
87 lines
3.4 KiB

lichess = lichess || {};
lichess.startInsightTour = function() {
lichess.hopscotch(function() {
var tour = {
id: "insights",
showPrevButton: true,
steps: [{
title: "Welcome to chess insights!",
content: "Know your strengths and weaknesses!<br>" +
"Insights let you analyse your playing style, " +
"using pertinent metrics and dimensions.<br><br>" +
"It's a powerful tool, let's take some time to see how it works.",
target: "#insight header h2",
placement: "bottom"
}, {
title: "Insights answer questions",
content: "Here are a few example questions you can ask. Try clicking them!",
target: "#insight .panel-tabs a.preset",
placement: "top",
yOffset: 10,
onShow: function() {
}, {
title: "Answers are graphs",
content: "Colorful bars represent the answer to the question posed.<br>" +
"Gray bars represent the size of each data sample, like the number of moves.",
target: "#insight .chart",
placement: "left",
xOffset: 50
}, {
title: "The same data, in a table",
content: "This table provides an alternative way to read the answer.<br>" +
"Further down the page are a few of the games used to answer the question.",
target: "#insight table.slist",
placement: "top"
}, {
title: "Ask a question: metric",
content: "To ask your own questions, start by selecting a metric.<br>" +
"For instance, let's ask a question about move times.",
target: "#insight",
placement: "left",
onShow: function() {
}, {
title: "Ask a question: dimension",
content: "Now select a dimension to compare move times with.<br>" +
"For instance, try seeing your move times per variant, or per piece moved.",
target: "#insight",
placement: "left"
}, {
title: "Ask a question: filters",
content: "Make your question more precise by filtering the results.<br>" +
"For instance, you can select games where you only played black and castled kingside.",
target: "#insight .panel-tabs a.filter",
placement: "top",
yOffset: 10,
onShow: function() {
}, {
title: "Thank you for your time!",
content: "Now be inventive and find the right questions to ask!<br>" +
"You can copy the URL at any time to share the results you're seeing.<br><br>" +
"Oh and one last thing...",
target: "#insight header h2",
placement: "bottom"
}, {
title: "Share your insights data",
content: "By default, your data is visible to your lichess friends only.<br>" +
"You can make it public or private <a href='/account/preferences/privacy'>from your privacy settings</a>.<br><br>" +
"Have fun :)",
target: "#insight .info .share",
placement: "right",
yOffset: -20
$(function() {
if (lichess.once('insight-tour')) setTimeout(lichess.startInsightTour, 1000);