
85 lines
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package lila.hub
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.concurrent.Promise
* Sequential like an actor, but for async functions,
* and using an atomic backend instead of akka actor.
final class BoundedDuct(maxSize: Int, name: String, logging: Boolean = true)(process: Duct.ReceiveAsync)(
implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
) {
import BoundedDuct._
def !(msg: Any): Boolean =
stateRef.getAndUpdate { state =>
Some {
state.fold(emptyQueue) { q =>
if (q.size >= maxSize) q
else q enqueue msg
} match {
case None => // previous state was idle, we can run immediately
case Some(q) =>
val success = q.size < maxSize
if (!success) {
if (logging) lila.log("duct").warn(s"[$name] queue is full ($maxSize)")
def ask[A](makeMsg: Promise[A] => Any): Fu[A] = {
val promise = Promise[A]()
val success = this ! makeMsg(promise)
if (!success) promise failure new EnqueueException(s"The $name duct queue is full ($maxSize)")
def queueSize = stateRef.get().fold(0)(_.size + 1)
* Idle: None
* Busy: Some(Queue.empty)
* Busy with backlog: Some(Queue.nonEmpty)
private[this] val stateRef: AtomicReference[State] = new AtomicReference(None)
private[this] def run(msg: Any): Unit =
process.applyOrElse(msg, fallback) onComplete postRun
private[this] val postRun = (_: Any) =>
stateRef.getAndUpdate(postRunUpdate) flatMap (_.headOption) foreach run
private[this] lazy val fallback = { msg: Any =>
lila.log("duct").warn(s"[$name] unhandled msg: $msg")
object BoundedDuct {
final class EnqueueException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
private case class SizedQueue(queue: Queue[Any], size: Int) {
def enqueue(a: Any) = SizedQueue(queue enqueue a, size + 1)
def isEmpty = size == 0
def tailOption = !isEmpty option SizedQueue(queue.tail, size - 1)
def headOption = queue.headOption
private val emptyQueue = SizedQueue(Queue.empty, 0)
private type State = Option[SizedQueue]
private val postRunUpdate = new UnaryOperator[State] {
override def apply(state: State): State = state.flatMap(_.tailOption)