
184 lines
4.7 KiB

@()(implicit ctx: Context)
@thead(html: Html) = {
<th>Free account</th>
<th>Lichess Patron</th>
@unlimited = {
<span data-icon="E" class="is is-green text unlimited">Unlimited</span>
@check = {
<span data-icon="E" class="is is-green text check">Yes</span>
@all(html: Html) = {
@tr(value: Html)(text: Html) = {
@title = @{"Lichess features"}
@side = {
<div class="features_side">
<h2>Free chess for everyone, forever!</h2>
<a href="@routes.Plan.index" class="button">Support lichess</a>
title = title,
side = side.some,
moreCss = cssTag("features.css"),
openGraph =
title = title,
url = s"$netBaseUrl${routes.Plan.features.url}",
description = "All of lichess features are free for all and forever. We do it for chess!").some) {
<div class="content_box features">
@thead {
<h1 data-icon="">Website</h1>
@tr(unlimited) {
Play and create <a href="@routes.Tournament.home(1)">tournaments</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
Play and create <a href="@routes.Simul.home">simultaneous exhibitions</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
Correspondence chess with conditional premoves
@tr(check) {
<a href="@routes.Page.variantHome">9 Chess variants (Crazyhouse, Chess960, Horde, ...)</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
Deep Stockfish 8 server analysis
@tr(check) {
Instant local Stockfish 8 analysis
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="">Studies (shared and persistent analysis)</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="">Chess insights (detailed analysis of your play)</a>
@tr(check) {
<a href="@routes.Learn.index">All chess basics lessons</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Puzzle.home">Tactics puzzles from user games</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Opening.home">Opening training</a>
&amp; <a href="@routes.Coordinate.home">coordinate training</a>
@tr(unlimited) {
Opening explorer (16 million games!)
@tr(unlimited) {
6 men endgame tablebase
@tr(check) {
Download/Upload any game as PGN
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Search.index(1)">Advanced search</a> through lichess 240 million games
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Video.index">Chess video library</a>
@tr(check) {
Forum, teams, messaging, friends, challenges
@tr(check) {
Available in 80+ languages
@tr(check) {
Light/dark theme, custom boards, pieces and background
@tr(check) {
Zero ads
@tr(unlimited) {
<strong>All features to come, forever</strong>
@thead {
<h1 data-icon="">Mobile</h1>
@tr(unlimited) {
Online and offline games, with 8 variants
@tr(unlimited) {
Bullet, Blitz, Classical and Correspondence chess
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Tournament.home(1)">Arena tournaments</a>
@tr(check) {
Board editor and analysis board with Stockfish 8
@tr(unlimited) {
<a href="@routes.Puzzle.home">Tactics puzzles</a>
@tr(check) {
Available in 80+ languages
@tr(check) {
Light and dark theme, custom boards and pieces
@tr(check) {
iPhone &amp; Android phones and tablets, landscape support
@tr(check) {
Zero ads
@tr(unlimited) {
<strong>All features to come, forever</strong>
@thead {
<h1>Support lichess</h1>
<tbody class="support">
<th>Contribute to and<br />get a cool looking Patron icon</th>
<td><span data-icon="@patronIconChar" class="is is-green text check">Yes</span></td>
<tr class="price">
<td class="green">$0</td>
<td><a href="@routes.Plan.index" class="green button">$5/month</a></td>
<p class="explanation">
<strong>Yes, both accounts have the same features!</strong>
<br />
That is because lichess is built for the love of chess.<br />
We believe every chess player deserves the best, and so:
<br /><br />
<strong>all features are free for everybody, forever!</strong>
<br />
If you love lichess, <a class="button" href="@routes.Plan.index">support us with a Patron account!</a>