
107 lines
2.6 KiB

import * as cg from 'chessground/types';
import { h, Hooks, VNodeData } from 'snabbdom';
import { opposite } from 'chessground/util';
import { Redraw, EncodedDests, Dests, MaterialDiff, Step, CheckCount } from './interfaces';
const pieceScores = {
pawn: 1,
knight: 3,
bishop: 3,
rook: 5,
queen: 9,
king: 0,
export const justIcon = (icon: string): VNodeData => ({
attrs: { 'data-icon': icon },
export const uci2move = (uci: string): cg.Key[] | undefined => {
if (!uci) return undefined;
if (uci[1] === '@') return [uci.slice(2, 4) as cg.Key];
return [uci.slice(0, 2), uci.slice(2, 4)] as cg.Key[];
export const onInsert = (f: (el: HTMLElement) => void): Hooks => ({
insert(vnode) {
f(vnode.elm as HTMLElement);
export const bind = (eventName: string, f: (e: Event) => void, redraw?: Redraw, passive = true): Hooks =>
onInsert(el => {
e => {
redraw && redraw();
{ passive }
export function parsePossibleMoves(dests?: EncodedDests): Dests {
const dec = new Map();
if (!dests) return dec;
if (typeof dests == 'string')
for (const ds of dests.split(' ')) {
dec.set(ds.slice(0, 2), ds.slice(2).match(/.{2}/g) as cg.Key[]);
else for (const k in dests) dec.set(k, dests[k].match(/.{2}/g) as cg.Key[]);
return dec;
// {white: {pawn: 3 queen: 1}, black: {bishop: 2}}
export function getMaterialDiff(pieces: cg.Pieces): MaterialDiff {
const diff: MaterialDiff = {
white: { king: 0, queen: 0, rook: 0, bishop: 0, knight: 0, pawn: 0 },
black: { king: 0, queen: 0, rook: 0, bishop: 0, knight: 0, pawn: 0 },
for (const p of pieces.values()) {
const them = diff[opposite(p.color)];
if (them[p.role] > 0) them[p.role]--;
else diff[p.color][p.role]++;
return diff;
export function getScore(pieces: cg.Pieces): number {
let score = 0;
for (const p of pieces.values()) {
score += pieceScores[p.role] * (p.color === 'white' ? 1 : -1);
return score;
export const noChecks: CheckCount = {
white: 0,
black: 0,
export function countChecks(steps: Step[], ply: Ply): CheckCount {
const checks: CheckCount = { ...noChecks };
for (const step of steps) {
if (ply < step.ply) break;
if (step.check) {
if (step.ply % 2 === 1) checks.white++;
return checks;
export const spinner = () =>
'aria-label': 'loading',
h('svg', { attrs: { viewBox: '0 0 40 40' } }, [
h('circle', {
attrs: { cx: 20, cy: 20, r: 18, fill: 'none' },