
286 lines
8.3 KiB

mainDb = Mongo('').getDB('lichess');
oauthDb = Mongo('').getDB('lichess');
studyDb = Mongo('').getDB('lichess');
puzzleDb = Mongo('').getDB('puzzler');
if (typeof user == 'undefined') throw 'Usage: mongo lichess --eval \'user="username"\' script.js';
user = db.user4.findOne({ _id: user });
// if (!user || user.enabled || !user.erasedAt) throw 'Erase with lichess CLI first.';
print(`\n\n Delete user ${user.username} and all references to their username!\n\n`);
const newGhostId = () => {
const idChars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
const idLength = 8;
let id = '';
for (let i = idLength; i > 0; --i) id += idChars[Math.floor(Math.random() * idChars.length)];
return `!${id}`;
const scrub = (collName, inDb) => f => {
print(`- ${collName}`);
return f((inDb || mainDb)[collName]);
const byId = doc => ({ _id: doc._id });
const deleteAllIn = (db, collName, field, value) => scrub(collName, db)(c => c.remove({ [field]: value || userId }));
const deleteAll = (collName, field, value) => deleteAllIn(mainDb, collName, field, value);
const setNewGhostId = (coll, doc, field) => coll.update(byId(doc), { $set: { [field]: newGhostId() } });
const replaceWithNewGhostIds = (collName, field, inDb) =>
scrub(collName, inDb)(c => c.find({ [field]: userId }, { _id: 1 }).forEach(doc => setNewGhostId(c, doc, field)));
const userId = user._id;
const tosViolation = user.marks && user.marks.length;
// Let us scrub.
deleteAll('activity', '_id', new RegExp(`^${userId}:`));
deleteAll('analysis_requester', '_id');
deleteAll('bookmark', 'u');
deleteAll('challenge', '');
deleteAll('challenge', '');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('clas_clas', '');
scrub('clas_clas')(c => c.updateMany({ teachers: userId }, { $pull: { teachers: userId } }));
deleteAll('clas_student', 'userId');
deleteAll('coach', '_id');
deleteAll('coach_review', 'userId');
deleteAll('config', '_id');
deleteAll('coordinate_score', '_id');
deleteAll('crosstable2', '_id', new RegExp(`^${userId}/`));
scrub('f_post')(c =>
.find({ userId: userId }, { _id: 1 })
.forEach(doc => coll.update(byId(doc), { $set: { userId: newGhostId(), text: '', erasedAt: new Date() } }))
scrub('game5')(c =>
c.find({ us: userId }, { us: 1, wid: 1 }).forEach(doc => {
const gameGhostId = newGhostId();
c.update(byId(doc), {
$set: {
[`us.${}`]: gameGhostId, // replace player usernames
...(doc.wid == userId ? { wid: gameGhostId } : {}), // replace winner username
deleteAll('history3', '_id');
deleteAll('image', 'createdBy');
if (!tosViolation) deleteAll('irwin_report', '_id');
deleteAll('learn_progress', '_id');
deleteAll('matchup', '_id', new RegExp(`^${userId}/`));
We decided not to delete PMs out of legit interest of the correspondents
and also to be able to comply with data requests from law enforcement
const msgThreadIds = scrub('msg_thread')(c => {
const ids = c.distinct('_id', { users: userId });
c.remove({ users: userId });
return ids;
scrub('msg_msg')(c => msgThreadIds.length && c.remove({ tid: { $in: msgThreadIds } }));
scrub('note')(c => {
c.remove({ from: userId, mod: { $ne: true } });
c.remove({ to: userId, mod: { $ne: true } });
deleteAll('notify', 'notifies');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('oauth_client', 'author', oauthDb);
deleteAllIn(oauthDb, 'oauth_access_token', 'user_id');
deleteAll('perf_stat', new RegExp(`^${userId}/`));
replaceWithNewGhostIds('plan_charge', 'userId');
deleteAll('plan_patron', '_id');
deleteAll('playban', '_id');
deleteAll('player_assessment', 'userId');
deleteAll('practice_progress', '_id');
deleteAll('pref', '_id');
deleteAll('push_device', 'userId');
)(c =>
c.find({ userId: userId }, { users: 1 }).forEach(doc =>
c.update(byId(doc), {
$set: {
[`users.${doc.users.indexOf(userId)}`]: newGhostId(),
deleteAllIn(puzzleDb, 'puzzle2_round', '_id', new RegExp(`^${userId}:`));
deleteAll('ranking', new RegExp(`^${userId}:`));
deleteAll('relation', 'u1');
deleteAll('relation', 'u2');
scrub('report2')(c => {
c.find({ '': userId }, { atoms: 1 }).forEach(doc => {
const reportGhostId = newGhostId();
const newAtoms = => ({
by: == userId ? reportGhostId :,
c.update(byId(doc), { $set: { atoms: newAtoms } });
!tosViolation && c.updateMany({ user: userId }, { $set: { user: newGhostId() } });
if (!tosViolation) deleteAll('security', 'user');
deleteAll('seek', '');
deleteAll('shutup', '_id');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('simul', 'hostId');
scrub('simul')(c =>
c.find({ 'pairings.player.user': userId }, { pairings: 1 }).forEach(doc => {
doc.pairings.forEach(p => {
if (p.player.user == userId) p.player.user = newGhostId();
c.update(byId(doc), { $set: { pairings: doc.pairings } });
deleteAll('storm_day', '_id', new RegExp(`^${userId}:`));
deleteAll('streamer', '_id');
const studyIds = scrub(
)(c => {
const ids = c.distinct('_id', { ownerId: userId });
c.remove({ ownerId: userId });
c.updateMany({ likers: userId }, { $pull: { likers: userId } });
c.updateMany({ uids: userId }, { $pull: { uids: userId }, $unset: { [`members.${userId}`]: true } });
return ids;
scrub('study_chapter_flat', studyDb)(c => c.remove({ studyId: { $in: studyIds } }));
deleteAllIn(studyDb, 'study_user_topic', '_id');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('swiss', 'winnerId');
const swissIds = scrub('swiss_player')(c => c.distinct('s', { u: userId }));
if (swissIds.length) {
// here we use a single ghost ID for all swiss players and pairings,
// because the mapping of swiss player to swiss pairings must be preserved
const swissGhostId = newGhostId();
scrub('swiss_player')(c => {
c.find({ _id: { $in: => `${s}:${userId}`) } }).forEach(p => {
c.remove({ _id: p._id });
p._id = `${p.s}:${swissGhostId}`;
p.u = swissGhostId;
scrub('swiss_pairing')(c => c.updateMany({ s: { $in: swissIds }, p: userId }, { $set: { 'p.$': swissGhostId } }));
replaceWithNewGhostIds('team', 'createdBy');
scrub('team')(c => c.updateMany({ leaders: userId }, { $pull: { leaders: userId } }));
deleteAll('team_request', 'user');
deleteAll('team_member', 'user');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('tournament2', 'createdBy');
replaceWithNewGhostIds('tournament2', 'winnerId');
const arenaIds = scrub('tournament_leaderboard')(c => c.distinct('t', { u: userId }));
if (arenaIds.length) {
// here we use a single ghost ID for all arena players and pairings,
// because the mapping of arena player to arena pairings must be preserved
const arenaGhostId = newGhostId();
scrub('tournament_player')(c =>
c.updateMany({ tid: { $in: arenaIds }, uid: userId }, { $set: { uid: arenaGhostId } })
scrub('tournament_pairing')(c =>
c.updateMany({ tid: { $in: arenaIds }, u: userId }, { $set: { 'u.$': arenaGhostId } })
deleteAll('tournament_leaderboard', 'u');
deleteAll('trophy', 'user');
scrub('user4')(c =>
{ _id: userId },
// If the user was banned for TOS violations, delete the following fields:
? {
$unset: {
profile: 1,
roles: 1,
toints: 1,
time: 1,
kid: 1,
lang: 1,
title: 1,
plan: 1,
totp: 1,
changedCase: 1,
blind: 1,
salt: 1,
bpass: 1,
mustConfirmEmail: 1,
colorIt: 1,
$set: {
erasedAt: new Date(),
: // Else, delete everything from the user document, with the following exceptions:
// - username, as to prevent signing up with the same username again. Usernames must NOT be reused.
// - prevEmail and createdAt, to prevent mass-creation of accounts reusing the same email address.
// - GDPR erasure date for book-keeping.
prevEmail: user.prevEmail,
createdAt: user.createdAt,
erasedAt: new Date(),
deleteAll('video_view', 'u');