2020-03-17 22:19:26 +01:00

173 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import sys
import pathlib
import urllib
# Do not load C implementation, so that we can override some parser methods.
sys.modules["_elementtree"] = None
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class AnnotatingParser(ET.XMLParser):
def _start(self, tag, attrs):
elem = super()._start(tag, attrs)
elem.line = self.parser.CurrentLineNumber
elem.col = self.parser.CurrentColumnNumber
return elem
class Report:
def __init__(self):
self.errors = 0
self.warnings = 0
def short_lang(lang):
if lang in ["ne-NP", "la-LA"]:
return lang.replace("-", "").lower()
return lang.split("-")[0]
def western_punctuation(lang):
return lang not in [
"zh-TW", "zh-CN", "hi-IN", "ja-JP", "bn-BD", "ar-SA", "th-TH", "ne-NP",
"ko-KR", "ur-PK", "hy-AM", "ml-IN", "ka-GE", "he-IL",
def crowdin_q(text):
return urllib.parse.quote(text or "")
class ReportContext:
def __init__(self, report, path, el, name, text): = report
self.path = path
self.el = el = name
self.text = text
def lang(self):
return self.path.stem
def log(self, level, message):
if level == "error": += 1
elif level == "warning": += 1
lang = short_lang(self.lang())
url = f"{lang}#q={crowdin_q(self.text)}"
print(f"::{level} file={self.path},line={self.el.line},col={self.el.col}::{message} ({}): {self.text!r} @ {url}")
def error(self, message):
self.log("error", message)
def warning(self, message):
self.log("warning", message)
def notice(self, message):
self.log("notice", message)
def lint(report, path):
db = # site, study, ...
source = ET.parse(path.parent.parent.parent / "source" / f"{db}.xml", parser=AnnotatingParser()).getroot()
root = ET.parse(path, parser=AnnotatingParser()).getroot()
for el in root:
name = el.attrib["name"]
ctx = ReportContext(report, path, el, name, el.text)
if "'" in name or " " in name:
ctx.error(f"bad {el.tag} name")
source_el = source.find(f".//{el.tag}[@name='{name}']")
if source_el is None:
ctx.error(f"did not find source element for {el.tag}")
elif el.tag == "string":
lint_string(ctx, el.text, source_el.text)
elif el.tag == "plurals":
for item in el:
quantity = item.attrib["quantity"]
allow_missing = 1 if quantity in ["zero", "one", "two"] else 0
plural_name = f"{name}:{quantity}"
lint_string(ReportContext(report, path, item, plural_name, item.text), item.text, source_el.find("./item[@quantity='other']").text, allow_missing)
ctx.error(f"bad resources tag: {el.tag}")
def lint_string(ctx, dest, source, allow_missing=0):
if not dest:
ctx.error("empty translation")
placeholders = source.count("%s")
if placeholders > 1:
ctx.error("more than 1 %s in source")
diff = placeholders - dest.count("%s")
if diff > 0:
allow_missing -= diff
if allow_missing < 0:
ctx.log("error", "missing %s")
elif diff < 0:
ctx.error("too many %s")
for placeholder in re.findall(r"%\d+\$s", source):
if placeholder == "%1$s" and placeholder not in dest and allow_missing > 0:
allow_missing -= 1
elif dest.count(placeholder) < 1:
ctx.error(f"missing {placeholder}")
for placeholder in re.findall(r"%\d+\$s", dest):
if source.count(placeholder) < 1:
ctx.error(f"unexpected {placeholder}")
for pattern in ["O-O", "SAN", "FEN", "PGN", "K, Q, R, B, N"]:
m_source = source if pattern.isupper() else source.lower()
m_dest = dest if pattern.isupper() else dest.lower()
if pattern in m_source and pattern not in m_dest:
ctx.notice(f"missing {pattern}")
#elif pattern not in m_source and pattern in m_dest:
# ctx.notice(f"unexpected {pattern}")
if "PGN" in source and "PNG" in dest:
ctx.warning("PNG instead of PGN")
if "\n" not in source and "\n" in dest:
ctx.notice("expected single line string")
if western_punctuation(ctx.lang()) and source.rstrip().endswith(".") and not dest.rstrip().endswith("."):
ctx.warning("translation does not end with dot")
if re.match(r"\n", dest):
ctx.error("has leading newlines")
elif re.match(r"\s+", dest):
ctx.warning("has leading spaces")
if"\s+$", dest):
ctx.warning("has trailing spaces")
if"\t", dest):
ctx.warning("has tabs")
if"\n{3,}", dest):
ctx.warning("has more than one successive empty line")
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:]
if args:
report = Report()
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
lint(report, pathlib.Path(arg))
print(f"{report.errors} error(s), {report.warnings} warning(s)")
if report.errors:
print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} translation/dest/*/*.xml")