
115 lines
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package lila.memo
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.chaining._
import scala.util.Success
import lila.common.Uptime
/** A synchronous cache from asynchronous computations.
* It will attempt to serve cached responses synchronously.
* If none is available, it starts an async computation,
* and either waits for the result or serves a default value.
final private[memo] class Syncache[K, V](
name: String,
initialCapacity: Int,
compute: K => Fu[V],
default: K => V,
strategy: Syncache.Strategy,
expireAfter: Syncache.ExpireAfter
)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import Syncache._
// sync cached values
private[memo] val cache: LoadingCache[K, Fu[V]] =
.asInstanceOf[Caffeine[K, Fu[V]]]
.pipe { c =>
expireAfter match {
case ExpireAfterAccess(duration) => c.expireAfterAccess(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case ExpireAfterWrite(duration) => c.expireAfterWrite(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.build[K, Fu[V]](new CacheLoader[K, Fu[V]] {
def load(k: K) =
.mon(_ => recCompute) // monitoring: record async time
.recover { case e: Exception =>
logger.branch(s"syncache $name").warn(s"key=$k", e)
cache invalidate k
// get the value asynchronously, never blocks (preferred)
def async(k: K): Fu[V] = cache get k
// get the value synchronously, might block depending on strategy
def sync(k: K): V = {
val future = cache get k
future.value match {
case Some(Success(v)) => v
case Some(_) =>
cache invalidate k
case _ =>
strategy match {
case NeverWait => default(k)
case AlwaysWait(duration) => waitForResult(k, future, duration)
case WaitAfterUptime(duration, uptime) =>
if (Uptime startedSinceSeconds uptime) waitForResult(k, future, duration)
else default(k)
// maybe optimize later with cache batching
def asyncMany(ks: List[K]): Fu[List[V]] =
def invalidate(k: K): Unit = cache invalidate k
def preloadOne(k: K): Funit = async(k).void
// maybe optimize later with cach batching
def preloadMany(ks: Seq[K]): Funit =
def preloadSet(ks: Set[K]): Funit =
def set(k: K, v: V): Unit = cache.put(k, fuccess(v))
private def waitForResult(k: K, fu: Fu[V], duration: FiniteDuration): V =
try {
lila.common.Chronometer.syncMon(_ => recWait) {
fu.await(duration, "syncache")
} catch {
case _: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
private val incMiss = lila.mon.syncache.miss(name).increment _
private val incTimeout = lila.mon.syncache.timeout(name).increment _
private val recWait = lila.mon.syncache.wait(name)
private val recCompute = lila.mon.syncache.compute(name)
object Syncache {
sealed trait Strategy
case object NeverWait extends Strategy
case class AlwaysWait(duration: FiniteDuration) extends Strategy
case class WaitAfterUptime(duration: FiniteDuration, uptimeSeconds: Int = 20) extends Strategy
sealed trait ExpireAfter
case class ExpireAfterAccess(duration: FiniteDuration) extends ExpireAfter
case class ExpireAfterWrite(duration: FiniteDuration) extends ExpireAfter