
596 lines
19 KiB

import { h, VNode } from 'snabbdom';
import { Pieces, Rank, File, files } from 'chessground/types';
import { invRanks, allKeys } from 'chessground/util';
import { Setting, makeSetting } from './setting';
import { parseFen } from 'chessops/fen';
import { Chess } from 'chessops/chess';
import { chessgroundDests } from 'chessops/compat';
import { SquareName } from 'chessops/types';
export type Style = 'uci' | 'san' | 'literate' | 'nato' | 'anna';
export type PieceStyle = 'letter' | 'white uppercase letter' | 'name' | 'white uppercase name';
export type PrefixStyle = 'letter' | 'name' | 'none';
export type PositionStyle = 'before' | 'after' | 'none';
export type BoardStyle = 'plain' | 'table';
const nato: { [letter: string]: string } = {
a: 'alpha',
b: 'bravo',
c: 'charlie',
d: 'delta',
e: 'echo',
f: 'foxtrot',
g: 'golf',
h: 'hotel',
const anna: { [letter: string]: string } = {
a: 'anna',
b: 'bella',
c: 'cesar',
d: 'david',
e: 'eva',
f: 'felix',
g: 'gustav',
h: 'hector',
const roles: { [letter: string]: string } = { P: 'pawn', R: 'rook', N: 'knight', B: 'bishop', Q: 'queen', K: 'king' };
const letters = { pawn: 'p', rook: 'r', knight: 'n', bishop: 'b', queen: 'q', king: 'k' };
const letterPiece: { [letter: string]: string } = {
p: 'p',
r: 'r',
n: 'n',
b: 'b',
q: 'q',
k: 'k',
P: 'p',
R: 'r',
N: 'n',
B: 'b',
Q: 'q',
K: 'k',
const whiteUpperLetterPiece: { [letter: string]: string } = {
p: 'p',
r: 'r',
n: 'n',
b: 'b',
q: 'q',
k: 'k',
P: 'P',
R: 'R',
N: 'N',
B: 'B',
Q: 'Q',
K: 'K',
const namePiece: { [letter: string]: string } = {
p: 'pawn',
r: 'rook',
n: 'knight',
b: 'bishop',
q: 'queen',
k: 'king',
P: 'pawn',
R: 'rook',
N: 'knight',
B: 'bishop',
Q: 'queen',
K: 'king',
const whiteUpperNamePiece: { [letter: string]: string } = {
p: 'pawn',
r: 'rook',
n: 'knight',
b: 'bishop',
q: 'queen',
k: 'king',
P: 'Pawn',
R: 'Rook',
N: 'Knight',
B: 'Bishop',
Q: 'Queen',
K: 'King',
const skipToFile: { [letter: string]: string } = {
'!': 'a',
'@': 'b',
'#': 'c',
$: 'd',
'%': 'e',
'^': 'f',
'&': 'g',
'*': 'h',
export function symbolToFile(char: string) {
return skipToFile[char] ?? '';
export function supportedVariant(key: string) {
return ['standard', 'chess960', 'kingOfTheHill', 'threeCheck', 'fromPosition'].includes(key);
export function boardSetting(): Setting<BoardStyle> {
return makeSetting<BoardStyle>({
choices: [
['plain', 'plain: layout with no semantic rows or columns'],
['table', 'table: layout using a table with rank and file columns and row headers'],
default: 'plain',
export function styleSetting(): Setting<Style> {
return makeSetting<Style>({
choices: [
['san', 'SAN: Nxf3'],
['uci', 'UCI: g1f3'],
['literate', 'Literate: knight takes f 3'],
['anna', 'Anna: knight takes felix 3'],
['nato', 'Nato: knight takes foxtrot 3'],
default: 'anna', // all the rage in OTB blind chess tournaments
export function pieceSetting(): Setting<PieceStyle> {
return makeSetting<PieceStyle>({
choices: [
['letter', 'Letter: p, p'],
['white uppercase letter', 'White uppecase letter: P, p'],
['name', 'Name: pawn, pawn'],
['white uppercase name', 'White uppercase name: Pawn, pawn'],
default: 'letter',
export function prefixSetting(): Setting<PrefixStyle> {
return makeSetting<PrefixStyle>({
choices: [
['letter', 'Letter: w/b'],
['name', 'Name: white/black'],
['none', 'None'],
default: 'letter',
export function positionSetting(): Setting<PositionStyle> {
return makeSetting<PositionStyle>({
choices: [
['before', 'before: c2: wp'],
['after', 'after: wp: c2'],
['none', 'none'],
default: 'before',
const renderPieceStyle = (piece: string, pieceStyle: PieceStyle) => {
switch (pieceStyle) {
case 'letter':
return letterPiece[piece];
case 'white uppercase letter':
return whiteUpperLetterPiece[piece];
case 'name':
return namePiece[piece];
case 'white uppercase name':
return whiteUpperNamePiece[piece];
const renderPrefixStyle = (color: Color, prefixStyle: PrefixStyle) => {
switch (prefixStyle) {
case 'letter':
return color.charAt(0);
case 'name':
return color + ' ';
case 'none':
return '';
export function lastCaptured(movesGenerator: () => string[], pieceStyle: PieceStyle, prefixStyle: PrefixStyle): string {
const moves = movesGenerator();
const oldFen = moves[moves.length - 2];
const newFen = moves[moves.length - 1];
if (!oldFen || !newFen) {
return 'none';
const oldSplitFen = oldFen.split(' ')[0];
const newSplitFen = newFen.split(' ')[0];
for (const p of 'kKqQrRbBnNpP') {
const diff = oldSplitFen.split(p).length - 1 - (newSplitFen.split(p).length - 1);
const pcolor = p.toUpperCase() === p ? 'white' : 'black';
if (diff === 1) {
const prefix = renderPrefixStyle(pcolor, prefixStyle);
const piece = renderPieceStyle(p, pieceStyle);
return prefix + piece;
return 'none';
export function renderSan(san: San, uci: Uci | undefined, style: Style) {
if (!san) return '';
let move: string;
if (san.includes('O-O-O')) move = 'long castling';
else if (san.includes('O-O')) move = 'short castling';
else if (style === 'san') move = san.replace(/[\+#]/, '');
else if (style === 'uci') move = uci || san;
else {
move = san
.replace(/[\+#]/, '')
.map(c => {
if (c == 'x') return 'takes';
if (c == '+') return 'check';
if (c == '#') return 'checkmate';
if (c == '=') return 'promotion';
const code = c.charCodeAt(0);
if (code > 48 && code < 58) return c; // 1-8
if (code > 96 && code < 105) return renderFile(c, style); // a-g
return roles[c] || c;
.join(' ');
if (san.includes('+')) move += ' check';
if (san.includes('#')) move += ' checkmate';
return move;
export function renderPieces(pieces: Pieces, style: Style): VNode {
return h(
['white', 'black'].map(color => {
const lists: any = [];
['king', 'queen', 'rook', 'bishop', 'knight', 'pawn'].forEach(role => {
const keys = [];
for (const [key, piece] of pieces) {
if (piece.color === color && piece.role === role) keys.push(key);
if (keys.length) lists.push([`${role}${keys.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`, ...keys]);
return h('div', [
h('h3', `${color} pieces`),
(l: any) =>
`${l[0]}: ${l
.map((k: string) => renderKey(k, style))
.join(', ')}`
.join(', '),
export function renderPieceKeys(pieces: Pieces, p: string, style: Style): string {
const name = `${p === p.toUpperCase() ? 'white' : 'black'} ${roles[p.toUpperCase()]}`;
const res: Key[] = [];
for (const [k, piece] of pieces) {
if (piece && `${piece.color} ${piece.role}` === name) res.push(k as Key);
return `${name}: ${res.length ? => renderKey(k, style)).join(', ') : 'none'}`;
export function renderPiecesOn(pieces: Pieces, rankOrFile: string, style: Style): string {
const res: string[] = [];
for (const k of allKeys) {
if (k.includes(rankOrFile)) {
const piece = pieces.get(k);
if (piece) res.push(`${renderKey(k, style)} ${piece.color} ${piece.role}`);
return res.length ? res.join(', ') : 'blank';
export function renderBoard(
pieces: Pieces,
pov: Color,
pieceStyle: PieceStyle,
prefixStyle: PrefixStyle,
positionStyle: PositionStyle,
boardStyle: BoardStyle
): VNode {
const doRankHeader = (rank: Rank): VNode => {
return h('th', { attrs: { scope: 'row' } }, rank);
const doFileHeaders = (): VNode => {
const ths = => h('th', { attrs: { scope: 'col' } }, file));
if (pov === 'black') ths.reverse();
return h('tr', [h('td'), ...ths, h('td')]);
const renderPositionStyle = (rank: Rank, file: File, orig: string) => {
switch (positionStyle) {
case 'before':
return file.toUpperCase() + rank + ' ' + orig;
case 'after':
return orig + ' ' + file.toUpperCase() + rank;
case 'none':
return orig;
const doPieceButton = (rank: Rank, file: File, letter: string, color: Color | 'none', text: string): VNode => {
return h(
attrs: { rank: rank, file: file, piece: letter.toLowerCase(), color: color },
const doPiece = (rank: Rank, file: File): VNode => {
const key = (file + rank) as Key;
const piece = pieces.get(key);
const pieceWrapper = boardStyle === 'table' ? 'td' : 'span';
if (piece) {
const role = letters[piece.role];
const pieceText = renderPieceStyle(piece.color === 'white' ? role.toUpperCase() : role, pieceStyle);
const prefix = renderPrefixStyle(piece.color, prefixStyle);
const text = renderPositionStyle(rank, file, prefix + pieceText);
return h(pieceWrapper, doPieceButton(rank, file, role, piece.color, text));
} else {
const letter = (key.charCodeAt(0) + key.charCodeAt(1)) % 2 ? '-' : '+';
const text = renderPositionStyle(rank, file, letter);
return h(pieceWrapper, doPieceButton(rank, file, letter, 'none', text));
const doRank = (pov: Color, rank: Rank): VNode => {
const rankElements = [];
if (boardStyle === 'table') rankElements.push(doRankHeader(rank));
rankElements.push( => doPiece(rank, file)));
if (boardStyle === 'table') rankElements.push(doRankHeader(rank));
if (pov === 'black') rankElements.reverse();
return h(boardStyle === 'table' ? 'tr' : 'div', rankElements);
const ranks: VNode[] = [];
if (boardStyle === 'table') ranks.push(doFileHeaders());
ranks.push( => doRank(pov, rank)));
if (boardStyle === 'table') ranks.push(doFileHeaders());
if (pov === 'black') ranks.reverse();
return h(boardStyle === 'table' ? 'table.board-wrapper' : 'div.board-wrapper', ranks);
export function renderFile(f: string, style: Style): string {
return style === 'nato' ? nato[f] : style === 'anna' ? anna[f] : f;
export function renderKey(key: string, style: Style): string {
return `${renderFile(key[0], style)} ${key[1]}`;
export function castlingFlavours(input: string): string {
switch (input.toLowerCase().replace(/[-\s]+/g, '')) {
case 'oo':
case '00':
return 'o-o';
case 'ooo':
case '000':
return 'o-o-o';
return input;
/* Listen to interactions on the chessboard */
export function positionJumpHandler() {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
const $btn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $file = $btn.attr('file') ?? '';
const $rank = $btn.attr('rank') ?? '';
let $newRank = '';
let $newFile = '';
if (ev.key.match(/^[1-8]$/)) {
$newRank = ev.key;
$newFile = $file;
} else if (ev.key.match(/^[!@#$%^&*]$/)) {
$newRank = $rank;
$newFile = symbolToFile(ev.key);
// if not a valid key for jumping
} else {
return true;
const newBtn = document.querySelector(
'.board-wrapper button[rank="' + $newRank + '"][file="' + $newFile + '"]'
) as HTMLElement;
if (newBtn) {
return false;
return true;
export function pieceJumpingHandler(wrapSound: () => void, errorSound: () => void) {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!ev.key.match(/^[kqrbnp]$/i)) return true;
const $currBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
// TODO: decouple from promotion attribute setting in selectionHandler
if ($currBtn.attr('promotion') === 'true') {
const $moveBox = $('input.move');
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $promotionPiece = ev.key.toLowerCase();
const $form = $moveBox.parent().parent();
if (!$promotionPiece.match(/^[qnrb]$/)) {
$boardLive.text('Invalid promotion piece. q for queen, n for knight, r for rook, b for bisho');
return false;
$moveBox.val($moveBox.val() + $promotionPiece);
const $sendForm = new Event('submit', {
cancelable: true,
bubbles: true,
return false;
const $myBtnAttrs = '.board-wrapper [rank="' + $currBtn.attr('rank') + '"][file="' + $currBtn.attr('file') + '"]';
const $allPieces = $('.board-wrapper [piece="' + ev.key.toLowerCase() + '"], ' + $myBtnAttrs);
const $myPieceIndex = $allPieces.index($myBtnAttrs);
const $next = ev.key.toLowerCase() === ev.key;
const $prevNextPieces = $next ? $allPieces.slice($myPieceIndex + 1) : $allPieces.slice(0, $myPieceIndex);
const $piece = $next ? $prevNextPieces.get(0) : $prevNextPieces.get($prevNextPieces.length - 1);
if ($piece) {
// if detected any matching piece; one is the pice being clicked on,
} else if ($allPieces.length >= 2) {
const $wrapPiece = $next ? $allPieces.get(0) : $allPieces.get($allPieces.length - 1);
} else {
return false;
export function arrowKeyHandler(pov: Color, borderSound: () => void) {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
const $currBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $isWhite = pov === 'white';
let $file = $currBtn.attr('file') ?? ' ';
let $rank = Number($currBtn.attr('rank'));
if (ev.key === 'ArrowUp') {
$rank = $isWhite ? ($rank += 1) : ($rank -= 1);
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowDown') {
$rank = $isWhite ? ($rank -= 1) : ($rank += 1);
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowLeft') {
$file = String.fromCharCode($isWhite ? $file.charCodeAt(0) - 1 : $file.charCodeAt(0) + 1);
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowRight') {
$file = String.fromCharCode($isWhite ? $file.charCodeAt(0) + 1 : $file.charCodeAt(0) - 1);
} else {
return true;
const $newSq = document.querySelector('.board-wrapper [file="' + $file + '"][rank="' + $rank + '"]') as HTMLElement;
if ($newSq) {
} else {
return false;
export function selectionHandler(opponentColor: Color, selectSound: () => void) {
return (ev: MouseEvent) => {
// this depends on the current document structure. This may not be advisable in case the structure wil change.
const $evBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $rank = $evBtn.attr('rank');
const $pos = ($evBtn.attr('file') ?? '') + $rank;
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $promotionRank = opponentColor === 'black' ? '8' : '1';
const $moveBox = $(document.querySelector('input.move') as HTMLInputElement);
if (!$moveBox) return false;
// if no move in box yet
if ($moveBox.val() === '') {
// if user selects anothers' piece first
if ($evBtn.attr('color') === opponentColor) return false;
// as long as the user is selecting a piece and not a blank tile
if ($evBtn.text().match(/^[^\-+]+/g)) {
} else {
// if user selects their own piece second
if ($evBtn.attr('color') === (opponentColor === 'black' ? 'white' : 'black')) return false;
const $first = $moveBox.val();
const $firstPiece = $('.board-wrapper [file="' + $first[0] + '"][rank="' + $first[1] + '"]');
$moveBox.val($moveBox.val() + $pos);
// this is coupled to pieceJumpingHandler() noticing that the attribute is set and acting differently. TODO: make cleaner
// if pawn promotion
if ($rank === $promotionRank && $firstPiece.attr('piece')?.toLowerCase() === 'p') {
$evBtn.attr('promotion', 'true');
$boardLive.text('Promote to? q for queen, n for knight, r for rook, b for bishop');
return false;
// this section depends on the form being the granparent of the input.move box.
const $form = $moveBox.parent().parent();
const $event = new Event('submit', {
cancelable: true,
bubbles: true,
return false;
export function boardCommandsHandler() {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
const $currBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $position = ($currBtn.attr('file') ?? '') + ($currBtn.attr('rank') ?? '');
if (ev.key === 'o') {
return false;
} else if (ev.key === 'l') {
const $lastMove = $('p.lastMove').text();
return false;
} else if (ev.key === 't') {
$boardLive.text($('.nvui .botc').text() + ', ' + $('.nvui .topc').text());
return false;
return true;
export function lastCapturedCommandHandler(steps: () => string[], pieceStyle: PieceStyle, prefixStyle: PrefixStyle) {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
if (ev.key === 'c') {
$boardLive.text(lastCaptured(steps, pieceStyle, prefixStyle));
return false;
return true;
export function possibleMovesHandler(color: Color, fen: () => string, pieces: () => Pieces) {
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (ev.key !== 'm' && ev.key !== 'M') return true;
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $pieces = pieces();
const myTurnFen = color === 'white' ? 'w' : 'b';
const opponentTurnFen = color === 'white' ? 'b' : 'w';
const $btn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $pos = (($btn.attr('file') ?? '') + $btn.attr('rank')) as SquareName;
// possible ineffecient to reparse fen; but seems to work when it is AND when it is not the users' turn.
const possibleMoves = chessgroundDests(
Chess.fromSetup(parseFen(fen().replace(' ' + opponentTurnFen + ' ', ' ' + myTurnFen + ' ')).unwrap()).unwrap()
?.map(i => {
const p = $pieces.get(i);
return p ? i + ' captures ' + p.role : i;
.filter(i => ev.key === 'm' || i.includes('captures'));
if (!possibleMoves) {
// if filters out non-capturing moves
} else if (possibleMoves.length === 0) {
$boardLive.text('No captures');
} else {
$boardLive.text(possibleMoves.join(', '));
return false;