
95 lines
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package views.html
package base
import chess.format.FEN
import controllers.routes
import play.api.i18n.Lang
import play.api.mvc.Call
import lila.api.Context
import lila.common.paginator.Paginator
object bits {
def mselect(id: String, current: Frag, items: List[Frag]) =
div(cls := "mselect")(
tpe := "checkbox",
cls := "mselect__toggle fullscreen-toggle", := s"mselect-$id",
autocomplete := "off"
label(`for` := s"mselect-$id", cls := "mselect__label")(current),
label(`for` := s"mselect-$id", cls := "fullscreen-mask"),
st.nav(cls := "mselect__list")(items)
lazy val stage = a(
href := "",
style := """
background: #7f1010;
color: #fff;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: .5em 1em;
border-top-right-radius: 3px;
z-index: 99;
"This is an empty Lichess preview website, go to instead"
val connectLinks =
div(cls := "connect-links")(
a(href := "", targetBlank, noFollow)("Twitter"),
a(href := "", targetBlank, noFollow)("Discord"),
a(href := "", targetBlank, noFollow)("YouTube"),
a(href := "", targetBlank, noFollow)("Twitch")
def fenAnalysisLink(fen: FEN)(implicit lang: Lang) =
a(href := routes.UserAnalysis.parseArg(fen.value.replace(" ", "_")))(trans.analysis())
def paginationByQuery(route: Call, pager: Paginator[_], showPost: Boolean): Option[Frag] =
pagination(page => s"$route?page=$page", pager, showPost)
def pagination(url: Int => String, pager: Paginator[_], showPost: Boolean): Option[Frag] =
pager.hasToPaginate option pagination(url, pager.currentPage, pager.nbPages, showPost)
def pagination(url: Int => String, page: Int, nbPages: Int, showPost: Boolean): Tag =
st.nav(cls := "pagination")(
if (page > 1) a(href := url(page - 1), dataIcon := "I")
else span(cls := "disabled", dataIcon := "I"),
sliding(page, nbPages, 3, showPost = showPost).map {
case None => raw(" … ")
case Some(p) if p == page => span(cls := "current")(p)
case Some(p) => a(href := url(p))(p)
if (page < nbPages) a(rel := "next", href := url(page + 1), dataIcon := "H")
else span(cls := "disabled", dataIcon := "H")
private def sliding(pager: Paginator[_], length: Int, showPost: Boolean): List[Option[Int]] =
sliding(pager.currentPage, pager.nbPages, length, showPost)
private def sliding(page: Int, nbPages: Int, length: Int, showPost: Boolean): List[Option[Int]] = {
val fromPage = 1 max (page - length)
val toPage = nbPages.min(page + length)
val pre = fromPage match {
case 1 => Nil
case 2 => List(1.some)
case _ => List(1.some, none)
val post = toPage match {
case x if x == nbPages => Nil
case x if x == nbPages - 1 => List(nbPages.some)
case _ if showPost => List(none, nbPages.some)
case _ => List(none)
pre ::: (fromPage to toPage) ::: post