
66 lines
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case class SwissPairing(
id: Game.ID,
swissId: Swiss.Id,
round: SwissRound.Number,
white: SwissPlayer.Number,
black: SwissPlayer.Number,
status: SwissPairing.Status
) {
def gameId = id
def players = List(white, black)
def has(number: SwissPlayer.Number) = white == number || black == number
def colorOf(number: SwissPlayer.Number) = chess.Color(white == number)
def opponentOf(number: SwissPlayer.Number) = if (white == number) black else white
def winner: Option[SwissPlayer.Number] = ~status.toOption
def isOngoing = status.isLeft
def resultFor(number: SwissPlayer.Number) =
object SwissPairing {
sealed trait Ongoing
case object Ongoing extends Ongoing
type Status = Either[Ongoing, Option[SwissPlayer.Number]]
val ongoing: Status = Left(Ongoing)
case class Pending(
white: SwissPlayer.Number,
black: SwissPlayer.Number
case class Bye(player: SwissPlayer.Number)
type ByeOrPending = Either[Bye, Pending]
type PairingMap = Map[SwissPlayer.Number, Map[SwissRound.Number, SwissPairing]]
case class View(pairing: SwissPairing, player: SwissPlayer.WithUser)
object Fields {
val id = "_id"
val swissId = "s"
val round = "r"
val gameId = "g"
val players = "p"
val status = "t"
val date = "d"
def fields[A](f: Fields.type => A): A = f(Fields)
// assumes that pairings are already sorted by round (probably by the DB query)
def toMap(pairings: List[SwissPairing]): PairingMap =
pairings.foldLeft[PairingMap](Map.empty) {
case (acc, pairing) =>
pairing.players.foldLeft(acc) {
case (acc, player) =>
acc.updatedWith(player) { acc =>
(~acc).updated(pairing.round, pairing).some