
178 lines
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package lila.common
import org.joda.time.{ DateTime, DateTimeZone }
import{ Formatter, JodaFormats }
import{ Constraint, Constraints }
import{ Field, FormError, Mapping }
import scala.util.Try
object Form {
type Options[A] = Iterable[(A, String)]
type FormLike = {
def apply(key: String): Field
def errors: Seq[FormError]
def options(it: Iterable[Int], pattern: String): Options[Int] =
it map { d =>
d -> (pluralize(pattern, d) format d)
def options(it: Iterable[Int], transformer: Int => Int, pattern: String): Options[Int] =
it map { d =>
d -> (pluralize(pattern, transformer(d)) format transformer(d))
def options(it: Iterable[Int], code: String, pattern: String): Options[String] =
it map { d =>
s"$d$code" -> (pluralize(pattern, d) format d)
def options(it: Iterable[Int], format: Int => String): Options[Int] =
it map { d =>
d -> format(d)
def optionsDouble(it: Iterable[Double], format: Double => String): Options[Double] =
it map { d =>
d -> format(d)
def numberIn(choices: Options[Int]) =
number.verifying(hasKey(choices, _))
def numberIn(choices: Set[Int]) =
number.verifying(choices.contains _)
def numberIn(choices: Seq[Int]) =
number.verifying(choices.contains _)
def numberInDouble(choices: Options[Double]) =
of[Double].verifying(hasKey(choices, _))
def trim(m: Mapping[String]) = m.transform[String](_.trim, identity)
def clean(m: Mapping[String]) =
.verifying("This text contains invalid chars", s => !String.hasZeroWidthChars(s))
def eventName(minLength: Int, maxLength: Int) =
Constraints minLength minLength,
Constraints maxLength maxLength,
regex = """[\p{L}\p{N}-\s:,;'\+]+""".r,
error = "Invalid characters"
def stringIn(choices: Options[String]) =
text.verifying(hasKey(choices, _))
def stringIn(choices: Set[String]) =
text.verifying(choices.contains _)
def tolerantBoolean = of[Boolean](formatter.tolerantBooleanFormatter)
def hasKey[A](choices: Options[A], key: A) = contains key
def trueish(v: Any) = v == 1 || v == "1" || v == "true" || v == "on" || v == "yes"
private def pluralize(pattern: String, nb: Int) =
pattern.replace("{s}", if (nb == 1) "" else "s")
object formatter {
def stringFormatter[A](from: A => String, to: String => A): Formatter[A] =
new Formatter[A] {
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) = stringFormat.bind(key, data) map to
def unbind(key: String, value: A) = stringFormat.unbind(key, from(value))
def intFormatter[A](from: A => Int, to: Int => A): Formatter[A] =
new Formatter[A] {
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) = intFormat.bind(key, data) map to
def unbind(key: String, value: A) = intFormat.unbind(key, from(value))
val tolerantBooleanFormatter: Formatter[Boolean] = new Formatter[Boolean] {
override val format = Some(("format.boolean", Nil))
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) =
Right(data.getOrElse(key, "false")).flatMap { v =>
def unbind(key: String, value: Boolean) = Map(key -> value.toString)
object constraint {
import{ validation => V }
def minLength[A](from: A => String)(length: Int): Constraint[A] =
Constraint[A]("constraint.minLength", length) { o =>
if (from(o).lengthIs >= length) V.Valid else V.Invalid(V.ValidationError("error.minLength", length))
def maxLength[A](from: A => String)(length: Int): Constraint[A] =
Constraint[A]("constraint.maxLength", length) { o =>
if (from(o).lengthIs <= length) V.Valid else V.Invalid(V.ValidationError("error.maxLength", length))
def inTheFuture(m: Mapping[DateTime]) =
"The date must be set in the future",
object UTCDate {
val dateTimePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
val utcDate = jodaDate(dateTimePattern, DateTimeZone.UTC)
implicit val dateTimeFormat = JodaFormats.jodaDateTimeFormat(dateTimePattern)
object ISODateTime {
val dateTimePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
val formatter = JodaFormats.jodaDateTimeFormat(dateTimePattern, DateTimeZone.UTC)
val isoDateTime = jodaDate(dateTimePattern, DateTimeZone.UTC)
implicit val dateTimeFormat = JodaFormats.jodaDateTimeFormat(dateTimePattern)
object ISODate {
val datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"
val formatter = JodaFormats.jodaDateTimeFormat(datePattern, DateTimeZone.UTC)
val isoDateTime = jodaDate(datePattern, DateTimeZone.UTC)
implicit val dateFormat = JodaFormats.jodaDateTimeFormat(datePattern)
object Timestamp {
val formatter = new Formatter[org.joda.time.DateTime] {
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) =
.bind(key, data)
.flatMap { str =>
Try(java.lang.Long.parseLong(str)).toEither.flatMap { long =>
Try(new DateTime(long)).toEither
.map(_ => Seq(FormError(key, "Invalid timestamp", Nil)))
def unbind(key: String, value: org.joda.time.DateTime) = Map(key -> value.getMillis.toString)
val timestamp = of[org.joda.time.DateTime](formatter)
object ISODateOrTimestamp {
val formatter = new Formatter[org.joda.time.DateTime] {
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) =
ISODate.formatter.bind(key, data) orElse Timestamp.formatter.bind(key, data)
def unbind(key: String, value: org.joda.time.DateTime) = ISODate.formatter.unbind(key, value)
val isoDateOrTimestamp = of[org.joda.time.DateTime](formatter)
object ISODateTimeOrTimestamp {
val formatter = new Formatter[org.joda.time.DateTime] {
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) =
ISODateTime.formatter.bind(key, data) orElse Timestamp.formatter.bind(key, data)
def unbind(key: String, value: org.joda.time.DateTime) = ISODateTime.formatter.unbind(key, value)
val isoDateTimeOrTimestamp = of[org.joda.time.DateTime](formatter)