyse foreach { reason =>
fishnet ! lila.hub.actorApi.fishnet.AutoAnalyse(
private def withUser[A](username: String)(op: User => Fu[A]): Fu[A] =
UserRepo named username flatten "[mod] missing user " + username flatMap op