Thibault Duplessis 0c3a2fc79e tweak trans-sanity-check.js output - for #4696
to display the relative path to the file
and the value of the faulty translation
2018-11-17 20:15:32 +07:00

83 lines
2.9 KiB

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const parseString = require('xml2js').parseString;
const baseDir = 'translation/source';
const destDir = 'translation/dest';
const dbs = ['site', 'arena', 'emails', 'learn', 'activity', 'coordinates'];
function printError(level, file, error) {
console.log(`${level.toUpperCase()} ${file} ${error}`);
function printTransError(level, r, orig, tran, db, e, filename) {
if (r.test(orig) && !r.test(tran))
printError(level, `${db}/${filename}`, `${e['$'].name} lacks <${orig.match(r)[0]}>: ${e['_']}`);
function checkAgainstRegexes(orig, tran, db, e, filename) {
const warnings = [/lichess/i, /lichess\.org/i, /O-O/, /O-O-O/];
const errors = [/%s/, /%\d\$s/];
warnings.forEach(r => printTransError('warning', r, orig, tran, db, e, filename));
errors.forEach(r => printTransError('error', r, orig, tran, db, e, filename));
function checkPlaceholders(str, db, e, filename) {
if (/%\d\$s/.test(str)) {
placeholderNums = str.match(/%\d\$s/g).map(x => parseInt(x[1])).sort();
for (i = 1; i <= placeholderNums.length; i++) {
if (placeholderNums[i-1] !== i) {
printError('error', `${db}/${filename}`, `${e['$'].name} bad placeholder: ${str}`);
function compareDestToSource(src, db) {
fs.readdir(`${destDir}/${db}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(filenames => {
Promise.all(, index, resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(`${destDir}/${db}/${filename}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(txt => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => parseString(txt, (_, xml) => {
const strings = (xml.resources.string || []);
strings.forEach(e => {
orig = src[e['$'].name];
tran = e['_'];
checkAgainstRegexes(orig, tran, db, e, filename);
checkPlaceholders(tran, db, e, filename);
const plurals = (xml.resources.plurals || []);
plurals.forEach(e => {
orig = src[e['$'].name];
tran = e.item[0]['_'];
checkAgainstRegexes(orig, tran, db, e, filename);
checkPlaceholders(tran, db, e, filename);
function VerifyTranslations(db) {
return fs.readFile(`${baseDir}/${db}.xml`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(txt => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => parseString(txt, (_, xml) => {
const prefix = db === 'site' ? '' : `${db}:`
const strings = (xml.resources.string || []);
let source_strings = {};
strings.forEach(e => {
source_strings[e['$'].name] = e['_'];
checkPlaceholders(e['_'], db, e, 'src');
const plurals = (xml.resources.plurals || []);
plurals.forEach(e => {
source_strings[e['$'].name] = e.item[0]['_'];
checkPlaceholders(e.item[0]['_'], db, e, 'src');
})).then(src => {
compareDestToSource(src, db)