
24 lines
895 B

$(() => {
const tagify = new Tagify(document.getElementById('form3-topics'), {
pattern: /.{2,}/,
maxTags: 30
let abortCtrl; // for aborting the call
tagify.on('input', e => {
const term = e.detail.value.trim();
if (term.length < 2) return;
tagify.settings.whitelist.length = 0; // reset the whitelist
abortCtrl && abortCtrl.abort();
abortCtrl = new AbortController();
// show loading animation and hide the suggestions dropdown
fetch(`/study/topic/autocomplete?term=${encodeURIComponent(term)}`, {signal: abortCtrl.signal})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(list => {
tagify.settings.whitelist.splice(0, list.length, ...list); // update whitelist Array in-place
tagify.loading(false), term); // render the suggestions dropdown