
104 lines
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import lila.common.LightUser
import lila.rating.Perf
import lila.user.{ Perfs, User }
case class SwissPlayer(
id: SwissPlayer.Id, // random
swissId: Swiss.Id,
number: SwissPlayer.Number,
userId: User.ID,
rating: Int,
provisional: Boolean,
points: Swiss.Points,
tieBreak: Swiss.TieBreak,
performance: Option[Swiss.Performance],
score: Swiss.Score
) {
def is(uid: User.ID): Boolean = uid == userId
def is(user: User): Boolean = is(
def is(other: SwissPlayer): Boolean = is(other.userId)
def recomputeScore = copy(
score = Swiss.makeScore(points, tieBreak, performance | Swiss.Performance(rating.toFloat))
object SwissPlayer {
case class Id(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
def makeId(swissId: Swiss.Id, userId: User.ID) = Id(s"$swissId:$userId")
private[swiss] def make(
swissId: Swiss.Id,
number: SwissPlayer.Number,
user: User,
perfLens: Perfs => Perf
): SwissPlayer =
new SwissPlayer(
id = makeId(swissId,,
swissId = swissId,
number = number,
userId =,
rating = perfLens(user.perfs).intRating,
provisional = perfLens(user.perfs).provisional,
points = Swiss.Points(0),
tieBreak = Swiss.TieBreak(0),
performance = none,
score = Swiss.Score(0)
case class Number(value: Int) extends AnyVal with IntValue
case class Ranked(rank: Int, player: SwissPlayer) {
def is(other: Ranked) = player is other.player
override def toString = s"$rank. ${player.userId}[${player.rating}]"
case class WithUser(player: SwissPlayer, user: LightUser)
sealed trait Viewish {
val player: SwissPlayer
val rank: Int
val user: lila.common.LightUser
case class View(
player: SwissPlayer,
rank: Int,
user: lila.common.LightUser,
pairings: Map[SwissRound.Number, SwissPairing]
) extends Viewish
case class ViewExt(
player: SwissPlayer,
rank: Int,
user: lila.common.LightUser,
pairings: Map[SwissRound.Number, SwissPairing.View]
) extends Viewish
def toMap(players: List[SwissPlayer]): Map[SwissPlayer.Number, SwissPlayer] = => p.number -> p).toMap
// def ranked(ranking: Ranking)(player: SwissPlayer): Option[Ranked] =
// ranking get player.userId map { rank =>
// Ranked(rank + 1, player)
// }
object Fields {
val id = "_id"
val swissId = "s"
val number = "n"
val userId = "u"
val rating = "r"
val provisional = "pr"
val points = "p"
val tieBreak = "t"
val performance = "e"
val score = "c"
def fields[A](f: Fields.type => A): A = f(Fields)