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package lila.common
package paginator
import scalaz.Success
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
final class Paginator[A] private[paginator] (
val currentPage: Int,
val maxPerPage: Int,
* Returns the results for the current page.
* The result is cached.
val currentPageResults: Seq[A],
* Returns the number of results.
* The result is cached.
val nbResults: Int) {
* Returns the previous page.
def previousPage: Option[Int] = (currentPage != 1) option (currentPage - 1)
* Returns the next page.
def nextPage: Option[Int] = (currentPage != nbPages) option (currentPage + 1)
* Returns the number of pages.
def nbPages: Int = scala.math.ceil(nbResults.toFloat / maxPerPage).toInt
* Returns whether we have to paginate or not.
* This is true if the number of results is higher than the max per page.
def hasToPaginate: Boolean = nbResults > maxPerPage
* Returns whether there is previous page or not.
def hasPreviousPage: Boolean = previousPage.isDefined
* Returns whether there is next page or not.
def hasNextPage: Boolean = nextPage.isDefined
object Paginator {
def apply[A](
adapter: AdapterLike[A],
currentPage: Int = 1,
maxPerPage: Int = 10): Fu[Paginator[A]] =
validate(adapter, currentPage, maxPerPage) | apply(adapter, 1, maxPerPage)
def validate[A](
adapter: AdapterLike[A],
currentPage: Int = 1,
maxPerPage: Int = 10): Valid[Fu[Paginator[A]]] =
if (currentPage < 1) !!("Max per page must be greater than zero")
else if (maxPerPage <= 0) !!("Current page must be greater than zero")
else Success(for {
results adapter.slice((currentPage - 1) * maxPerPage, maxPerPage)
nbResults adapter.nbResults
} yield new Paginator(currentPage, maxPerPage, results, nbResults))