
593 lines
20 KiB

package lila
import scala.concurrent.Future
import kamon.Kamon.{ metrics, tracer }
import kamon.trace.{ TraceContext, Segment, Status }
import kamon.util.RelativeNanoTimestamp
object mon {
object http {
object request {
val all = inc("http.request.all")
val ipv6 = inc("http.request.ipv6")
object response {
val code400 = inc("http.response.4.00")
val code404 = inc("http.response.4.04")
val code500 = inc("http.response.5.00")
val home = rec("http.response.home")
object user {
object show {
val website = rec("")
val mobile = rec("")
object tournament {
object show {
val website = rec("")
val mobile = rec("")
object player {
val website = rec("")
val mobile = rec("")
object watcher {
val website = rec("")
val mobile = rec("")
object prismic {
val timeout = inc("http.prismic.timeout")
object mailgun {
val timeout = inc("http.mailgun.timeout")
object userGames {
def cost = incX("http.user-games.cost")
object csrf {
val missingOrigin = inc("http.csrf.missing_origin")
val forbidden = inc("http.csrf.forbidden")
val websocket = inc("http.csrf.websocket")
object syncache {
def miss(name: String) = inc(s"syncache.miss.$name")
def wait(name: String) = inc(s"syncache.wait.$name")
def preload(name: String) = inc(s"syncache.preload.$name")
def timeout(name: String) = inc(s"syncache.timeout.$name")
def waitMicros(name: String) = incX(s"syncache.wait_micros.$name")
def computeNanos(name: String) = rec(s"syncache.compute_nanos.$name")
class Caffeine(name: String) {
val hitCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.hit.$name")
val hitRate = rate(s"caffeine.rate.hit.$name")
val missCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.miss.$name")
val loadSuccessCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.load.success.$name")
val loadFailureCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.load.failure.$name")
val totalLoadTime = rec(s"$name") // in millis
val averageLoadPenalty = rec(s"caffeine.penalty.load_time.$name")
val evictionCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.eviction.$name")
val entryCount = rec(s"caffeine.count.entry.$name")
object evalCache {
private val hit = inc("eval_Cache.all.hit")
private val miss = inc("eval_Cache.all.miss")
private def hitIf(cond: Boolean) = if (cond) hit else miss
private object byPly {
def hit(ply: Int) = inc(s"eval_Cache.ply.$ply.hit")
def miss(ply: Int) = inc(s"eval_Cache.ply.$ply.miss")
def hitIf(ply: Int, cond: Boolean) = if (cond) hit(ply) else miss(ply)
def register(ply: Int, isHit: Boolean) = {
if (ply <= 10) byPly.hitIf(ply, isHit)()
object lobby {
object hook {
val create = inc("lobby.hook.create")
val join = inc("lobby.hook.join")
val size = rec("lobby.hook.size")
def acceptedRatedClock(clock: String) =
inc(s"lobby.hook.a_r_clock.${clock.replace("+", "_")}")
def joinMobile(isMobile: Boolean) = inc(s"lobby.hook.join_mobile.$isMobile")
def createdLikePoolFiveO(isMobile: Boolean) = inc(s"lobby.hook.like_pool_5_0.$isMobile")
def acceptedLikePoolFiveO(isMobile: Boolean) = inc(s"lobby.hook.like_pool_5_0_accepted.$isMobile")
object seek {
val create = inc("")
val join = inc("")
def joinMobile(isMobile: Boolean) = inc(s"$isMobile")
object socket {
val getUids = rec("lobby.socket.get_uids")
val member = rec("lobby.socket.member")
val idle = rec("lobby.socket.idle")
val hookSubscribers = rec("lobby.socket.hook_subscribers")
val mobile = rec(s"")
object cache {
val user = inc("lobby.cache.count.user")
val anon = inc("lobby.cache.count.anon")
val miss = inc("lobby.cache.count.miss")
object pool {
object wave {
def scheduled(id: String) = inc(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.scheduled")
def full(id: String) = inc(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.full")
def candidates(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.candidates")
def paired(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.paired")
def missed(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.missed")
def wait(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.wait")
def ratingDiff(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.rating_diff")
def withRange(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.wave.with_range")
object thieve {
def timeout(id: String) = inc(s"lobby.pool.$id.thieve.timeout")
def candidates(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.thieve.candidates")
def stolen(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.thieve.stolen")
object join {
def count(id: String) = inc(s"lobby.pool.$id.join.count")
object leave {
def count(id: String) = inc(s"lobby.pool.$id.leave.count")
def wait(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.leave.wait")
object matchMaking {
def duration(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.match_making.duration")
object gameStart {
def duration(id: String) = rec(s"lobby.pool.$id.game_start.duration")
object round {
object api {
val player = rec("round.api.player")
val watcher = rec("round.api.watcher")
object actor {
val count = rec("")
object forecast {
val create = inc("round.forecast.create")
object move {
object full {
val count = inc("round.move.full")
object trace {
def create = makeTrace("round.move.trace")
val networkLag = rec("round.move.network_lag")
object error {
val client = inc("round.error.client")
val fishnet = inc("round.error.fishnet")
val glicko = inc("round.error.glicko")
object titivate {
val time = rec("round.titivate.time")
val game = rec("") // how many games were processed
val total = rec("") // how many games should have been processed
val old = rec("round.titivate.old") // how many old games remain
object alarm {
val time = rec("round.alarm.time")
val count = rec("round.alarm.count")
object explorer {
object index {
val success = incX("explorer.index.success")
val failure = incX("explorer.index.failure")
val time = rec("explorer.index.time")
object timeline {
val notification = incX("timeline.notification")
object insight {
object request {
val count = inc("insight.request")
val time = rec("insight.request")
object index {
val count = inc("insight.index")
val time = rec("insight.index")
object search {
def client(op: String) = rec(s"search.client.$op")
def success(op: String) = inc(s"search.client.$op.success")
def failure(op: String) = inc(s"search.client.$op.failure")
object study {
object search {
object index {
def count = inc("")
def time = rec("")
object query {
def count = inc("")
def time = rec("")
object jvm {
val thread = rec("jvm.thread")
val daemon = rec("jvm.daemon")
val uptime = rec("jvm.uptime")
object user {
val online = rec("")
object register {
val website = inc("")
val mobile = inc("")
def mustConfirmEmail(v: Boolean) = inc(s"user.register.must_confirm_email.$v")
def confirmEmailResult(v: Boolean) = inc(s"user.register.confirm_email.$v")
object socket {
val member = rec("socket.count")
val open = inc("")
val close = inc("socket.close")
object mod {
object report {
val unprocessed = rec("")
val close = inc("")
def create(reason: String) = inc(s"$reason")
object log {
val create = inc("mod.log.create")
object cheat {
val cssBot = inc("cheat.css_bot")
val holdAlert = inc("cheat.hold_alert")
object autoAnalysis {
def reason(r: String) = inc(s"cheat.auto_analysis.reason.$r")
object autoMark {
val count = inc("cheat.auto_mark.count")
object autoReport {
val count = inc("cheat.auto_report.count")
object email {
val resetPassword = inc("email.reset_password")
val confirmation = inc("email.confirmation")
val disposableDomain = rec("email.disposable_domain")
object security {
object tor {
val node = rec("security.tor.node")
object firewall {
val block = inc("security.firewall.block")
val ip = rec("security.firewall.ip")
object proxy {
object request {
val success = inc("security.proxy.success")
val failure = inc("security.proxy.failure")
val time = rec("security.proxy.request")
val percent = rec("security.proxy.percent")
object rateLimit {
def generic(key: String) = inc(s"security.rate_limit.generic.$key")
object tv {
object stream {
val count = rec("tv.streamer.count")
def name(n: String) = rec(s"$n")
object relation {
val follow = inc("relation.follow")
val unfollow = inc("relation.unfollow")
val block = inc("relation.block")
val unblock = inc("relation.unblock")
object coach {
object pageView {
def profile(coachId: String) = inc(s"coach.page_view.profile.$coachId")
object tournament {
object pairing {
val create = incX("tournament.pairing.create")
val createTime = rec("tournament.pairing.create_time")
val prepTime = rec("tournament.pairing.prep_time")
val cutoff = inc("tournament.pairing.cutoff")
val giveup = inc("tournament.pairing.giveup")
val created = rec("tournament.created")
val started = rec("tournament.started")
val player = rec("tournament.player")
object startedOrganizer {
val tickTime = rec("tournament.started_organizer.tick_time")
object createdOrganizer {
val tickTime = rec("tournament.created_organizer.tick_time")
object donation {
val goal = rec("donation.goal")
val current = rec("donation.current")
val percent = rec("donation.percent")
object plan {
object amount {
val paypal = incX("plan.amount.paypal")
val stripe = incX("plan.amount.stripe")
object count {
val paypal = inc("plan.count.paypal")
val stripe = inc("plan.count.stripe")
val goal = rec("plan.goal")
val current = rec("plan.current")
val percent = rec("plan.percent")
object forum {
object post {
val create = inc("")
object topic {
val view = inc("forum.topic.view")
object puzzle {
object selector {
val count = inc("puzzle.selector")
val time = rec("puzzle.selector")
def vote(v: Int) = rec("")(1000 + v) // vote sum of selected puzzle
object round {
val user = inc("puzzle.attempt.user")
val anon = inc("puzzle.attempt.anon")
val mate = inc("puzzle.attempt.mate")
val material = inc("puzzle.attempt.material")
object vote {
val up = inc("")
val down = inc("")
val crazyGlicko = inc("puzzle.crazy_glicko")
object opening {
object selector {
val count = inc("opening.selector")
val time = rec("opening.selector")
val crazyGlicko = inc("opening.crazy_glicko")
object game {
def finish(status: String) = inc(s"game.finish.$status")
object create {
def variant(v: String) = inc(s"game.create.variant.$v")
def speed(v: String) = inc(s"game.create.speed.$v")
def source(v: String) = inc(s"game.create.source.$v")
def mode(v: String) = inc(s"game.create.mode.$v")
object chat {
val message = inc("chat.message")
object push {
object register {
def in(platform: String) = inc(s"$platform")
def out = inc(s"push.register.out")
object send {
def move(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.move")()
def corresAlarm(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.corresAlarm")()
def finish(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.finish")()
def message(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.message")()
object challenge {
def create(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.challenge_create")()
def accept(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.challenge_accept")()
object fishnet {
object client {
def result(client: String, skill: String) = new {
def success = apply("success")
def failure = apply("failure")
def weak = apply("weak")
def timeout = apply("timeout")
def notFound = apply("not_found")
def notAcquired = apply("not_acquired")
def abort = apply("abort")
private def apply(r: String) = inc(s"fishnet.client.result.$skill.$client.$r")
object status {
val enabled = rec("fishnet.client.status.enabled")
val disabled = rec("fishnet.client.status.disabled")
def skill(v: String) = rec(s"fishnet.client.skill.$v")
def version(v: String) = rec(s"fishnet.client.version.${makeVersion(v)}")
def stockfish(v: String) = rec(s"fishnet.client.engine.stockfish.${makeVersion(v)}")
def python(v: String) = rec(s"fishnet.client.python.${makeVersion(v)}")
object queue {
def db(skill: String) = rec(s"fishnet.queue.db.$skill")
def sequencer(skill: String) = rec(s"fishnet.queue.sequencer.$skill")
object acquire {
def time(skill: String) = rec(s"fishnet.acquire.skill.$skill")
def timeout(skill: String) = inc(s"fishnet.acquire.timeout.skill.$skill")
object work {
def acquired(skill: String) = rec(s"$skill.acquired")
def queued(skill: String) = rec(s"$skill.queued")
def forUser(skill: String) = rec(s"$skill.for_user")
val moveDbSize = rec("")
object move {
def time(client: String) = rec(s"fishnet.move.time.$client")
val post = rec("")
val dbDrop = inc("fishnet.move.db_drop")
object analysis {
def by(client: String) = new {
def hash = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.hash.$client")
def threads = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.threads.$client")
def movetime = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.movetime.$client")
def node = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.node.$client")
def nps = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.nps.$client")
def depth = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.depth.$client")
def pvSize = rec(s"fishnet.analysis.pv_size.$client")
def pvTotal = incX(s"$client")
def pvShort = incX(s"fishnet.analysis.pvs.short.$client")
def pvLong = incX(s"fishnet.analysis.pvs.long.$client")
def totalMeganode = incX(s"$client")
def totalSecond = incX(s"$client")
def totalPosition = incX(s"$client")
val post = rec("")
val requestCount = inc("fishnet.analysis.request")
object api {
object teamUsers {
val cost = incX("")
object userGames {
val cost = incX("api.user-games.cost")
object users {
val cost = incX("api.users.cost")
object game {
val cost = incX("")
object export {
object pgn {
def game = inc("")
def study = inc("")
def studyChapter = inc("export.pgn.study_chapter")
object png {
def game = inc("")
def puzzle = inc("export.png.puzzle")
def pdf = inc("")
def measure[A](path: RecPath)(op: => A) = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val res = op
path(this)(System.nanoTime() - start)
def measureIncMicros[A](path: IncXPath)(op: => A) = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val res = op
path(this)(((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000).toInt)
def since[A](path: RecPath)(start: Long) = path(this)(System.nanoTime() - start)
type Rec = Long => Unit
type Inc = () => Unit
type IncX = Int => Unit
type Rate = Double => Unit
type RecPath = lila.mon.type => Rec
type IncPath = lila.mon.type => Inc
type IncXPath = lila.mon.type => IncX
def recPath(f: lila.mon.type => Rec): Rec = f(this)
def incPath(f: lila.mon.type => Inc): Inc = f(this)
private def inc(name: String): Inc = metrics.counter(name).increment _
private def incX(name: String): IncX = {
val count = metrics.counter(name)
value => {
if (value < 0) logger.warn(s"Negative increment value: $name=$value")
else count.increment(value)
private def rec(name: String): Rec = {
val hist = metrics.histogram(name)
value => {
if (value < 0) logger.warn(s"Negative histogram value: $name=$value")
else hist.record(value)
// to record Double rates [0..1],
// we multiply by 100,000 and convert to Int [0..100000]
private def rate(name: String): Rate = {
val hist = metrics.histogram(name)
value => {
if (value < 0) logger.warn(s"Negative histogram value: $name=$value")
else hist.record((value * 100000).toInt)
final class Measurement(since: Long, path: RecPath) {
def finish() = path(lila.mon)(System.nanoTime() - since)
def startMeasurement(path: RecPath) = new Measurement(System.nanoTime(), path)
trait Trace {
def finishFirstSegment(): Unit
def segment[A](name: String, categ: String)(f: => Future[A]): Future[A]
def segmentSync[A](name: String, categ: String)(f: => A): A
def finish(): Unit
private final class KamonTrace(
context: TraceContext,
firstSegment: Segment) extends Trace {
def finishFirstSegment() = firstSegment.finish()
def segment[A](name: String, categ: String)(code: => Future[A]): Future[A] =
context.withNewAsyncSegment(name, categ, "mon")(code)
def segmentSync[A](name: String, categ: String)(code: => A): A =
context.withNewSegment(name, categ, "mon")(code)
def finish() = context.finish()
private def makeTrace(name: String, firstName: String = "first"): Trace = {
val context = tracer.newContext(
name = name,
token = None,
tags = Map.empty,
timestamp =,
status = Status.Open,
isLocal = false)
val firstSegment = context.startSegment(firstName, "logic", "mon")
new KamonTrace(context, firstSegment)
private val stripVersionRegex = """[^\w\.\-]""".r
private def stripVersion(v: String) = stripVersionRegex.replaceAllIn(v, "")
private def nodots(s: String) = s.replace(".", "_")
private val makeVersion = nodots _ compose stripVersion _
private val logger = lila.log("monitor")