
97 lines
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package controllers
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import lila.common.{ HTTPRequest, IpAddress }
import play.api.libs.json._
import views._
final class ForumTopic(env: Env) extends LilaController(env) with ForumController {
private val CreateRateLimit =
new lila.memo.RateLimit[IpAddress](2, 5 minutes, name = "forum create topic", key = "forum.topic")
def form(categSlug: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
NotForKids {
OptionFuOk( bySlug categSlug) { categ =>
forms.anyCaptcha map {, forms.topic, _) }
def create(categSlug: String) = OpenBody { implicit ctx =>
CategGrantWrite(categSlug) {
implicit val req = ctx.body
OptionFuResult( bySlug categSlug) { categ =>
err =>
forms.anyCaptcha map { captcha =>
BadRequest(, err, captcha))
data =>
CreateRateLimit(HTTPRequest lastRemoteAddress ctx.req) {
topicApi.makeTopic(categ, data) map { topic =>
Redirect(, topic.slug, 1))
def show(categSlug: String, slug: String, page: Int) = Open { implicit ctx =>
NotForKids {
OptionFuOk(, slug, page, ctx.troll)) {
case (categ, topic, posts) =>
for {
unsub <- ctx.userId ?? env.timeline.status(s"forum:${}")
canWrite <- isGrantedWrite(categSlug)
form <- (!posts.hasNextPage && canWrite && && !topic.isOld) ?? forms.postWithCaptcha
canModCateg <- isGrantedMod(categ.slug)
_ <- env.user.lightUserApi preloadMany posts.currentPageResults.flatMap(_.userId)
} yield, topic, posts, form, unsub, canModCateg = canModCateg)
def close(categSlug: String, slug: String) = Auth { implicit ctx => me =>
CategGrantMod(categSlug) {
OptionFuRedirect(, slug, 1, ctx.troll)) {
case (categ, topic, pag) =>
topicApi.toggleClose(categ, topic, me) inject, slug, pag.nbPages)
def hide(categSlug: String, slug: String) = Secure(_.ModerateForum) { implicit ctx => me =>
OptionFuRedirect(, slug, 1, ctx.troll)) {
case (categ, topic, pag) =>
topicApi.toggleHide(categ, topic, me) inject, slug, pag.nbPages)
def sticky(categSlug: String, slug: String) = Auth { implicit ctx => me =>
CategGrantMod(categSlug) {
OptionFuRedirect(, slug, 1, ctx.troll)) {
case (categ, topic, pag) =>
topicApi.toggleSticky(categ, topic, me) inject, slug, pag.nbPages)
* Returns a list of the usernames of people participating in a forum topic conversation
def participants(topicId: String) = Auth { _ => _ =>
for {
userIds <- postApi userIds topicId
usernames <- env.user.repo usernamesByIds userIds
} yield Ok(Json.toJson(usernames.sortBy(_.toLowerCase)))