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package lila.streamer
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import lila.memo.{ PicfitImage, PicfitUrl }
import lila.user.User
case class Streamer(
_id: Streamer.Id, // user ID
listed: Streamer.Listed,
approval: Streamer.Approval,
picture: Option[PicfitImage.Id],
name: Streamer.Name,
headline: Option[Streamer.Headline],
description: Option[Streamer.Description],
twitch: Option[Streamer.Twitch],
youTube: Option[Streamer.YouTube],
seenAt: DateTime, // last seen online
liveAt: Option[DateTime], // last seen streaming
createdAt: DateTime,
updatedAt: DateTime
) {
def id = _id
def userId = _id.value
def is(user: User) = userId ==
def hasPicture = picture.isDefined
def isListed = listed.value && approval.granted
def completeEnough = {
twitch.isDefined || youTube.isDefined
} && headline.isDefined && hasPicture
object Streamer {
def make(user: User) =
_id = Id(,
listed = Listed(true),
approval = Approval(
requested = false,
granted = false,
ignored = false,
tier = 0,
chatEnabled = true,
lastGrantedAt = none
picture = none,
name = Name(user.realNameOrUsername),
headline = none,
description = none,
twitch = none,
youTube = none,
seenAt =,
liveAt = none,
createdAt =,
updatedAt =
case class Id(value: User.ID) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class Listed(value: Boolean) extends AnyVal
case class Approval(
requested: Boolean, // user requests a mod to approve
granted: Boolean, // a mod approved
ignored: Boolean, // further requests are ignored
tier: Int, // homepage featuring tier
chatEnabled: Boolean, // embed chat inside lichess
lastGrantedAt: Option[DateTime]
case class PicturePath(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class Name(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class Headline(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class Description(value: String) extends AnyVal with StringValue
case class Twitch(userId: String) {
def fullUrl = s"$userId"
def minUrl = s"$userId"
object Twitch {
private val UserIdRegex = """([a-zA-Z0-9](?:\w{2,24}+))""".r
private val UrlRegex = ("""twitch\.tv/""" + UserIdRegex + "").r.unanchored
def parseUserId(str: String): Option[String] =
str match {
case UserIdRegex(u) => u.some
case UrlRegex(u) => u.some
case _ => none
case class YouTube(channelId: String) {
def fullUrl = s"$channelId"
def minUrl = s"$channelId"
object YouTube {
private val ChannelIdRegex = """^([\w-]{24})$""".r
private val UrlRegex = """youtube\.com/channel/([\w-]{24})""".r.unanchored
def parseChannelId(str: String): Option[String] =
str match {
case ChannelIdRegex(c) => c.some
case UrlRegex(c) => c.some
case _ => none
case class WithUser(streamer: Streamer, user: User) {
def titleName = s"${user.title.fold("")(t => s"$t ")}${}"
case class WithUserAndStream(streamer: Streamer, user: User, stream: Option[Stream]) {
def withoutStream = WithUser(streamer, user)
def titleName = withoutStream.titleName
def redirectToLiveUrl: Option[String] =
stream ?? { s =>
streamer.twitch.ifTrue(s.twitch).map(_.fullUrl) orElse
case class ModChange(list: Option[Boolean], tier: Option[Int], decline: Boolean)
val maxTier = 10
val tierChoices = (0 to maxTier).map(t => t -> t.toString)
def canApply(u: User) = ( >= 15 && u.createdSinceDays(2)) || u.hasTitle || u.isVerified