
30 lines
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chat should autoscroll only when at bottom
finish flagged game
It's possible to join your own game and win it, which will then be displayed as a win and I saw players who abuse this to manipulate their stats.
player timeout depending on game duration
do not count games vs engine as win/loss
start chess960 after both player move
chess960 confirmation
use play-navigator router case class MyRegexStr(value: String); implicit val MyRegexStrPathParam: PathParam[MyRegexStr] = new PathParam[MyRegexStr] { def apply(s: MyRegexStr) = s.value}; def unapply(s: String) = val Rx = "(\w+)".r; s match { case Rx(x) => Some(x); case _ => None } }
use POST instead of GET where it makes sense
make the wiki static html pages managed by git?
guess friend list
cheater slash timeline
best game(s) to watch
use twitter tooltip instead of tipsy
volume control
check(mate) sound
mute player = no game room either
takeback play 2 times ?? move 45
movetimes chart
user win chart: split in timeout/mate/...
style sound toggle
show lobby chat to anon (and rated games?)
or show empty chat
next deploy
change treehugger password