
85 lines
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package lila.tournament
import lila.hub.LightTeam.TeamID
import lila.user.User
case class TeamBattle(
teams: Set[TeamID],
nbLeaders: Int
) {
def hasEnoughTeams = teams.sizeIs > 1
lazy val sortedTeamIds = teams.toList.sorted
def hasTooManyTeams = teams.sizeIs > TeamBattle.displayTeams
object TeamBattle {
val maxTeams = 200
val displayTeams = 10
def init(teamId: TeamID) = TeamBattle(Set(teamId), 5)
case class TeamVs(teams: chess.Color.Map[TeamID])
class RankedTeam(
val rank: Int,
val teamId: TeamID,
val leaders: List[TeamLeader],
val score: Int
) extends Ordered[RankedTeam] {
private def magicScore = leaders.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.magicScore)
def this(rank: Int, teamId: TeamID, leaders: List[TeamLeader]) =
this(rank, teamId, leaders, leaders.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.score))
def updateRank(newRank: Int) = new RankedTeam(newRank, teamId, leaders, score)
override def compare(that: RankedTeam) = {
if (this.score > that.score) -1
else if (this.score < that.score) 1
else that.magicScore - this.magicScore
case class TeamLeader(userId: User.ID, magicScore: Int) {
def score: Int = magicScore / 10000
case class TeamInfo(
teamId: TeamID,
nbPlayers: Int,
avgRating: Int,
avgPerf: Int,
avgScore: Int,
topPlayers: List[Player]
object DataForm {
val fields = mapping(
"teams" -> nonEmptyText,
"nbLeaders" -> number(min = 1, max = 20)
.verifying("We need at least 2 teams", s => s.potentialTeamIds.sizeIs > 1)
s"In this version of team battles, no more than $maxTeams teams can be allowed.",
s => s.potentialTeamIds.sizeIs <= maxTeams
def edit(teams: List[String], nbLeaders: Int) =
Form(fields) fill
Setup(s"${teams mkString "\n"}\n", nbLeaders)
def empty = Form(fields)
case class Setup(
teams: String,
nbLeaders: Int
) {
def potentialTeamIds: Set[TeamID] =' ' !=)).filter(_.nonEmpty).toSet