
294 lines
9.5 KiB

package lila.tree
import play.api.libs.json._
import chess.format.pgn.{ Glyph, Glyphs }
import chess.format.{ Uci, UciCharPair }
import chess.opening.FullOpening
import chess.Pos
import chess.variant.Crazyhouse
import chess.Centis
sealed trait Node {
def ply: Int
def fen: String
def check: Boolean
// None when not computed yet
def dests: Option[Map[Pos, List[Pos]]]
def drops: Option[List[Pos]]
def eval: Option[Eval]
def shapes: Node.Shapes
def comments: Node.Comments
def gamebook: Option[Node.Gamebook]
def glyphs: Glyphs
def children: List[Branch]
def opening: Option[FullOpening]
def comp: Boolean // generated by a computer analysis
def crazyData: Option[Crazyhouse.Data]
def addChild(branch: Branch): Node
def dropFirstChild: Node
def clock: Option[Centis]
// implementation dependent
def idOption: Option[UciCharPair]
def moveOption: Option[Uci.WithSan]
// who's color plays next
def color = chess.Color(ply % 2 == 0)
def mainlineNodeList: List[Node] =
dropFirstChild :: children.headOption.fold(List.empty[Node])(_.mainlineNodeList)
case class Root(
ply: Int,
fen: String,
check: Boolean,
// None when not computed yet
dests: Option[Map[Pos, List[Pos]]] = None,
drops: Option[List[Pos]] = None,
eval: Option[Eval] = None,
shapes: Node.Shapes = Node.Shapes(Nil),
comments: Node.Comments = Node.Comments(Nil),
gamebook: Option[Node.Gamebook] = None,
glyphs: Glyphs = Glyphs.empty,
children: List[Branch] = Nil,
opening: Option[FullOpening] = None,
clock: Option[Centis] = None, // clock state at game start, assumed same for both players
crazyData: Option[Crazyhouse.Data]
) extends Node {
def idOption = None
def moveOption = None
def comp = false
def addChild(branch: Branch) = copy(children = children :+ branch)
def prependChild(branch: Branch) = copy(children = branch :: children)
def dropFirstChild = copy(children = if (children.isEmpty) children else children.tail)
case class Branch(
id: UciCharPair,
ply: Int,
move: Uci.WithSan,
fen: String,
check: Boolean,
// None when not computed yet
dests: Option[Map[Pos, List[Pos]]] = None,
drops: Option[List[Pos]] = None,
eval: Option[Eval] = None,
shapes: Node.Shapes = Node.Shapes(Nil),
comments: Node.Comments = Node.Comments(Nil),
gamebook: Option[Node.Gamebook] = None,
glyphs: Glyphs = Glyphs.empty,
children: List[Branch] = Nil,
opening: Option[FullOpening] = None,
comp: Boolean = false,
clock: Option[Centis] = None, // clock state after the move is played, and the increment applied
crazyData: Option[Crazyhouse.Data]
) extends Node {
def idOption = Some(id)
def moveOption = Some(move)
def addChild(branch: Branch) = copy(children = children :+ branch)
def prependChild(branch: Branch) = copy(children = branch :: children)
def dropFirstChild = copy(children = if (children.isEmpty) children else children.tail)
def setComp = copy(comp = true)
object Node {
sealed trait Shape
object Shape {
type ID = String
type Brush = String
case class Circle(brush: Brush, orig: Pos) extends Shape
case class Arrow(brush: Brush, orig: Pos, dest: Pos) extends Shape
case class Shapes(value: List[Shape]) extends AnyVal {
def list = value
def ++(shapes: Shapes) = Shapes {
(value ::: shapes.value).distinct
object Shapes {
val empty = Shapes(Nil)
case class Comment(id: Comment.Id, text: Comment.Text, by: Comment.Author) {
def removeMeta = text.removeMeta map { t =>
copy(text = t)
object Comment {
case class Id(value: String) extends AnyVal
object Id {
def make = Id(scala.util.Random.alphanumeric take 4 mkString)
private val metaReg = """\[%[^\]]+\]""".r
case class Text(value: String) extends AnyVal {
def removeMeta: Option[Text] = {
val v = metaReg.replaceAllIn(value, "").trim
if (v.nonEmpty) Some(Text(v)) else None
sealed trait Author
object Author {
case class User(id: String, titleName: String) extends Author
case class External(name: String) extends Author
case object Lichess extends Author
case object Unknown extends Author
def sanitize(text: String) = Text {
.replaceAll("""\r\n""", "\n") // these 3 lines dedup white spaces and new lines
.replaceAll("""(?m)(^ *| +(?= |$))""", "")
.replaceAll("""(?m)^$([\n]+?)(^$[\n]+?^)+""", "$1")
.replaceAll("\\{|\\}", "") // {} are reserved in PGN comments
case class Comments(value: List[Comment]) extends AnyVal {
def list = value
def findBy(author: Comment.Author) = list.find( == author)
def set(comment: Comment) = Comments {
if (list.exists( == {
case c if == => c.copy(text = comment.text)
case c => c
else list :+ comment
def delete(commentId: Comment.Id) = Comments {
value.filterNot( == commentId)
def +(comment: Comment) = Comments(comment :: value)
def filterEmpty = Comments(value.filter(_.text.value.nonEmpty))
object Comments {
val empty = Comments(Nil)
case class Gamebook(deviation: Option[String], hint: Option[String]) {
private def trimOrNone(txt: Option[String]) =
def cleanUp = copy(
deviation = trimOrNone(deviation),
hint = trimOrNone(hint)
def nonEmpty = deviation.nonEmpty || hint.nonEmpty
// TODO copied from
// put all that shit somewhere else
private implicit val crazyhousePocketWriter: OWrites[Crazyhouse.Pocket] = OWrites { v =>
Crazyhouse.storableRoles.flatMap { role =>
Some(v.roles.count(role ==)).filter(0 <).map { count => -> JsNumber(count)
private implicit val crazyhouseDataWriter: OWrites[chess.variant.Crazyhouse.Data] = OWrites { v =>
Json.obj("pockets" -> List(v.pockets.white,
implicit val openingWriter: OWrites[chess.opening.FullOpening] = OWrites { o =>
"eco" ->,
"name" ->
private implicit val posWrites: Writes[Pos] = Writes[Pos] { p =>
private implicit val shapeCircleWrites = Json.writes[Shape.Circle]
private implicit val shapeArrowWrites = Json.writes[Shape.Arrow]
implicit val shapeWrites: Writes[Shape] = Writes[Shape] {
case s: Shape.Circle => shapeCircleWrites writes s
case s: Shape.Arrow => shapeArrowWrites writes s
implicit val shapesWrites: Writes[Node.Shapes] = Writes[Node.Shapes] { s =>
implicit val glyphWriter: Writes[Glyph] = Json.writes[Glyph]
implicit val glyphsWriter: Writes[Glyphs] = Writes[Glyphs] { gs =>
implicit val clockWrites: Writes[Centis] = Writes { clock =>
implicit val commentIdWrites: Writes[Comment.Id] = Writes { id =>
implicit val commentTextWrites: Writes[Comment.Text] = Writes { text =>
implicit val commentAuthorWrites: Writes[Comment.Author] = Writes[Comment.Author] {
case Comment.Author.User(id, name) => Json.obj("id" -> id, "name" -> name)
case Comment.Author.External(name) => JsString(s"${name.trim}")
case Comment.Author.Lichess => JsString("lichess")
case Comment.Author.Unknown => JsNull
implicit val commentWriter = Json.writes[Node.Comment]
private implicit val commentsWriter: Writes[Node.Comments] = Writes[Node.Comments] { s =>
implicit val gamebookWriter = Json.writes[Node.Gamebook]
import Eval.JsonHandlers.evalWrites
def makeNodeJsonWriter(alwaysChildren: Boolean): Writes[Node] = Writes { node =>
import node._
val comments = node.comments.list.flatMap(_.removeMeta)
add("id", _ compose
add("uci", _ compose
add("san", _ compose
add("check", true, check) _ compose
add("eval", eval.filterNot(_.isEmpty)) _ compose
add("comments", comments, comments.nonEmpty) _ compose
add("gamebook", gamebook) _ compose
add("glyphs", glyphs.nonEmpty) _ compose
add("shapes", shapes.list, shapes.list.nonEmpty) _ compose
add("opening", opening) _ compose
add("dests", { {
case (orig, dests) => s"${orig.piotr}${}"
}.mkString(" ")
}) _ compose
add("drops", { drops =>
}) _ compose
add("clock", clock) _ compose
add("crazy", crazyData) _ compose
add("comp", true, comp) _ compose
add("children", children, alwaysChildren || children.nonEmpty)
"ply" -> ply,
"fen" -> fen
implicit val defaultNodeJsonWriter: Writes[Node] =
makeNodeJsonWriter(alwaysChildren = true)
val minimalNodeJsonWriter: Writes[Node] =
makeNodeJsonWriter(alwaysChildren = false)
val partitionTreeJsonWriter: Writes[Node] = Writes { node =>
JsArray {
private def add[A](k: String, v: A, cond: Boolean)(o: JsObject)(implicit writes: Writes[A]): JsObject =
if (cond) o + (k -> writes.writes(v)) else o
private def add[A: Writes](k: String, v: Option[A]): JsObject => JsObject =
v.fold(identity[JsObject] _) { add(k, _, true) _ }