
621 lines
22 KiB

package lila.tournament
import{ ActorSystem, Props }
import akka.pattern.ask
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import lila.common.config.MaxPerSecond
import lila.common.{ Bus, Debouncer, LightUser, WorkQueues }
import{ Game, GameRepo, LightPov }
import lila.hub.actorApi.lobby.ReloadTournaments
import lila.hub.LightTeam
import lila.hub.LightTeam._
import lila.round.actorApi.round.{ AbortForce, GoBerserk }
import lila.socket.Socket.SendToFlag
import lila.user.{ User, UserRepo }
import makeTimeout.short
final class TournamentApi(
cached: Cached,
userRepo: UserRepo,
gameRepo: GameRepo,
playerRepo: PlayerRepo,
pairingRepo: PairingRepo,
tournamentRepo: TournamentRepo,
apiJsonView: ApiJsonView,
autoPairing: AutoPairing,
pairingSystem: arena.PairingSystem,
callbacks: TournamentApi.Callbacks,
renderer: lila.hub.actors.Renderer,
socket: TournamentSocket,
tellRound: lila.round.TellRound,
trophyApi: lila.user.TrophyApi,
verify: Condition.Verify,
duelStore: DuelStore,
pause: Pause,
cacheApi: lila.memo.CacheApi,
lightUserApi: lila.user.LightUserApi,
proxyRepo: lila.round.GameProxyRepo
implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext,
system: ActorSystem,
mode: play.api.Mode
) {
private val workQueue =
new WorkQueues(buffer = 256, expiration = 1 minute, timeout = 10 seconds, name = "tournament")
def createTournament(
setup: TournamentSetup,
me: User,
myTeams: List[LightTeam],
getUserTeamIds: User => Fu[List[TeamID]]
): Fu[Tournament] = {
val tour = Tournament.make(
by = Right(me),
name = DataForm.canPickName(me) ??,
clock = setup.clockConfig,
minutes = setup.minutes,
waitMinutes = setup.waitMinutes | DataForm.waitMinuteDefault,
startDate = setup.startDate,
mode = setup.realMode,
password = setup.password,
variant = setup.realVariant,
position =
DataForm.startingPosition(setup.position | chess.StartingPosition.initial.fen, setup.realVariant),
berserkable = setup.berserkable | true,
teamBattle = setup.teamBattleByTeam map TeamBattle.init
) |> { tour =>
tour.perfType.fold(tour) { perfType =>
tour.copy(conditions = setup.conditions.convert(perfType,
if ( != me.titleUsername && lila.common.LameName.anyNameButLichessIsOk(
Bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.slack.TournamentName(me.username,,, "slack")
tournamentRepo.insert(tour) >>
join(, me, tour.password, setup.teamBattleByTeam, getUserTeamIds, none) inject tour
private[tournament] def create(tournament: Tournament): Funit = {
def teamBattleUpdate(
tour: Tournament,
data: TeamBattle.DataForm.Setup,
filterExistingTeamIds: Set[TeamID] => Fu[Set[TeamID]]
): Funit =
filterExistingTeamIds(data.potentialTeamIds) flatMap { teamIds =>
tournamentRepo.setTeamBattle(, TeamBattle(teamIds, data.nbLeaders))
private[tournament] def makePairings(forTour: Tournament, users: WaitingUsers): Funit =
Sequencing( { tour =>
.flatMap { ranking =>
.createPairings(tour, users, ranking)
.flatMap {
case Nil => funit
case pairings =>
.byTourAndUserIds(, pairings.flatMap(_.users))
.map { { player =>
player.userId -> player
.flatMap { playersMap =>
.map { pairing =>
pairingRepo.insert(pairing) >>
autoPairing(tour, pairing, playersMap, ranking)
.map {
socket.startGame(, _)
.mon(_.tournament.pairing.createInserts) >>
featureOneOf(tour, pairings, ranking)
.mon(_.tournament.pairing.createFeature) >>-
.logIfSlow(100, logger)(_ => s"Pairings for${}")
private def featureOneOf(tour: Tournament, pairings: Pairings, ranking: Ranking): Funit =
tour.featuredId.ifTrue(pairings.nonEmpty) ?? pairingRepo.byId map2
RankedPairing(ranking) map (_.flatten) flatMap { curOption =>
pairings.flatMap(RankedPairing(ranking)).sortBy(_.bestRank).headOption ?? { bestCandidate =>
def switch = tournamentRepo.setFeaturedGameId(, bestCandidate.pairing.gameId)
curOption.filter(_.pairing.playing) match {
case Some(current) if bestCandidate.bestRank < current.bestRank => switch
case Some(_) => funit
case _ => switch
def tourAndRanks(game: Game): Fu[Option[TourAndRanks]] = ~ {
for {
tourId <- game.tournamentId
whiteId <- game.whitePlayer.userId
blackId <- game.blackPlayer.userId
} yield tournamentRepo byId tourId flatMap {
_ ?? { tour =>
cached ranking tour map { ranking =>
ranking.get(whiteId) |@| ranking.get(blackId) apply {
case (whiteR, blackR) => TourAndRanks(tour, whiteR + 1, blackR + 1)
private[tournament] def start(oldTour: Tournament): Funit =
Sequencing( { tour =>
tournamentRepo.setStatus(, Status.Started) >>-
socket.reload( >>-
private[tournament] def destroy(tour: Tournament): Funit =
tournamentRepo.remove(tour).void >>
pairingRepo.removeByTour( >>
playerRepo.removeByTour( >>- publish() >>- socket.reload(
private[tournament] def finish(oldTour: Tournament): Funit =
Sequencing( { tour =>
pairingRepo count flatMap {
case 0 => destroy(tour)
case _ =>
for {
_ <- tournamentRepo.setStatus(, Status.Finished)
_ <- playerRepo unWithdraw
_ <- pairingRepo removePlaying
winner <- playerRepo winner
_ <- winner.??(p => tournamentRepo.setWinnerId(, p.userId))
} yield {
playerRepo withPoints foreach {
_ foreach { p =>
userRepo.incToints(p.userId, p.score)
awardTrophies(tour).logFailure(logger, _ => s"${} awardTrophies")
callbacks.indexLeaderboard(tour).logFailure(logger, _ => s"${} indexLeaderboard")
def kill(tour: Tournament): Funit =
if (tour.isStarted) finish(tour)
else if (tour.isCreated) destroy(tour)
else funit
private def awardTrophies(tour: Tournament): Funit = {
import lila.user.TrophyKind._
tour.schedule.??(_.freq == Schedule.Freq.Marathon) ?? {
playerRepo.bestByTourWithRank(, 100).flatMap { {
case rp if rp.rank == 1 => trophyApi.award(rp.player.userId, marathonWinner)
case rp if rp.rank <= 10 => trophyApi.award(rp.player.userId, marathonTopTen)
case rp if rp.rank <= 50 => trophyApi.award(rp.player.userId, marathonTopFifty)
case rp => trophyApi.award(rp.player.userId, marathonTopHundred)
def verdicts(
tour: Tournament,
me: Option[User],
getUserTeamIds: User => Fu[List[TeamID]]
): Fu[Condition.All.WithVerdicts] = me match {
case None => fuccess(tour.conditions.accepted)
case Some(user) => verify(tour.conditions, user, getUserTeamIds)
private[tournament] def join(
tourId: Tournament.ID,
me: User,
password: Option[String],
withTeamId: Option[String],
getUserTeamIds: User => Fu[List[TeamID]],
promise: Option[Promise[Boolean]]
): Funit = Sequencing(tourId)(tournamentRepo.enterableById) { tour =>
val fuJoined =
if (tour.password == password) {
verdicts(tour, me.some, getUserTeamIds) flatMap {
_.accepted ?? {
pause.canJoin(, tour) ?? {
def proceedWithTeam(team: Option[String]) =
tournamentRepo.tourIdsToWithdrawWhenEntering(tourId).flatMap(withdrawMany(_, >>
playerRepo.join(, me, tour.perfLens, team) >>
updateNbPlayers( >>- {
} inject true
withTeamId match {
case None if !tour.isTeamBattle => proceedWithTeam(none)
case None if tour.isTeamBattle =>
playerRepo.exists(, flatMap {
case true => proceedWithTeam(none)
case false => fuccess(false)
case Some(team) =>
tour.teamBattle match {
case Some(battle) if battle.teams contains team =>
getUserTeamIds(me) flatMap { myTeams =>
if (myTeams has team) proceedWithTeam(team.some)
// else proceedWithTeam(team.some) // listress
else fuccess(false)
case _ => fuccess(false)
} else {
fuJoined map { joined =>
promise.foreach(_ success joined)
def joinWithResult(
tourId: Tournament.ID,
me: User,
password: Option[String],
teamId: Option[String],
getUserTeamIds: User => Fu[List[TeamID]]
): Fu[Boolean] = {
val promise = Promise[Boolean]
join(tourId, me, password, teamId, getUserTeamIds, promise.some)
promise.future.withTimeoutDefault(5.seconds, false)
def pageOf(tour: Tournament, userId: User.ID): Fu[Option[Int]] =
cached ranking tour map {
_ get userId map { rank =>
(Math.floor(rank / 10) + 1).toInt
private def updateNbPlayers(tourId: Tournament.ID): Funit =
playerRepo count tourId flatMap { tournamentRepo.setNbPlayers(tourId, _) }
def selfPause(tourId: Tournament.ID, userId: User.ID): Funit =
withdraw(tourId, userId, isPause = true, isStalling = false)
private def stallPause(tourId: Tournament.ID, userId: User.ID): Funit =
withdraw(tourId, userId, isPause = false, isStalling = true)
private def withdraw(tourId: Tournament.ID, userId: User.ID, isPause: Boolean, isStalling: Boolean): Funit =
Sequencing(tourId)(tournamentRepo.enterableById) {
case tour if tour.isCreated =>
playerRepo.remove(, userId) >> updateNbPlayers( >>- socket.reload( >>- publish()
case tour if tour.isStarted =>
for {
_ <- playerRepo.withdraw(, userId)
pausable <- if (isPause) cached.ranking(tour).map { _ get userId exists (7 >) } else
} yield {
if (pausable) pause.add(userId)
case _ => funit
private def withdrawMany(tourIds: List[Tournament.ID], userId: User.ID): Funit =
playerRepo.filterExists(tourIds, userId) flatMap { {
withdraw(_, userId, isPause = false, isStalling = false)
def withdrawAll(user: User): Funit =
tournamentRepo.nonEmptyEnterableIds flatMap { withdrawMany(_, }
private[tournament] def berserk(gameId: Game.ID, userId: User.ID): Funit =
proxyRepo game gameId flatMap {
_.filter(_.berserkable) ?? { game =>
game.tournamentId ?? { tourId =>
Sequencing(tourId)(tournamentRepo.startedById) { tour =>
pairingRepo.findPlaying(, userId) flatMap {
case Some(pairing) if !pairing.berserkOf(userId) =>
(pairing colorOf userId) ?? { color =>
pairingRepo.setBerserk(pairing, userId) >>-
tellRound(gameId, GoBerserk(color))
case _ => funit
private[tournament] def finishGame(game: Game): Funit = game.tournamentId ?? { tourId =>
Sequencing(tourId)(tournamentRepo.startedById) { tour =>
pairingRepo.finish(game) >>, game.some)).sequenceFu.void >>- {
private[tournament] def sittingDetected(game: Game, player: User.ID): Funit =
game.tournamentId ?? { stallPause(_, player) }
private def updatePlayer(
tour: Tournament,
finishing: Option[Game] // if set, update the player performance. Leave to none to just recompute the sheet.
)(userId: User.ID): Funit =
(tour.perfType.ifTrue(tour.mode.rated) ?? { userRepo.perfOf(userId, _) }) flatMap { perf =>
playerRepo.update(, userId) { player =>
cached.sheet.update(tour, userId) map { sheet =>
score =,
fire = sheet.onFire,
rating = perf.fold(player.rating)(_.intRating),
provisional = perf.fold(player.provisional)(_.provisional),
performance = {
for {
g <- finishing
performance <- performanceOf(g, userId).map(_.toDouble)
nbGames = sheet.scores.size
if nbGames > 0
} yield Math.round {
player.performance * (nbGames - 1) / nbGames + performance / nbGames
} toInt
} | player.performance
private def performanceOf(g: Game, userId: String): Option[Int] =
for {
opponent <- g.opponentByUserId(userId)
opponentRating <- opponent.rating
multiplier = g.winnerUserId.??(winner => if (winner == userId) 1 else -1)
} yield opponentRating + 500 * multiplier
@silent private def withdrawNonMover(game: Game): Unit =
for {
tourId <- game.tournamentId
if game.status == chess.Status.NoStart
player <- game.playerWhoDidNotMove
userId <- player.userId
} withdraw(tourId, userId, isPause = false, isStalling = false)
def pausePlaybanned(userId: User.ID) =
tournamentRepo.startedIds flatMap {
playerRepo.filterExists(_, userId) flatMap { { tourId =>
playerRepo.withdraw(tourId, userId) >>- socket.reload(tourId) >>- publish()
def ejectLame(userId: User.ID, playedIds: List[Tournament.ID]): Funit =
tournamentRepo.nonEmptyEnterableIds flatMap {
playerRepo.filterExists(_, userId) flatMap { enteredIds =>
(enteredIds ++ playedIds)
.map { ejectLame(_, userId) }
// withdraws the player and forfeits all pairings in ongoing tournaments
private def ejectLame(tourId: Tournament.ID, userId: User.ID): Funit =
Sequencing(tourId)(tournamentRepo.byId) { tour =>
playerRepo.withdraw(tourId, userId) >> {
if (tour.isStarted)
pairingRepo.findPlaying(, userId).map {
_ foreach { currentPairing =>
tellRound(currentPairing.gameId, AbortForce)
} >> pairingRepo.opponentsOf(, userId).flatMap { uids =>
pairingRepo.forfeitByTourAndUserId(, userId) >>
lila.common.Future.applySequentially(uids.toList)(updatePlayer(tour, none))
} else if (tour.isFinished && tour.winnerId.contains(userId))
playerRepo winner flatMap {
_ ?? { p =>
tournamentRepo.setWinnerId(, p.userId)
} else funit
} >>
updateNbPlayers( >>-
socket.reload( >>- publish()
private val tournamentTopCache = cacheApi[Tournament.ID, TournamentTop](16, "") {
_.refreshAfterWrite(3 second)
.expireAfterAccess(5 minutes)
.buildAsyncFuture { id =>
playerRepo.bestByTour(id, 20) dmap TournamentTop.apply
def tournamentTop(tourId: Tournament.ID): Fu[TournamentTop] =
tournamentTopCache get tourId
def miniView(game: Game, withTop: Boolean): Fu[Option[TourMiniView]] =
withTeamVs(game) flatMap {
_ ?? {
case TourAndTeamVs(tour, teamVs) =>
withTop ?? { tournamentTop( map some } map {
TourMiniView(tour, _, teamVs).some
def withTeamVs(game: Game): Fu[Option[TourAndTeamVs]] =
game.tournamentId ?? tournamentRepo.byId flatMap {
_ ?? { tour =>
(tour.isTeamBattle ?? playerRepo.teamVs(, game)) map {
TourAndTeamVs(tour, _).some
def fetchVisibleTournaments: Fu[VisibleTournaments] =
tournamentRepo.publicCreatedSorted(6 * 60) zip
tournamentRepo.publicStarted zip
tournamentRepo.finishedNotable(30) map {
case ((created, started), finished) =>
VisibleTournaments(created, started, finished)
def playerInfo(tour: Tournament, userId: User.ID): Fu[Option[PlayerInfoExt]] =
userRepo named userId flatMap {
_ ?? { user =>
playerRepo.find(, flatMap {
_ ?? { player =>
playerPovs(tour,, 50) map { povs =>
PlayerInfoExt(user, player, povs).some
def allCurrentLeadersInStandard: Fu[Map[Tournament, TournamentTop]] =
tournamentRepo.standardPublicStartedFromSecondary.flatMap { tours =>
.map { tour =>
tournamentTop( map (tour -> _)
def calendar: Fu[List[Tournament]] = {
val from =
tournamentRepo.calendar(from = from, to = from plusYears 1)
def resultStream(tour: Tournament, perSecond: MaxPerSecond, nb: Int): Source[Player.Result, _] =
.sortedCursor(, perSecond.value)
.throttle(perSecond.value, 1 second)
.mapAsync(8) {
case (player, index) =>
lightUserApi.async(player.userId) map { lu =>
Player.Result(player, lu | LightUser.fallback(player.userId), index.toInt + 1)
def byOwnerStream(owner: User, perSecond: MaxPerSecond, nb: Int): Source[Tournament, _] =
.sortedCursor(owner, perSecond.value)
.throttle(perSecond.value, 1 second)
private def playerPovs(tour: Tournament, userId: User.ID, nb: Int): Fu[List[LightPov]] =
pairingRepo.recentIdsByTourAndUserId(, userId, nb) flatMap
gameRepo.light.gamesFromPrimary map {
_ flatMap { LightPov.ofUserId(_, userId) }
private def Sequencing(
tourId: Tournament.ID
)(fetch: Tournament.ID => Fu[Option[Tournament]])(run: Tournament => Funit): Funit =
workQueue(tourId) {
fetch(tourId) flatMap {
_ ?? run
private object publish {
private val debouncer = system.actorOf(Props(new Debouncer(15 seconds, { (_: Debouncer.Nothing) =>
fetchVisibleTournaments flatMap apiJsonView.apply foreach { json =>
SendToFlag("tournament", Json.obj("t" -> "reload", "d" -> json)),
tournamentRepo.promotable foreach { tours => ? Tournament.TournamentTable(tours) map {
case view: String => Bus.publish(ReloadTournaments(view), "lobbySocket")
def apply(): Unit = { debouncer ! Debouncer.Nothing }
private object updateTournamentStanding {
import lila.hub.EarlyMultiThrottler
// last published top hashCode
private val lastPublished = lila.memo.CacheApi.scaffeineNoScheduler
.expireAfterWrite(2 minute)
.build[Tournament.ID, Int]
private def publishNow(tourId: Tournament.ID) = tournamentTop(tourId) map { top =>
val lastHash: Int = ~lastPublished.getIfPresent(tourId)
if (lastHash != top.hashCode) {
lila.hub.actorApi.round.TourStanding(tourId,, lightUserApi.sync)),
lastPublished.put(tourId, top.hashCode)
private val throttler = system.actorOf(Props(new EarlyMultiThrottler(logger = logger)))
def apply(tourId: Tournament.ID): Unit =
throttler ! EarlyMultiThrottler.Work(
id = tourId,
run = () => publishNow(tourId),
cooldown = 15.seconds
private object TournamentApi {
case class Callbacks(
clearJsonViewCache: Tournament => Unit,
clearWinnersCache: Tournament => Unit,
clearTrophyCache: Tournament => Unit,
indexLeaderboard: Tournament => Funit