
266 lines
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package templating
import chess.{ Status => S, Color, Black, White, Clock, Mode }
import controllers.routes
import play.api.i18n.Lang
import lila.api.Context
import{ Game, Namer, Player, Pov }
import lila.i18n.{ I18nKeys => trans, defaultLang }
import lila.user.{ Title, User }
trait GameHelper { self: I18nHelper with UserHelper with AiHelper with StringHelper with ChessgroundHelper =>
def netBaseUrl: String
def cdnUrl(path: String): String
def povOpenGraph(pov: Pov) =
image = cdnUrl(routes.Export.gameThumbnail(pov.gameId).url).some,
title = titleGame(,
url = s"$netBaseUrl${routes.Round.watcher(pov.gameId,}",
description = describePov(pov)
def titleGame(g: Game) = {
val speed = chess.Speed(
val variant = g.variant.exotic ?? s" ${}"
s"$speed$variant Chess • ${playerText(g.whitePlayer)} vs ${playerText(g.blackPlayer)}"
def describePov(pov: Pov) = {
import pov._
val p1 = playerText(player, withRating = true)
val p2 = playerText(opponent, withRating = true)
val speedAndClock =
if (game.imported) "imported"
game.clock.fold( { c =>
s"${chess.Speed(c.config).name} (${})"
val mode =
val variant =
if (game.variant == chess.variant.FromPosition) "position setup chess"
else if (game.variant.exotic)
else "chess"
import chess.Status._
val result = (game.winner, game.loser, game.status) match {
case (Some(w), _, Mate) => s"${playerText(w)} won by checkmate"
case (_, Some(l), Resign | Timeout | Cheat | NoStart) => s"${playerText(l)} resigned"
case (_, Some(l), Outoftime) => s"${playerText(l)} forfeits by time"
case (Some(w), _, UnknownFinish) => s"${playerText(w)} won"
case (_, _, Draw | Stalemate | UnknownFinish) => "Game is a draw"
case (_, _, Aborted) => "Game has been aborted"
case (_, _, VariantEnd) =>
game.variant match {
case chess.variant.KingOfTheHill => "King in the center"
case chess.variant.ThreeCheck => "Three checks"
case chess.variant.Antichess => "Lose all your pieces to win"
case chess.variant.Atomic => "Explode or mate your opponent's king to win"
case chess.variant.Horde => "Destroy the horde to win"
case chess.variant.RacingKings => "Race to the eighth rank to win"
case chess.variant.Crazyhouse => "Drop captured pieces on the board"
case _ => "Variant ending"
case _ => "Game is still being played"
val moves = s"${game.chess.fullMoveNumber} moves"
s"$p1 plays $p2 in a $mode $speedAndClock game of $variant. $result after $moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!"
def variantName(variant: chess.variant.Variant)(implicit lang: Lang) =
variant match {
case chess.variant.Standard => trans.standard.txt()
case chess.variant.FromPosition => trans.fromPosition.txt()
case v =>
def variantNameNoCtx(variant: chess.variant.Variant) = variantName(variant)(defaultLang)
def shortClockName(clock: Option[Clock.Config])(implicit lang: Lang): Frag =
def shortClockName(clock: Clock.Config): Frag = raw(
def modeName(mode: Mode)(implicit lang: Lang): String =
mode match {
case Mode.Casual => trans.casual.txt()
case Mode.Rated => trans.rated.txt()
def modeNameNoCtx(mode: Mode): String = modeName(mode)(defaultLang)
def playerUsername(player: Player, withRating: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true)(implicit
lang: Lang
): Frag =
player.userId.flatMap(lightUser).fold[Frag](trans.anonymous.txt()) { user =>
titleTag(user.title ifTrue withTitle map Title.apply),
if (withRating) s"${} (${ ratingString player})"
) { level =>
def playerText(player: Player, withRating: Boolean = false) =
Namer.playerTextBlocking(player, withRating)(lightUser)
def gameVsText(game: Game, withRatings: Boolean = false): String =
Namer.gameVsTextBlocking(game, withRatings)(lightUser)
val berserkIconSpan = iconTag("`")
val statusIconSpan = i(cls := "status")
def playerLink(
player: Player,
cssClass: Option[String] = None,
withOnline: Boolean = true,
withRating: Boolean = true,
withDiff: Boolean = true,
engine: Boolean = false,
withStatus: Boolean = false,
withBerserk: Boolean = false,
mod: Boolean = false,
link: Boolean = true
)(implicit lang: Lang): Frag = {
val statusIcon =
if (withStatus) statusIconSpan.some
else if (withBerserk && player.berserk) berserkIconSpan.some
else none
player.userId.flatMap(lightUser) match {
case None =>
val klass = cssClass.??(" " + _)
span(cls := s"user-link$klass")(
(player.aiLevel, match {
case (Some(level), _) => aiNameFrag(level, withRating)
case (_, Some(name)) => name
case _ => trans.anonymous.txt()
case Some(user) =>
(if (link) a else span)(
cls := userClass(, cssClass, withOnline),
href := s"${routes.User show}${if (mod) "?mod" else ""}"
withOnline option frag(lineIcon(user), " "),
playerUsername(player, withRating),
(player.ratingDiff ifTrue withDiff) map { d =>
frag(" ", showRatingDiff(d))
engine option span(
cls := "tos_violation",
title := trans.thisAccountViolatedTos.txt()
def gameEndStatus(game: Game)(implicit lang: Lang): String =
game.status match {
case S.Aborted => trans.gameAborted.txt()
case S.Mate => trans.checkmate.txt()
case S.Resign =>
game.loser match {
case Some(p) if p.color.white => trans.whiteResigned.txt()
case _ => trans.blackResigned.txt()
case S.UnknownFinish => trans.finished.txt()
case S.Stalemate => trans.stalemate.txt()
case S.Timeout =>
game.loser match {
case Some(p) if p.color.white => trans.whiteLeftTheGame.txt()
case Some(_) => trans.blackLeftTheGame.txt()
case None => trans.draw.txt()
case S.Draw => trans.draw.txt()
case S.Outoftime =>
(game.turnColor, game.loser) match {
case (White, Some(_)) => trans.whiteTimeOut.txt()
case (White, None) => trans.whiteTimeOut.txt() + " • " + trans.draw.txt()
case (Black, Some(_)) => trans.blackTimeOut.txt()
case (Black, None) => trans.blackTimeOut.txt() + " • " + trans.draw.txt()
case S.NoStart =>
val color = game.loser.fold(Color.white)(_.color).name.capitalize
s"$color didn't move"
case S.Cheat => "Cheat detected"
case S.VariantEnd =>
game.variant match {
case chess.variant.KingOfTheHill => trans.kingInTheCenter.txt()
case chess.variant.ThreeCheck => trans.threeChecks.txt()
case chess.variant.RacingKings => trans.raceFinished.txt()
case _ => trans.variantEnding.txt()
case _ => ""
def gameTitle(game: Game, color: Color): String = {
val u1 = playerText(game player color, withRating = true)
val u2 = playerText(game opponent color, withRating = true)
val clock = game.clock ?? { c =>
" • " +
val variant = game.variant.exotic ?? s"${}"
s"$u1 vs $u2$clock$variant"
// whiteUsername 1-0 blackUsername
def gameSummary(whiteUserId: String, blackUserId: String, finished: Boolean, result: Option[Boolean]) = {
val res = if (finished) chess.Color.showResult(result map Color.fromWhite) else "*"
s"${usernameOrId(whiteUserId)} $res ${usernameOrId(blackUserId)}"
def gameResult(game: Game) =
if (game.finished) chess.Color.showResult(game.winnerColor)
else "*"
def gameLink(
game: Game,
color: Color,
ownerLink: Boolean = false,
tv: Boolean = false
)(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
val owner = ownerLink ??
if (tv) routes.Tv.index()
owner.fold(routes.Round.watcher(, { o =>
routes.Round.player(game fullIdOf o.color)
def gameLink(pov: Pov)(implicit ctx: Context): String = gameLink(, pov.color)
def challengeTitle(c: lila.challenge.Challenge)(implicit lang: Lang) = {
val speed = { clock =>
s"${chess.Speed(clock).name} (${})"
val variant = c.variant.exotic ?? s" ${}"
val challenger = c.challengerUser.fold(trans.anonymous.txt()) { reg =>
s"${usernameOrId(} (${})"
val players =
if (c.isOpen) "Open challenge"
c.destUser.fold(s"Challenge from $challenger") { dest =>
s"$challenger challenges ${usernameOrId(} (${})"
s"$speed$variant ${} Chess • $players"
def challengeOpenGraph(c: lila.challenge.Challenge)(implicit lang: Lang) =
title = challengeTitle(c),
url = s"$netBaseUrl${routes.Round.watcher(,}",
description = "Join the challenge or watch the game here."