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package lila.common
import scala.concurrent.duration._
case class ApiVersion(value: Int) extends AnyVal with IntValue with Ordered[ApiVersion] {
def compare(other: ApiVersion) =, other.value)
def gt(other: Int) = value > other
def gte(other: Int) = value >= other
def puzzleV2 = value >= 6
case class AssetVersion(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
object AssetVersion {
var current = random
def change() = { current = random }
private def random = AssetVersion(ornicar.scalalib.Random secureString 6)
case class IsMobile(value: Boolean) extends AnyVal with BooleanValue
case class IpAddress(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
object IpAddress {
private val ipv4Regex =
// ipv6 address in standard form (no compression, no leading zeros)
private val ipv6Regex = """^((0|[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]{0,3}+):){7}(0|[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]{0,3})""".r
def isv4(a: IpAddress) = ipv4Regex matches a.value
def isv6(a: IpAddress) = ipv6Regex matches a.value
def from(str: String): Option[IpAddress] = {
ipv4Regex.matches(str) || ipv6Regex.matches(str)
} option IpAddress(str)
case class NormalizedEmailAddress(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class EmailAddress(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue {
def conceal =
value split '@' match {
case Array(user, domain) => s"${user take 3}*****@$domain"
case _ => value
def normalize =
NormalizedEmailAddress {
// changing normalization requires database migration!
val lower = value.toLowerCase
lower.split('@') match {
case Array(name, domain) if EmailAddress.gmailLikeNormalizedDomains(domain) =>
val normalizedName = name
.replace(".", "") // remove all dots
.takeWhile('+' !=) // skip everything after the first '+'
if (normalizedName.isEmpty) lower else s"$normalizedName@$domain"
case _ => lower
def domain: Option[Domain] =
value split '@' match {
case Array(_, domain) => Domain from domain.toLowerCase
case _ => none
def similarTo(other: EmailAddress) = normalize == other.normalize
def isNoReply = EmailAddress isNoReply value
def isSendable = !isNoReply
// safer logs
override def toString = "EmailAddress(****)"
object EmailAddress {
private val regex =
// adding normalized domains requires database migration!
private val gmailLikeNormalizedDomains =
Set("", "", "", "", "")
private def hasDotAt(str: String) = str contains ".@" // mailgun will reject it
private def hasConsecutiveDots(str: String) = str contains ".." // mailgun will reject it
private def startsWithDot(str: String) = str startsWith "." // mailgun will reject it
def matches(str: String): Boolean =
regex.find(str) &&
!hasDotAt(str) &&
!hasConsecutiveDots(str) &&
def from(str: String): Option[EmailAddress] =
matches(str) option EmailAddress(str)
private def isNoReply(str: String) = str.startsWith("noreply.") && str.endsWith("")
case class Domain private (value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue {
// heuristic to remove user controlled subdomain tails:
//,,, etc.
def withoutSubdomain: Option[Domain] =
value.split('.').toList.reverse match {
case tld :: sld :: tail :: _ if sld.lengthIs <= 3 => Domain from s"$tail.$sld.$tld"
case tld :: sld :: _ => Domain from s"$sld.$tld"
case _ => none
def lower = Domain.Lower(value.toLowerCase)
object Domain {
private val regex =
def isValid(str: String) = regex.matches(str)
def from(str: String): Option[Domain] = isValid(str) option Domain(str)
def unsafe(str: String): Domain = Domain(str)
case class Lower(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue {
def domain = Domain(value)
case class Strings(value: List[String]) extends AnyVal
case class UserIds(value: List[String]) extends AnyVal
case class Ints(value: List[Int]) extends AnyVal
case class Every(value: FiniteDuration) extends AnyVal
case class AtMost(value: FiniteDuration) extends AnyVal
case class Template(value: String) extends AnyVal